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Thread: Ovi Mail connect over a million users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Ovi Mail connect over a million users

    The company Nokia announced that over the last 6 months more than a million people have received free e-mail by using the service Ovi Mail. In order to have a mailbox and use the mail do not necessarily have access to a computer - service-oriented access to mobile devices.

    Ovi Mail is available in over 180 countries now and accessible in 20 languages. Of the one million accounts created so far about two thirds were created and set up on mobile devices. Some of the most popular devices for accessing Ovi Mail include the Nokia 2330 Classic, the 2630 and 5310 XpressMusic. Right now though Ovi Mail is supported by over 100 different Nokia models, include S60 devices such as the Nokia N97. What’s more, Ovi Mail is free to use.

    Leaders on the number of users are India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, South Africa. By now, Ovi Mail is more than 180 countries and supports 20 languages.

    Ovi Mail to be one of the most exciting services launched by Nokia recently, simply because of the way it can make a huge difference to people’s lives. Getting the rest of the world online is a huge undertaking, but with such rapid adoption, it’s looking likely to be a huge success.

    Access to the service as is possible with devices based on Series 40 platform, and with the help of smartphones running S60.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Ovi Mail connect over a million users

    Ovi Mail to be one of the majority exciting services freshly launched via Nokia, simply by how they can make a big difference in the lives of people. Get the rest of the online world is a huge undertaking, but with the rapid adoption by example, which is looking likely to be a great success. Access to the service as probable through devices based on Series 40 platform, and by way of the help of smart phones running S60. The company Nokia announced that larger than the most recent 6 months more than a million people have received free e-mails with Ovi Mail.

  3. #3
    laceyjones11 Guest

    Re: Ovi Mail connect over a million users

    its good for us

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