An invitation is sent to some German reporters by Samsung announcing the event that is going to take place on 11 October. As per the document, there are rumors regarding a possible Galaxy S III mini is scheduled to be launched.

Unveiled by the German site Mobiflip the invitation requests to "prepare for a small sensation." "Something small will make a grand entrance," is said in the document, sent by mail.

Samsung will now hold a press conference on October 11 to present a "small" novelty, a device, probably by size.

Speculation arise on including a possible smaller version of the Galaxy S III which is 4.8-inch srceen in the model currently available on the market. The rumor is not new and was already many were talking about it last August, when referring to a model of 4 inches.

It will take a few days before what Samsung plans to unveil during the press conference, while on the other hand, Apple could unveil the iPad mini on Oct. 17.