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Thread: Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

  1. #1
    Lee Lord Guest

    Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

    Every time I access Vista's Windows Explorer the choices in what to view are
    always the same: Name, Size, Date, Tags, Date taken OR Date Modified. Even
    though I change the choices I prefer through View > Choose Details and
    deselect Date taken and Tags, then go into Tools > Folder Options and select
    View "Apply to Folders", once I access Windows Explorer again after rebooting
    it's back to the original Name, Size, Date, Tags, and Date taken or Modified.
    Is there something I'm missing where I can only have what I want which is
    always Name, Size, and Date each time I return? Thanks so much.
    Lee Lord

  2. #2
    Cal Bear '66 Guest

    Re: Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

    Right click on the column headers and select/deselect the columns you want.
    Check out More... (627 options).

  3. #3
    brink Guest

    Re: Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

    Hi Lee Lord,

    Do all of method two in this tutorial. It will show you how to get
    Vista to remember your settings.

    You might find this tutorial useful as well.


  4. #4
    Wala Wala Guest

    Re: Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

    It takes 2 0r 3 mouse clicks in XP while takes a long winded tutorial
    to accomplish the same thing in vista. And people call this progress?
    Am I missing something here?

  5. #5
    brink Guest

    Re: Windows Explorer > View > Choose Details

    Method one in this tutorial is the normal way to reset the folder
    views. If your lucky, then that will be all you need to do (A few
    clicks). Method two is for when Vista will not remember your view
    settings, even after you reset them from method one.

    It does seem like Vista has a problem remembering the folder views at
    first. Once one does method two, they should not have a problem with it


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