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Thread: Printer communication system stopped working

  1. #1
    JoeyJ Guest

    Printer communication system stopped working

    I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    koral Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    I am seeing the same issue. Dell Inspiron E1705 laptop, vista 32. I can
    print if I reboot my laptop. If the laptop goes to sleep and comes back up,
    printer communication stops. Reboot fixes it every time. Sleep+wake-up
    disconnects it every time. Very annoying.

    "JoeyJ" wrote:

    > I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    > dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    > within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    > "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    > on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    > Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    > support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    > conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    > and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Joe

  3. #3
    guydel Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    Very simular problem with HP C5180 and Vista 32. For detail see my post under
    guydel. For short for no reason the HPNetwok Device Support goes down,
    without even using the printer. Yhen the HP software cant find the printer,
    The drivers seem to disappear or some link to it. Yhe verifying tool for HP
    cant find the HP drivers. Reboot does fix the problem. The other computer on
    XP works find.

    As it seems to be common yo more than one brand of printer, it must be Vista
    networking yhe problem. I suggest keep bugging MSFT.

    "JoeyJ" wrote:

    > I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    > dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    > within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    > "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    > on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    > Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    > support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    > conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    > and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Joe

  4. #4
    Alonzo Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    Do you have the McAfee Security Center installed. Dell seems to think this
    may be causing the problem.

    "JoeyJ" wrote:

    > I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    > dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    > within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    > "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    > on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    > Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    > support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    > conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    > and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Joe

  5. #5
    Smokeyham Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    Nov. 14, 2007
    I'm having the same problem, with the annoying message coming up. However, I
    am able to print.... but I get the annoying message about once every 20
    minutes.... and yes, I do have McAfee Security on my system.

    I updated the driver on my Dell Photo 966 printer, so at least I can now
    print. Has anyone found a way to turn off the message?


    "Alonzo" wrote:

    > Do you have the McAfee Security Center installed. Dell seems to think this
    > may be causing the problem.
    > "JoeyJ" wrote:
    > > I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    > > dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    > > within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    > > "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    > > on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    > > Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    > > support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    > > conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    > > and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    > > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > >
    > > Joe

  6. #6
    JoeyJ Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    Just an update to this saga - The printer I was having problems with was a
    Dell 924 using a Dell E1705 laptop, so after months of fruitless
    experimentation I gave up and purchased a Dell 966 printer in an effort to
    fool myself thinking maybe it wasn't a driver issue but just maybe a printer
    or computer issue. Well, it is a driver issue, as I get the same message
    with a different Dell notebook and this new 966 printer using Dell's latest
    and greatest Vista 32 drivers. There is absolutely no problem with either
    printer when using Windows XP - The problem only occurs while using Windows
    Vista 32. Microsoft level 2 techs advise it is a Dell issue - Level 2 Dell
    techs babble about this and that but have no solution. Some have hinted that
    Vista SP1 might have a solution while others indicate/suggest going back to
    XP for a year or so until this wireless printer issue finally gets resolved.
    Is there anyone out there running Vista 32 on a wireless network with either
    WPA or WEP security setting that is not getting this error message? If so,
    what printer are you using?

    "JoeyJ" wrote:

    > I'm running a dell laptop with a Vista 32 OS using a wireless connection to a
    > dell printer. I downloaded the newest Dell Vista 32 printer drivers and
    > within 15 minutes of start-up the computer will display a Microsoft message
    > "Printer communication system stopped working and was closed." It then goes
    > on to advise "A problem caused the application to stop working correctly.
    > Windows will notify you if a solution is available." I called Microsoft
    > support and after taking control of my computer for an hour they came to the
    > conclusion that my registry was probably corrupted and advised me to reformat
    > and re-install everything. I did this and the problem returned immediately.
    > Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    > Joe

  7. #7 Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    Hi Folks,

    I seem to have solved the problem on this... It took a number of
    variations and tries to get it right, but it seems to have solved the
    problem, so here are the suggested steps...

    1 Download and use Dell's removal tool to remove the printer driver
    and All-In-One (AIO) software for your printer. An unintended
    consequence for me was tha the Dell Quickstart program was also
    removed. The utility is posted with available downloads for your
    printer on The utility will be labeled "Dell
    - Patch/Upgrade."

    3 Reboot

    2 If you found that Quickstart was removed, along with your AIO driver/
    software, and you want Quickstart back, the search Dell's website and
    find the Quickstart program and download and install that. Note that
    if you don't want to use Quickstart, you can just disable it from
    automatically starting in Windows, and you won't get annoying messages
    that the program cannot be found.

    3 Reboot

    4 Download and install the latest version of the printer driver, and
    also the AIO software for your particular printer. Even though I am
    working from my wireless laptop, I specified an installation with an
    ethernet cable, since my printer is hooked to my wireless modem.

    Hint.... Locate your printer service tag number (located on your
    printer) prior to starting the search for the software mentioned
    above. My particular printer had the updated driver/AIO software
    easily available through the Service Tag number.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    JoeyJ Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    "" wrote:

    > Hi Folks,
    > I seem to have solved the problem on this... It took a number of
    > variations and tries to get it right, but it seems to have solved the
    > problem, so here are the suggested steps...
    > 1 Download and use Dell's removal tool to remove the printer driver
    > and All-In-One (AIO) software for your printer. An unintended
    > consequence for me was tha the Dell Quickstart program was also
    > removed. The utility is posted with available downloads for your
    > printer on The utility will be labeled "Dell
    > - Patch/Upgrade."
    > 3 Reboot
    > 2 If you found that Quickstart was removed, along with your AIO driver/
    > software, and you want Quickstart back, the search Dell's website and
    > find the Quickstart program and download and install that. Note that
    > if you don't want to use Quickstart, you can just disable it from
    > automatically starting in Windows, and you won't get annoying messages
    > that the program cannot be found.
    > 3 Reboot
    > 4 Download and install the latest version of the printer driver, and
    > also the AIO software for your particular printer. Even though I am
    > working from my wireless laptop, I specified an installation with an
    > ethernet cable, since my printer is hooked to my wireless modem.
    > Hint.... Locate your printer service tag number (located on your
    > printer) prior to starting the search for the software mentioned
    > above. My particular printer had the updated driver/AIO software
    > easily available through the Service Tag number.
    > Good luck!

