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Thread: Google buys Wildfire Ad Firm for 250m dollars

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Google buys Wildfire Ad Firm for 250m dollars

    The U.S. giant announced the takeover of Wildfire. They went into the social connections software that allows professionals to link their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and study their presence on these networks.

    Google announced the takeover of Wildfire. The company provides tools to analyze the presence of a company on social networks. The latter can then more readily send its marketing and advertising campaigns to a targeted audience. The transaction amount is not stated but citing some people familiar with the matter, forward the sum of $ 250 million.

    In a footnote, Google welcomes this acquisition and indicates that with Wildfire, "we progress in our idea of creating opportunities for our clients so they can commit to all social networks. We believe that better content and homogeneous solutions will help unleash the potential of the Web for users and businesses."

    Wildfire crews will shortly be joining those of Google to be incorporated. In this area, the U.S. will face stiff competition recently as Oracle (Collective Intellect) and Salesforce (Buddy Media) have already made strategic acquisitions.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Google buys Wildfire Ad Firm for 250m dollars

    After failing to buy Buddy Media, Google has managed to buy its competitor Wildfire, a Startup that specializes in marketing social networks (social media marketing). Created in 2008 by Victoria Ransom and Alain Chuard, Wildfire offers a suite of tools to manage brands visibility to consumers directly on social networks: Twitter and Facebook of course, but also YouTube, Google +, LinkedIn, Pinterest. They went from 5 to 400 employees within 30 months.

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