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Thread: Help Needed!! Windows Movie Maker Crashes When Publishing Movie

  1. #1
    SiD Guest

    Help Needed!! Windows Movie Maker Crashes When Publishing Movie

    My Windows Movie Maker crashes when i try to publish a movie to any of the
    mode (computer, dvd, cd). I get the following error:

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: moviemk.exe
    Application Version: 6.0.6000.16386
    Application Timestamp: 4549b5b6
    Fault Module Name: StackHash_1703
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 070605d3
    OS Version: 6.0.6000.
    Locale ID: 16393
    Additional Information 1: 1703
    Additional Information 2: 2264db07e74365624c50317d7b856ae9
    Additional Information 3: 1344
    Additional Information 4: 875fa2ef9d2bdca96466e8af55d1ae6e

    Can someone please help as i have a project to be delivered & i am stuck!!
    Any help will be much appreciated!
    FYI: I have Nero 7 installed on my machine. My OS is Vista Home Premium

  2. #2
    cubfan Guest
    Unfortunately, I can't help, but I'm have problems too. I'm able to create
    my movie (this is my first time), but when I try to publish to a DVD I get an
    "unspecified error" Do you have any idea what that is? I can publish it to
    my computer, but I need it on a DVD for my dad's 80th birthday. I appreciate
    any ideas.

    make my video in Windows Movie Maker, and Movie Maker sends it to Windows
    DVD-maker, and the coding and burning begins - BUT of no reason my computer
    turns off. The hibernation is deactived, so that's not the reason.

    The supportcenter at HP's just told me to use the installed program Roxio
    instead, but I don't find it a satisfactory solution to my problems.

    I've tried to get some help on the net, but with no luck. If I find some
    help, I'll get back to you. I appreciate any ideas.

    Sorry, forgot to tell, that I use Windows Vista Premium on my brand new HP
    Medie Center.

  3. #3
    Adam Albright Guest
    Use a better third party product. You'll be amazed how all the
    constant problems repeated here over and over go away. Microsoft
    didn't see fit to include a real video editor with Vista. Movie Maker
    is just a toy and often behaves like a toy. While I don't have DVD
    Maker since I have the business version where it isn't included I
    suspect the same kind of issues.

    Just for general information there are several steps necessary to make
    good reliable videos that should in most cases play on any computer
    and probably more importantly on any recent set top DVD player so you
    can enjoy the benefits of playing your videos off some big screen HD

    1. Begin with good quality source files. I can't over stress this. The
    old adage 'garbage in, garbage out' is doubly true when working
    with videos. So if you begin with some junk you downloaded off the
    web or found in some newsgroup changes are it already had the crap
    compressed out it, it may be in some non standard format requiring
    some special codec and all kinds of other things that will drive
    crazy trying to work with it. Best to begin with DV AVI which if
    you're making videos from something you shot with your own video
    camera should be an output option. If you have a newer camera that
    records directly to a DVD be aware the format isn't supported by
    a lot of applications. So smart to be sure whatever application
    you plan to use supports whatever formats the camera can output to.

    2. If you plan on doing anything beyond very simplistic, basic editing
    investing in a decent video editor is a must. Movie Maker isn't a
    good video editor. I can't say it any plainer than that.

    A "good" video editor is first and foremost one you are comfortable
    with and understand how to use. While way more powerful, it doesn't
    make much sense to invest in some pro grade editor costing hundreds
    if you also aren't planning on learning how to use it or are going
    to get intimidated with all the controls or if you only make one or
    two vids a year.

    If you've read some of my posts in the past you know I'm always
    praising Vegas and how good it is. That's because it is one of
    those rare applications that is both easy to use and powerful and
    even right out of the box within minutes you can do amazing things.
    The more time you invest in learning all it can do the more
    impressed you'll get. It is that good! Even at the entry level
    version which costs about $80 it does circles around Movie Maker.
    More important is a rock solid stable.