  9. #9
    JoeyJ Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    That "solution" had absolutely no effect on my dilemma - I tried it as soon
    as the patch came out and the error message returned immediately. I and the
    Dell techs probably tried it a dozen times with negative results. The Dell
    wireless Vista 32 drivers seem to be the problem - they are hoping SP1
    resolves the problem and Microsoft advised it probably won't, so I will
    either switch brands or run a cable over to the printer, which will be a PITA
    but having to reboot to continue printing is a bigger PITA right now.

    "" wrote:

    > Hi Folks,
    > I seem to have solved the problem on this... It took a number of
    > variations and tries to get it right, but it seems to have solved the
    > problem, so here are the suggested steps...
    > 1 Download and use Dell's removal tool to remove the printer driver
    > and All-In-One (AIO) software for your printer. An unintended
    > consequence for me was tha the Dell Quickstart program was also
    > removed. The utility is posted with available downloads for your
    > printer on The utility will be labeled "Dell
    > - Patch/Upgrade."
    > 3 Reboot
    > 2 If you found that Quickstart was removed, along with your AIO driver/
    > software, and you want Quickstart back, the search Dell's website and
    > find the Quickstart program and download and install that. Note that
    > if you don't want to use Quickstart, you can just disable it from
    > automatically starting in Windows, and you won't get annoying messages
    > that the program cannot be found.
    > 3 Reboot
    > 4 Download and install the latest version of the printer driver, and
    > also the AIO software for your particular printer. Even though I am
    > working from my wireless laptop, I specified an installation with an
    > ethernet cable, since my printer is hooked to my wireless modem.
    > Hint.... Locate your printer service tag number (located on your
    > printer) prior to starting the search for the software mentioned
    > above. My particular printer had the updated driver/AIO software
    > easily available through the Service Tag number.
    > Good luck!

  10. #10
    Jorge Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    I am experiencing the same issue on my Dell laptop (640m) running Windows
    Vista Basic (32 bit). I have found that if I stop and then start the print
    spooler, that I am sometimes able to then print without restarting the
    system. Unbelievable that this OS has been out for almost a year and we still
    have issues like this.


  11. #11
    DJBoca Guest

    RE: Printer communication system stopped working

    Same deal here... have a vista32 system that runs fine and installed with CD
    that came with new 966 printer. No dice. Thinking it could be xp/vista issue,
    I downloaded newest drivers/install. No dice. Downloaded patch that
    uninstalls everything. Rebooted again. Reinstalled with new software. No dice.

    Hp and wireless printers suck. Now Dell can't do printers. What's left out
    there?! Quality seems to be fourth or fifth on the list now that Google has
    shown its ok to ship beta.


    Who can help out there?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Dell / Vista print issues

    Hi, I have two Vista PCs and I've attempted to print on a Dell 944 AIO printer (wireless) from both. One works just fine and the other experiences problems (communication with printer stops, ...). Turns out that the one that works has a clean Vista installation, and the other is an upgrade from XP.

    There is an article in Dell support page that describes the issue, the root cause (Dell XP drivers causing issues with Vista printing) and the resolution. It worked well for me...


  13. #13 Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    On Dec 9 2007, 5:59 pm, DJBoca <>
    > Same deal here... have a vista32 system that runs fine and installed with CD
    > that came with new 966 printer. No dice. Thinking it could be xp/vista issue,
    > I downloaded newest drivers/install. No dice. Downloaded patch that
    > uninstalls everything. Rebooted again. Reinstalled with new software. No dice.
    > Hp and wireless printers suck. Now Dell can't do printers. What's left out
    > there?! Quality seems to be fourth or fifth on the list now that Google has
    > shown its ok to ship beta.
    > Geez!
    > Who can help out there?

    I can't help but I do have the same problem with an Acer computer and
    a Lexmark printer so it is not a Dell/HP, etc. problem. This is a
    Vista network problem. I see it most often when I resume from a sleep
    session. I think there could be a brief lapse where the os is trying
    to access the printer communication utility and the network is not

  14. #14 Guest

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    p.s. I don't have McAfee. How do I contact Microsoft to add my
    complaint or do the monitor this board?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Printer communication system stopped working

    I think it may have something to due with the wi-fi adapters because i hp desktop with vista 32 bit OS and the printer works fine with a wired connection. But when I use my laptops (one is a dell xps m140 with xp OS and the other is hp pavillion dv6 with vista 64 OS) no matter which one I get the imfamous message and then when I unplug the printer I works fine for about three hours or so. Then I get the same message again. Im thinking that since other people are having the same problems with different network printers and computers; the only common thing could be the wi-fi card. I do not have this problem with my desktop I think cause it is a wired connection.
    If anyone have any suggestions on how I can go about correcting this problem or who I can call to see if the card is the problem. Send me reply.

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