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Thread: Google buys Quickoffice Suite

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Google buys Quickoffice Suite

    Google strengthens its office tools and announces the acquisition of the office suite "Quickoffice".

    Having completed the acquisition of the instant messaging platform Meebo, Google reveals that it has purchased Quickoffice. The company develops a suite for iOS mobile, Android and S60 phones that "provides an intuitive and makes it easy to use for advanced editing of Word, Excel and PowerPoint files with file management solution integrated." Applications like Quickword, Quicksheet and Quickpoint also makes it easy to access multiple cloud services providers, including MobileMe, Dropbox, Google Docs,, Huddle and SugarSync.

    Directly from their smartphone or a compatible tablet, mobile users will be able to edit a document, spreadsheet or presentation. Google's official blog explains that the company was able to develop applications that were compatible with all major file types. The acquisition will strengthen Google's web applications and probably set as a default software on future Android devices.

    QuickOffice positions itself facing Documents To Go developed by the publisher DataViz, which would have been repurchased by Research In Motion in September 2010 for 50 Millions of dollars.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Google buys Quickoffice Suite

    Google, also made ​​this week another purchase, for the firm called Meebo, with which it seeks to expand its social networking services and add more tools to Google Plus, which will be an alternative competitor to Facebook. While social network created by Mark Zuckerberg is approaching 1,000 million users worldwide, Google has about 170 million Internet users who use it regularly.

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