    3. Understand what transcoding, bitrate selection, field order, motion
    blur and deinterlace method means. If your application doesn't even
    give you choices or offer these things, you know you're playing
    with a toy.

    4. Know how changing frame rate, frame size, overall aspect ratio and
    pixel aspect impact your finished project. Getting any one wrong
    can lead to unexpected results.

    5. Know when to use different templates and file types as output as
    well as controlling how the video will get compressed. This is part
    of what a CODEC does and can make or break your video or prevent it
    from getting burned correctly later if you're making a DVD.

    Your initial goal if you're making a DVD is first make a compliant
    MPEG-2 file. There are exacting standards for NTSC and PAL, the two
    primary scheme used, which one you use depends where you live in
    the world.

    6. Understand the time to get a finished DVD involves several steps,
    the major ones follow:

    a. editing, enhancing source file(s)
    b. color correction (set proper levels, hues, etc.
    c. adding/editing sound/music track(s)
    d. render to compliant MPEG-2 file type
    e. if desired add DVD authoring, chapters, effects, etc.
    f. Make VOB's (files readable by DVD player)
    G. Actual burning of (f) unto blank DVD media

    Items a through c vary greatly depending on length and complexity of
    project. Item d which is transcoding all the source files regardless
    of type/size/frame rate to you're chosen project's final form and
    rendering out to MPEG-2 generally is the longest and most time
    consuming job. How long the process takes depends on complexity,
    length and also to a great extent the power of your PC, what encoder
    you use, the bitrate you encode at. Normal can be anywhere from a
    ratio of to 2 to 1 to 20 to 1 or even high. So rendering a ten minute
    video can take 90-100 minutes, maybe much longer if you add lots of
    special effect requiring additional processing. This is NOT the total
    time required, just the initial step. Note Move Maker and DVD Maker
    combine this and other steps into one process which can extend the

    Once you have a finished MPEG-2 file adding others and doing any DVD
    Authoring is dependent on how complex your project is. Since you can
    get roughly an hour and twenty minutes on one single sided standard
    form DVD the time to make that many different videos or one really big
    one is quite extensive. Next the creation of the VOB or image files
    needed to burn a DVD take on average between 20 to 40 minutes more.

    Finally the actual burning takes between 8 to 30 minutes or so for a
    full 4.7 GB DVD. How fast depends on your burner speed. You NEVER
    should burn at full speed, that is begging for problems. Generally
    burn at no more than half the DVD burner's rated max speed. So if you
    have a 16X burner that means selecting a burn speed of 8X, maybe 12X
    if you're feeling lucky.

    Common problems for a DVD not getting burned are bad media, it
    happens, live with it, try again. DVD Burner needing a firmware
    update. Hanging during lean-in (generally up to 4% on finished
    progress bar) or lead-out, generally at 97% finished or after. Cause
    again may be bad media or something wrong with the burner.

    Do NOT do anything and I mean NOTHING else with your computer while
    you're burning a DVD. Don't even touch your keyboard. While you should
    be able to and often can, don't! Things that often ruin a good burn is
    Windows messing around on it's own in the background which may allow
    the burner's buffer to empty...result instant coaster. Your anti-virus
    or anything else phoning home or starting up, any TSR application,
    including your screen saver kicking in.

    Best advice, before trying to burn a DVD turn off any power saving or
    hibernation options and either turn off or extend screen saver to not
    kick it to AFTER you expect the DVD to be finished burning. One irony
    here is a lot of people report the DVD proceeding to burn ok, then
    failing near the 98% mark and the actual cause may have been the
    screen saver or something else kicked it and ruined it!

  4. #4
    tahsin Guest
    I just found out the problem.
    I have nero 7 installed on vista. To fix the vista movie maker crash
    when rendering, I just renamed this folder
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\DSFilter
    Renamed DSFilter to something else. Vista Movie Maker no longer crashes
    and when I want to use Nero again, just rename DSFilter back to normal.

    you may want to try this. It fixed my problem

    method 2 worked for me

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    your method worked wonderfully
    This worked for me too.

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