I had the same problem/error message with Premium 64 and an ati 3650
(running a monitor and LCD TV). It was happening every three minutes on
the dot, which told me that there was some sort of patterning/system
checking function with negative results happening. I took the advice on
this thread and explored my CCC and noticed that the primary monitor in
CCC was set as my LCD TV but I was using only my monitor at the time
(LCD TV was off). So I swapped back, making my monitor the primary
display and then the errors magically stopped.

So for those using CCC and running dual monitors but only using one,
make sure your primary monitor is the one you are actually using. It's
easy to get it switched around - it happened to me because of playing
Blue Ray discs on my PC to the LCD TV (as most of you know, you can only
make one monitor active because of the copyright contstraints that come
with having a BR player - so I made my LCD TV the primary monitor.)

I'm not the most technically compitent person, but thought I'd share my
findings. It may save some people unnessesary reinstalls and driver

