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Thread: Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

  1. #1
    Chris Guest

    Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

    Running Vista Ultimate
    The desktop goes blank, the mouse cursor is visible and movable but I cannot
    right click and get any anything to happen. The keyboard does not produce
    anything except an alt-ctrl-del which brings up a dialog
    Login process has failed to create the security options dialog
    With a dialog message of:
    Failure - Security Options

    I have seen that others have had similar happen but have not seen any
    solutions or causes posted.
    Anyone here know how to deal with this?

  2. #2
    Jesper Guest

    RE: Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

    More than likely this happens because you have a non-Vista compatible
    security suite installed. Have you installed some kind of
    firewall/antivirus/whatever suite? If so, which?

  3. #3
    I have Symantec Security Client installed.
    I run the 64bit version at work and have not had any problems with it. The
    problem machine is a 32bit.
    If I get the thing to boot again I'll uninstall Symantec and see what

    I found the problem and it was not due to Symantec Antivirus.
    I ran the Western Digital Diagnostics and it revealed that the S.M.A.R.T
    data had errors in it..
    I didn't look into exactly what the problem was but replaced the drive.
    I haven't had a problem since and I've been using it for several weeks now.
    The original problem was repeatable in several installations. For whatever
    reason, the problem with the drive did not cause problems with Windows XP
    but did cause problems with Vista.
    A new C drive and life is good.

    I had the same problem with a Dell Studio 1535 with Vista Premium Home

    Here is my story:
    ::Symptoms: Regardless of users actions; (1) opening or using an
    application or (2) if the system sits idle, after approximately 1 to 4
    minutes the system will become ::
    Unresponsive and any windows that were currently opened will have “Not
    Responding” across the menu bar. The mouse pointer icon will get the
    whirling load icon, although the mouse “may” (not always the case),
    continue to move, any attempt to open Task Manager to shutdown processes
    or log off end in failure due to non-responsiveness. At this point the
    mouse will generally stop functioning as well.

    From this point, one of two things may happen:
    ::(1) The machine will freeze in its current state or (2) The screen
    will go black and display the following message:::
    Error Box titled: Login process has failed to create the security
    options dialog - with a dialog message of: Failure - Security Options

    In either case, any normal standard attempt to shut down the machine
    gracefully is not possible and a hard shut down is required to get the
    machine to respond to user input.

    Due to the non-graceful shut down, check disk will usually run
    (although not all the time) and repair or fix any issues caused by the
    shut down.
    ::At this point, attempting to logon again only repeats the above
    scenario above 100% of the time.::
    ::Because of the short amount of time that the system is accessible for
    user input, attempts to diagnose the problem using the windows vista
    tools have met with limited and frustrating results.::
    ::A Pre-boot System Assessment test shows an error:::
    ::TEST – Hard Drive – DST Short Test::
    ::Test Results: Fail::
    ::Error Code 2000-0142::
    ::Error Window displays the following:::
    ::ERROR CODE: 0142.::
    ::Msg: Error Code 2000-0142::
    ::Msg: Hard Drive 1 Self Test Unsuccessful. Status: 79::
    ::The HDD is a Western Digital (WDC WD3200BEVT-73ZCT1).::
    ::Since the machine was only 6 weeks old, I contacted Dell. After
    spending an hour and a half in chat working on the problem and at the
    point where they had me attempt to restore to the Factory install, it
    bombed out. The Dell rep said I had a bad HDD, I tried to resist it but
    I had to type \"You Think?\" in the chat window. :cool: ::
    ::My research has indicated that this problem may be related to bad
    Hard Drives. At least it seems that mine was. In any case they are
    shipping me a new hard drive and hopefully that will resolve the issue.
    I'll post back after the new HDD is installed and running for a bit.::

  4. #4
    Paul Montgumdrop Guest
    What kind of nonsense is that, that someone would tell you that the
    restore aborted and that you needed a new HD.

    The restore has aborted on me a couple of times and it told me that it
    aborted. The restore was at the end, and it had finished the restore
    when it aborted. I went and a looked at the state of things to make sure
    things were back the way it was after the restore.

    At best, all you had to do was format/flatten the HD and reinstalled the
    O/S, which the pre-install of the O/S from the manufacture may not have
    been a good install.

    If the HD was going bad, then you would have started getting error
    messages in some form that would have lead you to thinking that you had
    a HD problem I would think

    for all those people who cop-out with the 'just re-format your HD' or 'Get a new HD' solution. That's like fixing a car by nuking it and getting a new one / replacing everything inside it - you're bound to no longer have a problem but you haven't even addressed it!

    anyway! my solution! go to safe mode - whatever is interfering with the processes and services does not seem to affect anything there; go to your control panel, go to system - and go open your services panel.

