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Thread: Marissa Mayer, a Google Executive, now becomes CEO of Yahoo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Marissa Mayer, a Google Executive, now becomes CEO of Yahoo

    The company Yahoo! has created a stir by announcing their new CEO, Marissa Mayer, who was formerly a Google's Executive.

    This time will she be good for Yahoo!? After Carol Bartz dismissed by phone and then decided to be replaced by Scott Thompson with his scheming CV, Yahoo's Sunnyvale decided to turn to Marissa Mayer after two months during which Ross Levinsohn has provided interim leadership.

    Indeed, previously, she was working at Google, a company she joined in 1999 as the 20th employee. She has designed user interfaces and registered several patents to her name on technologies of artificial intelligence. She was primarily responsible for product research and especially Google Search, Gmail, Google News and Google Images. Subsequently, her work was focused on location-based applications like Google Maps, Latitude or Google Earth.

    Yahoo! has recently put an end to its tensions with Facebook in the field of intellectual properties, which were not initiated by Scott Thompson. Ailing for several years, the company recently announced a new wave of layoffs. Ms. Mayer will be responsible for developing the strategy that Yahoo! is trying to compete while focusing on the deployment of its media activities on the Web.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Marissa Mayer, a Google Executive, now becomes CEO of Yahoo

    Mayer thus becomes the most important woman in the elite section of Silicon Valley, and in a statement was "honored and delighted to lead Yahoo!, the destination of over 700 million users," and promised to continue to innovate and improve products and content for users and advertisers. Mayer will be the fifth CEO of Yahoo in five years, not including two interim directors though.

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