Toshiba, in the coming weeks, will launch the Qosmio X770 3D, a 17.3-inch laptop that comes standard with the Vision 3D technology from NVIDIA, as well as its latest mobile GPU, the GeForce GTX 560M.
Although it is not directly exposed, Toshiba, through its partners, showcases the latest in its range, the Quosmio X770 3D, at Computex. The X770 is 3.4 kg on the scales, with not a new chassis, but benefits from a new configuration, built around an Intel (i5 or i7), 8 GB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560M equipped with 1.5 GB dedicated memory. Storage is provided by the combination of a SDD, housing the operating system and a traditional hard drive running at 7200 rpm. A hybrid Blu-ray / DVD burner is also a part of this laptop, with the USB 3.0 (two ports), Bluetooth 3.0 and a 2.1 audio set.
Two variants are proposed: the X770 standard, fitted with a slab displaying 1600 x 900 pixels and X770 3D, which passes full HD screen and a 120 Hz to exploit technology to display 3D terrain GeForce vision. This second version also incorporates the necessary infrared transmitter sync active glasses required to take effect for the "3D". The introductory price has not been sent yet.