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Thread: Enable ACPI 2.0 in Bios?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Enable ACPI 2.0 in Bios?

    I’m assembling a new computer for Windows Vista with Asus P5B-VM motherboard. There is a confusion for me, actually I found two ACPI settings in this Mobo BIOS, which is ACPI 2.0 Support (Disabled) and ACPI APIC Support (Enabled). Now the question I have is should I enabled the ACPI 2.0 as well for optimum power management or should it be Disabled itself? Any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Enable ACPI 2.0 in Bios?

    Its true that ACPI 2.0 provides greater control of the power management function to your operating system but you should or should not enable it, it depends on your mobo and its manufacturer can tell this better. As it is kept rurned off, there is a reason like if it is buggy, it may cause many problems. But still you should consult Asus regarding the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Enable ACPI 2.0 in Bios?

    There are many old BIOS version that do not support ACPI and because of that the pc could not successfully enter advanced power modes like sleep or hibernate. Normally ACPI 2.0 standard is needed by Windows 7 to work properly. It also lets the operating system greater control of the power management function.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Enable ACPI 2.0 in Bios?

    Check which version of BIOS you are using, if it is pretty old then you will need to update it. Check if your Vista system has the option to force a non-ACPI installation. For the BIOS, Intel suggests - "For use with the MVR SKU only. Identified by boards with AA#s ending in -6xx or higher." You can find the AA number located on a sticker on your motherboard which looks like a revision number.

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