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Thread: Stretch 4:3 video to 16:9 (wide screen) in WMP 11

  1. #1
    manu08 Guest

    Stretch 4:3 video to 16:9 (wide screen) in WMP 11

    I've got a notebook with Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit. In WMP 11 I'm
    unable to find any setting to stretch a 4:3 video to wide screen since my
    notebook display is wide screen & I don't like having the black bars on the
    side. Anyone know how to do that? I already know of other software
    alternatives (so don't list any please) but I want to know about WMP 11 cause
    I use it very often to stream videos which are in 4:3 format but my notebook
    display is 16:9. Even the external display which I quite often use is 16:9
    format. The notebook has a nVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 graphics processor. I know
    I can remedy the problem when I sue HP QuickPlay, Media Player Classic & VLC
    Media Player but what about WMP 11?

  2. #2
    Victoria Guest

    RE: Stretch 4:3 video to 16:9 (wide screen) in WMP 11

    No answers? I encountered such issue also. I have other media player
    softwares. They can work well to show my video clips which were recorded in
    16:9. However, wmp 11 just can not do it. It always showes in 4:3.

    really bad!

    I searched in the web. It was said that there was an option in
    tools->options->performance->advance-> unselect something like "Allow full
    screen control". But it was not true in wmp 11. I didn't try in wmp 9 or 10.
    Maybe you can try. I just give up wmp 11 and use the alternative one which
    was really powerful for all kinds of video formats!

    Good luck!

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