Samsung Galaxy S III mini Launching on October 11?
An invitation is sent to some German reporters by Samsung announcing the event that is going to take place on 11 October. As per the document, there are rumors regarding a possible Galaxy S III mini is scheduled to be launched.
Unveiled by the German site Mobiflip the invitation requests to "prepare for a small sensation." "Something small will make a grand entrance," is said in the document, sent by mail.
Samsung will now hold a press conference on October 11 to present a "small" novelty, a device, probably by size.
Speculation arise on including a possible smaller version of the Galaxy S III which is 4.8-inch srceen in the model currently available on the market. The rumor is not new and was already many were talking about it last August, when referring to a model of 4 inches.
It will take a few days before what Samsung plans to unveil during the press conference, while on the other hand, Apple could unveil the iPad mini on Oct. 17.
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