For flash and .swf files specifically I have found a solution that works in vista, I personally have only tested it in windows business edition but
I have no reason to think it won't work for all other versions.
This is a multi-step process that requires the use of a third-party program, I have used it on my computer and I would say that it is safe but as with all third party programs use at your own risk.
The basic idea is to turn the swf file into a screensaver and then set the screen saver as your desktop background.
Step one: download and install InstantStorm. This program will allow you to turn .swf files into screen savers (.scr files)
Step one(b): install the screen saver using the exe file that instantstorm creates for you. (dont forget to set your screen saver back to what you had it as because the exe will set the new screen saver as the active one.)
Step two: click start and in the search field type cmd and then hit enter, this will pop up a black window. In this window type "<the name of the screen saver you made, for example if you named it 'awesomeDesktop' then you would type awesomeDesktop.scr here> /p65552 and then hit enter
remember to add the file extention .scr or it wont work.
and thats that, hope this helps