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Thread: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

  1. #1
    Arun Guest
    Can any One Suggest Best Registry Cleaner And residual file Cleaner for vista Ultimate

  2. #2
    Myweb Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    For what did you have the need for cleaning your registry? If you delete
    something without knowledge and about the need for the entry you can break
    your system. Then maybe you have to reinstall. So why not using it like it
    is? If you buy a car you also will not take out some electronic or some devices
    from the engine.

  3. #3
    Adam Albright Guest
    Telling people to manually edit their Registry isn't very good advice
    for the average user for obvious reasons; doing so can totally trash
    your Registry making your computer unbootable. Far safer to use a tool
    designed for that purpose.

    Show me ANYBODY that pretends they know what every single entry in
    your Registry purpose is when your typical Vista Registry runs tens of
    thousands of lines and I'll show you a damn fool.

    While years ago Registry Cleaners were rather crude today they are
    safe IF you use them correctly. Saying nothing is to be gaining from
    cleaning dead wood from your Registry is like saying nothing is gained
    from removing that 800 pounds of sand you been dragging around in your
    car's trunk for years.

    One of the main reasons to use a Registry Cleaner is to clean up after
    applications that don't always remove themselves completely when you
    try to uninstall them. This can cause Windows to try to load a driver
    that isn't there anymore since there could be a line in the Registry
    that points to it still. This can cause the boot process to take
    longer or in a worse case can cause Windows to go into some endless
    loop trying to execute something in the Registry that isn't linked to
    anything anymore.

  4. #4
    Alun Harford Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    The tool is even more dangerous than doing it manually.
    Most users decide against the idea when confronted with the registry
    editor, because they realise that they don't know what they're doing.
    With a tool, most users go "Nice pretty wizard. Next, next, next, next,
    finish. Oh dear, my system doesn't boot any more." Only then do they
    realise that they didn't know what they were doing.

  5. #5
    notachance Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    For years I have avoided "registry cleaners". My VHP system is
    only ~10 weeks old, but has become quite slow despite several
    attempts to speed it up.

    In frustration I decided to try a reg cleaner, and picked a
    freeware product that has been highly recommended by those who
    believe in such a thing. I did a backup, restore point, etc. I
    then did four benchmarks:

    1. Batch Run (a little script) MSWord/Excel/PPt from Office 2007
    2. Batch Run FireFox/Tbird/WMail/+3 utilities
    3. Search & replace a complex conditional in a 20MB word file
    4. Reboot time (clean, two consecutive reboots, 2nd was timed)
    I know there are better ways to measure.

    The cleaner scanned and found 3306 unnecessary items, of which
    about 300 were "not completely safe to remove" and the rest were
    deemed "completely safe to remove". I scrolled through the list,
    and recognized quite a number of keys bearing names of apps
    removed and services unused. Like just about anyone, I had to
    decide whether to just click or to examine and guess on more
    than 3000 items. With a restore point and reg backup, and 100%
    files back up (Mozy), I crossed my fingers and clicked to "fix"
    the "safe" ones.

    It worked. The computer is obviously faster, and it's not
    placebo effect. It now loads Word/XL/PPt (all three) in 3
    seconds after pressing the hotkey - down from 9 - really! Comm
    apps loaded in half the time. The unit reboots fine and in only
    2/3 the time, under the same conditions (the second reboot,
    nothing loaded). S&R in the word file took about the same time.

    I have just converted from registry cleaner naysayer to a true
    believer. And I will NOT name the tool I used.

  6. #6
    Ken Blake, MVP Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    The best registry cleaner is *no* registry cleaner.

    I strongly recommend *against* the use of registry cleaners. Cleaning
    of the registry isn't needed and is dangerous. Leave the registry
    alone and don't use any registry cleaner. Despite what many people
    think, and what vendors of registry cleaning software try to
    convince you of, having unused registry entries doesn't really hurt

    The risk of a serious problem caused by a registry cleaner erroneously
    removing an entry you need is far greater than any potential benefit
    it may have.

  7. #7
    notachance Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    I recognize that my experiment (still 100% positive) with a
    specific registry cleaner does not constitute a statistically
    valid experiment, but it was MY EXPERIMENT.

    This unit continues to be more responsive in many respects, with
    no change in stability. Everything seems to work fine, and I've
    clicked through many installed apps looking for problems. So
    far, so great.