    DISABLE anything that you seriously don't need and following from previous advice disable Readyboost (reading from its description, it does interfere with programs and tools as you execute them). I also disabled an array of other such services that are similar to it (anything that says it 'enhances' your experience of windows, or performance etc).

    On top of disabling them, there are further options to stop it trying to re-initialise should it 'fail' (like lets say... being disabled).

    That and I believe I also managed to get to the startup manager and disabled anything that is totally unnecessary to run.

    So far so good now that I've done this- apps and tools can be executed anytime, and task manager no longer shits a brick when I try to start it up (via Ctrl+Alt+Del OR Ctrl+Shift+Esc).

    It`s simple: Disable the superfetch service from vista (services.msc)
    No loss in speed all`s fine now! try it out!

  5. #5
    GKB Guest
    I've had the same problem; screen freezes, comes back slowly, freezes
    again, taking forever to do anything, recovering with control:alt:del
    and finally an error message saying "Login process has failed to create
    the security options dialog".
    Days later, and after lots of aggravation:D, I got a blue screen of
    death and that gave the game away.
    It turns out that Vista was trying its best with a faulty power supply
    that was shorting across a damaged lead.
    I took off the shorting connector and all's well, Vista is back

    I thought it would be easy to tell whether a problem is hardware or
    software, but it's not:(

    I have experienced and tried all mentioned above using Vista on a Dell Inspiron, just one year old. Battery would not charge, computer would not recognize AC adapter. Dell replaced mother board and AC adapter. Workedfor one day, then problem recurred. Dell sent a second adapter of different model and this corrected the batter charge problem. then same message as described above and eventually my computer would not even boot in safe mode. Reinstalled operating system from (1) first the partition on the drive containing operating system reload from the factory and (2) second from OS and Driver CD's provided at purchase from the point of sale. (1) above provided no help. (2) above seem to have provided a fix. Computer has worked normally for about 2 days until I installed Microsoft Outlook. Now the message "Logon has failed to set security options" has returned and screen beginning to exhibit prior systems. Dell has now requested I return the computer to them as I extended the warranty before factory warranty expired. Will see if problem persists and if so will return the computer to Dell.

    I probably am going to sound like a idiot, but here i go anyway. Although I am very new at trying to fix these problems and any others in the future. I am bound and determined to learn. Dalien, could you please explain to me how exactly I go about disabling the superfetch server from my vista please. I don't think I need to go into detail about my frustrations. I am running Vista on a Acer aspire 6930. I would be extremely grateful if you could take the time to help me out.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

    I just thought I'd put in my two cents worth... I have been bugged by this problem ever since I enabled my Sidebar in my Windows Gadgets in Vista. I tried the chkdsk routine and it seemed to solve the problem once. Then it came back and I got to thinking, the problem seemed to coincide with my turning on the sidebar so why not turn it off and see if that's it. So I did and haven't had a problem yet - and my computer is running a lot faster! (of course it's only been 1 day but I think that must have been it.)

    My theory is that when I turned on the current weather feature which requires a live internet connection to continuously update the weather, it caused the problem when it could not connect (for reason's unrelated, I have to switch my ethernet chord on my laptop rather frequently to connect to two different networks and if I don't do an Ipconfig /renew I'm sure it just sits there grinding away not able to connect).

    Anyway, give it a try - it might work for you!

    To disable it, goto the control panel, double-click 'Windows Sidebar...' and uncheck 'Start Sidebar when Windows starts'

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    fort lauderdale

    Re: Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

    Well guys...I hope you didn't have the same fix as me where I had all of the same issues but I knew I had not downloaded anything that could have compromised my system. So I followed other advice...ran chkdsk, cleared temp files, turned off superfetch, etc.... I then remembered that I had uninstalled an expired version of an anti-virus software. Unfortunately, sometimes they uninstall common files since I did have more than one anti-virus installed. I booted into safe mode with networking and uninstalled all of the anti-virus software on my system and voila.....that's all it took. They stopped competing for files that didn't exist and now I will re-install the ones I intend to keep using. It sucks that some of you are installing new HDDs. Anyway, for those who see this first...try uninstalling and reinstalling virus software. See if it helps.
    :) Good luck.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Login process has failed to create the security options dialog

    I had the same problem, tried to format the computer twice, use scans, etc. I noted that sometimes when I physically moved the computer to other place the problem would stop or come back. Then I took the HD off and put it back again - the problem stoped. I thought the HD was damaged, but it seems it wasn't well plugged.
    Hope it helps!

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