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Thread: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installations

  1. #1
    Jim Guest

    Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installations

    I have a Vista Ultimate OS, and Windows Installation Cleanup Utility shows
    two versions installed: v8.0.50727.42 and v8.0.56336. Do I need to remove
    one of these and if so, which one? OR, do I need to remove both and install
    version v8.0.50727.762 (the SP1 version)? I've been having problems with
    Microsoft Visual C++ runtime errors. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Andrew McLaren Guest

    Re: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installations

    In theory, you can have as many versions of the C++ Runtime installed as you
    want, or need. The runtime files get installed in the "Side-by-Side" cache,
    C:\Windows\winsxs. Each version gets its own unique directory. So for
    example, you could have 2 or more versions of msvcr80.dll, one installed in:


    and the other in:


    Applications built with Visual C++ typically have a "manifest" which tells
    the application what specific side-by-side DLL versions are acceptable. So
    when App1 goes to load msvcr80.dll, it will look in the first directory, for
    the version of msvcr80.dll it likes best. App 2 may look in the second
    directory instead, to find a specific version of msvcr80.dll it likes. If
    the app does not request a specific version, the Side-by-Side cache manager
    will load the "best" DLL, according to some internal algorithm. If an
    application mandates a specific version of a DLL in its manifest, and that
    version is not present on the system, then you will get an error, even
    though there may be several other versions of the DLL on the system.

    This mechanism is designed to get past the problem of "DLL Hell" (belive it
    or not :-).

    The exact list of runtine versions you need depends on what applications you
    have installed, and what Runtime DLL versions they are mandating (if any).
    But apart from a small amount of disk space (these are not big files)
    there's not much overhead in having several versions of the Runtime
    installed. So you don't need to aggressively trim the list.

    There were some problems installing some versions of the VC++ Runtime on
    Vista, because the Installer package did not seem to understand UAC
    correctly. The Write permissions in the winsxs directory are fairly tightly
    controlled and some files didn't get written - I seem to recall ATL80.DLL
    was particularly affected by this. So that may be the source of the errors
    you're getting?

  3. #3
    Jim Guest

    Re: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installatio

    I found 9 entries in C:\windows\winsxs. 4 are duplicates of the basic 5
    versions. I assume that this is Ok from your previous answer.
    Interestingly, none of the versions shown is 8.0.56336 that is shown as
    installed in the Windows Install Clean Up Utility?

  4. #4
    Andrew McLaren Guest

    Re: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installatio

    Yep ... generally, I'd err on the side of leaving the SxS cache well alone.

    Bit strange, but they're 2 different things:

    - Install Cleanup utility is looking at the entries for installed products,
    in the Registry and the %windir%\Installer subdirectory.

    - Entries can be put into the C:\Windows\winsxs SxS cache either explicitly,
    by running a Setup program (eg VC Runtime); or by some more implicit
    manner - as part of another application's installation routine, or the like.
    So you could easy end up with SxS entries that don't show in Add/Remove

    It's a bit anomalous that Installer cleanup shows 8.0.56336 but it doesn't
    appear in the SxS cache. But I wouldn't worry too much ... I'd probably
    elect to delete the Installer entry, but I'm not sure there's a really
    strong motivation either way.

  5. #5
    Jim Guest

    Re: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installatio

    I think that i'm going to delete yhe v8.0.56386 using the Clean Up Utility so
    that installation programs don't think that 8.0.56386 is already installed.

  6. #6
    Andrew McLaren Guest

    Re: Multiple Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Installatio

    Yep, sounds good to me.

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