    Maybe I was just lucky, but it's really a pleasure... It also
    suggests that Vista speed issues justify an examination of the
    Registry - and I don't know enough to go beyond that.

  8. #8
    brink Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    Here is my two cents on how to be safe with a registry cleaner

    Why use a registry cleaner program?
    A: To help keep all the left over remnants of a uninstalled program out
    of the registry to help prevent future errors and conflicts. Plus, when
    Vista loads it reads through the registry. If you keep you registry all
    nice and neat and orderly, it will read through it faster and possibly
    without any problems.

    1. Scanning the registry manually looking for random invalid entries is
    not practical. It is only practical if you are looking for invalid
    entries for a specific program with the "Find" option.

    2. The registry cleaning program can give you a quick list of
    "possible" invalid entries that you can then look at in the registry to
    confirm whether they are or not invalid entries. Only select the ones
    that you know are invalid while leaving the rest that you are unsure

    3. Always enable the backup or undo feature of the registry cleaner
    program just in case you do accidentally delete a entry from the
    registry that you should not have.

    As always, use your own judgement. If you so not know what your doing,
    then you would most likely be better off leaving this alone.

    Hope this helps with your decisions

  9. #9
    Adam Albright Guest
    Speaking of insecurity, you're the one attaching MVP behind your name
    as if that implies some superior knowledge.

    You implied it. Read nearly any post from any MVP on any topic and you
    see the underlying pattern they know more, everybody else is dumb,
    blah, blah, blah. So unprofessional and self-serving. What is YOUR
    Ageneda that you have to attach MVP to every post?

    What agenda? I simply don't like boastful windbags that hide behind
    MVP and pretend they know more than everybody else when time after
    time they're proven wrong. Microsoft should have killed the MVP
    program like they planned to do years ago BECAUSE of complaints like
    mine because now it is little more than a joke with a bunch of
    clueless wannabe types stinking of the groups they post to.

    You are simply too thin skinned to be here, you can't contain your
    anger, you're too proud to learn, too pigheaded to admit when you're
    wrong. In other words, your typical MVP.

    Like yours that you can't get any benefit from Registry Cleaners?

    "can't get any benefit from Registry Cleaners"
    I never said that .
    Go back and read my posts again probably for the first time.
    Typical how you need to twist what was said to fit your agenda.

    No, I don't think you should use the Windows Live One Care
    registry scanner. Even though it comes from MS, I think registry cleaners
    are a big mistake. And no, I don't think drive cleaners are absolutely
    necessary to remove junk. I do use CCleaner on clients' machines when I'm
    cleaning them up but I do all registry work by hand. If you decide to use
    CCleaner, I'd give the registry tool portion a miss.

  10. #10
    the wharf rat Guest
    FWIW, I have XP boxes that have run for many years with no
    attention to the registry, and they've had much installation and de-
    installation. I think this used to be more of a problem with 9x.

    My rule is simple, and written policy.
    Install a registry cleaner (or other unauthorized software) and face
    disciplinary action.

    I had been addicted to them, and used three in rotation each day along with
    a compacting routine in one of them. The more little annoyances that crept
    in to my system the more avidly I decontaminated my system with the registry
    cleaners until it all crashed catastrophically. After that I reinstalled
    Windows Vista and I have never used a registry cleaner since. My system has
    remained stable for months.

  11. #11
    Dave Guest
    I've never used a Reg Cleaner, but I've always made it standard practice to
    just reformat and reinstall with the latest drivers and software once a
    year. Seems to work well for me. I do not recommend everyone to do that.

    That is what wharf rat said in essence. He used a highly metaphorical
    language, though, almost Shakespeare like.

    This is very true and it is because the system knows the address or relative
    offset for it to get any information from the registry. It does not go thru
    the hives one by one. On top of that it is not a single file but a few.

    I use CCLEANER. Never had a problem

    I downloaded to see what it was all about. It marked entries with pathnames
    using %SystemRoot% for deletion, even though the files do exist. The
    entries pointed to some help files, so it's not a big deal in this case.

    Then you are either very lucky or quite knowledgeable.

    If you're serious, you're doing something gravely wrong.

    1) You're screwing up your system in ways most people have yet to

    2) You don't know how to backup your system so that you always have a
    good, working copy of it to fall back on.

    FWIW, I've also used CCleaner for a couple of years now with the same
    results as the fact, it's the only one I've used because it
    has been so dependable.

    What about "SpeedupMyPC Version 3" by Uniblue?

  12. #12
    Bobby McNulty Guest
    You know, I am getting tired of UAC. Stinks like rotten tomatoes.
    I'll turn it off AFTER i download Mandriva Linux. Testing it to see what
    changed so far.
    I love Mandriva linux. Its the easiest one to work work. to install a
    program, merely enter your root password.
    Surprise. You, as the user and sysop, have complete control over your
    My mother is talking about upgrading me to a freebsd computer soon. Hope its
    a MAC.
    I really love the products they have to offer. After 18 years of MS, it will
    be good to get back
    to my old programming ways without worrying about the next OS upgrade or
    that constant hacker who thinks your
    client PC is a file server and can take anything on it without permission.
    I share files with my mother and father. (they are in their 60's, I am in my
    I share files through the public document folder. I can't figure out how to
    share between the three on a private network.
    The number got messed of on the router/modem. they are not the same ones we
    started with last year.
    Never use a registry cleaner. I found out the hard way when Windows Live
    Messenger would no no longer work.
    I had restore all the changes and restart the Vista PC;.
    Does not matter. I was experimenting with it, figuring out how it works.
    That cleaner was a POS.

    Why? It just seems to identify missing files in data values and
    removes the corresponding keys. Nothing wrong with that - is there?

    Why would you think that you need one in the first place? I have NEVER in 15
    years of Windows use ever needed or used a registry "cleaner".

    I have found Glary Utilities [free version] to be the best thus far..../rgc

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    I have found the very best registry cleaner so far is WinUtilities
    I've been using it now for over a year and it works great.

    for all of you that think it does not help all I can say is
    your wroung. the things you say I guess is because your not using them
    because they can cause a lot of problems with a bad cleaner, some
    products out there delete things that makes someing not work right
    or makes windows hang.

    I can say after testing about
    20 of these products the WinUtilites workes on Vista 64 bit,
    and it always makes my maching run faster and less startup time,
    with it you get a lot of other things the best thing is thay
    have a 30 day tryout time so check it out. I'm using 6.6 winutilities.

  14. #14
    milt Guest
    Me either, never saw the point. Also, everything I've seen/heard about
    them tends to cause more harm than good. The registry is something to
    just randomly muck about it and you sure don't want some program running
    through it willy-nilly!

    Absolutely, and orphaned registry entries usually have no discernable effect
    on performance. Certainly with the NTFS versions of Windows....

    Enema works better.
    Beans soup + watermelon + orange juice + milk.
    Mix it all, and cleansing is guaranteed

    I delete keys by myself, have enough brains for that.

    I occasionally run a reg cleaner and a reg defrag reported a drop from maybe
    90 to 60mb of total size last time.
    My question would be to you togrosky is after 20 different reg cleaners ...
    how many redX's and yellow exclamations do you show at start up now ? As
    many do tend to create some minor problems that are a
    headache/time-consuming to eliminate.

    Right, I have to reinstall Windows so often my registry never needs

  15. #15
    Bruce Chambers Guest

    Re: Best Registry Cleaner for vista

    There is no such thing as a "good" (meaning useful or beneficial)
    registry cleaner, free or otherwise. Some are less harmful than others,
    but because they're all nothing but snake oil, I won't recommend any.

    Granted, CCleaner's registry scanner seems relatively benign, as
    long as you step through each detected "issue" (almost all of which will
    be bogus) one at a time, to determine if it really is an "issue" or not,
    and then decide whether or not to let the application "fix" it. In my
    testing, though, most of the reported "issues" won't be issues, at all.
    I tried the latest version on a brand-new OS installation with no
    additional applications installed, and certainly none installed and then
    uninstalled, and CCleaner still managed to "find" over a hundred
    allegedly orphaned registry entries and dozens of purportedly
    "suspicious" files. Its findings were utter nonsense, in plain terms.

    CCleaner's only real strength, and the only reason I use it, lies
    in its usefulness for cleaning up unused temporary files from the hard
    drive; as a registry "cleaner," it's not significantly different from
    any other snake oil product of the same type.

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