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Thread: unexpected shutdown

  1. #1
    Peter Guest

    unexpected shutdown

    I'm experiencing unexpected shutdowns of Vista at apparent random times. It
    just closes every program and happily turns off and restarts my computer out
    of the blue. I haven't been able to make any connection between this and
    anything I was doing at the time it happens, in my attempt to understand
    what's going on. It has only happened three times so far, two of those times
    seem to have started when I attempted to download a file and the third time
    it occurred when I started a cmd.exe session.

    If anybody has experienced this or similar behaviour in Vista or has any
    helpful idea, please respond.

  2. #2
    ian cutten Guest

    vista unexpected reboot

    Ihave a brand new machine and have experienced unexpected (random) reboots too. The best I can tie it down at present is with Windows Movie Maker when attempting to retrieve DV from a camcorder in 7 or 8 attempts each time there has been a reboot after a period of 2 to 5 minutes.

    Probably unrelated, I am experiencing random accessing of the floppy (A:) drive - similar to that which occurs during boot up. So far this accessing has not been associated closely with the rebooting problem other than the frequency of disk access is greater when I am downloading DV.

  3. #3
    Valerie Guest

    RE: unexpected shutdown

    I am also experiencing unexpected shutdowns. I have an HP Entertainment
    laptop that I purchased in Feb of this year. It will randomly shutdown. It
    seems at first it happend mostly when I was streaming music/videos or when I
    was ripping a CD, but has occured other times as well. My favorite is when
    it happens while my maching is in sleep mode. I took it in and the techs
    couldn't find any thing wrong. When it starts to shut down I will hear this
    obnoxious clicking noise and then a blue screen will appear that says that an
    unexpected error had occured. From there my machine will restart and then I
    will get the "Windows wasn't shutdown properly" screen. After that all is
    well for a few more days. Any suggestions? I am very unhappy about the
    situation considering how much I paid for this product.

  4. #4
    rhinoboo Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    I've just built a new pc and I'm getting random reboots too. my spec is
    as follows...

    Vista Ultimate 32bit
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66GHz
    Abit AB9 Pro Motherboard
    OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) PC2-6400C4 Dual Channel Platinum
    BFG GeForce 8800 GTS OC2 320MB
    SATA 2 300GB Seagate Barracuda
    Corsair HX 620W ATX2.2 PSU

    My rig is water cooled and has fans, so I know it's not a temprature
    thing. The 620W power supply was £100 and has very good reviews so I've
    got more then enough juice. I've swapped the memory sticks with a
    friends pc but still it reboots. I've tried different Nvidia drivers
    including beta drivers, I've even tried swappig the video card with a
    friend who has the same card. I've formatted it several times, tried
    installing vista onto a spare 200gig IDE drive but still no joy, I even
    flashed my motherboard bios which I think has made the random reboots
    less frequent but can't really be too sure.
    Being Vista the memory dumps are usless and don't give me any
    explination to why it unexpectially shut down. So it could be the
    motherboard or cpu? but I'm hoping it's just a vista issue and that the
    upcomming release of service pack 1 will help.

  5. #5
    Bigguy Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    How frequently?

    Try booting in safe mode and running some stuff - if it does not reboot
    then hardware looks OK and it points to a driver issue...?

    It could be temperature - no really it could... check the waterblocks
    are all seated correctly and check all the fan's airflow - no reversed fans?

    Unplug/remove anything you can from the system and try running as an
    absolute minimum sytem... add bits until it starts falling over.

    Maybe boot off a Linux Live CD/DVD (Ubuntu/Knoppix etc) and run as a
    Linux system... play a few card games and see if it reboots... this will
    eliminate all possible Windows OS/driver issues...

    If it still reboots in Linux it must be hardware/temperature/memory related.

    Can't think of any other approaches for now...

  6. #6
    warhed Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    Not sure if this is the same problem...
    I just recieved a new laptop w Vista. I am using my machine and it will
    suddenly shutdown and the turn back on. When I run the check for
    solution after the reboot I am shocked. The error report gave me this
    for an answer:


    Problem caused by: Microsoft
    Recommendations: Install sp1

    It seems Microsoft really wants people to intall service pack 1,
    however, they may just be making more users disgruntled. You tell me.

  7. #7
    Bob Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    My Vista machine runs fine without SP1.

    What firewall, anti-virus application or security suite is installed?

  8. #8
    warhed Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    I have the latest ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite installed on
    my laptop. I found out more that may help. Since my laptop was fresh it
    has stock settings as expected. One of those settings in regards to
    power plan was for my laptop to sleep after 10 minutes. The unexpeceted
    restarts were always happening when my computer went into sleep mode.
    Just to double check that this was the case I set the laptop to be fully
    and always on. The results are so far telling me that this is the case:
    Vista sleep mode has issues in some versions of pre-sp1 operating

  9. #9
    Bob Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    ***[When responding to posts, please include the post(s) you are replying to
    so that others may learn and benefit from the issue]***

    Go to Advance Power Settings.

    Set hard drive to turn off a minute or 2 before sleep.

    Set Hybrid and Hibernate modes to "Never/Off"

    Under USB settings select "Disable"

    Under Multimedia select "Allow ....."

  10. #10
    keinad Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    in my case i think it has to do with some drivers, and software such as
    torrent downloading programs. it is such a mess...everytime i start a
    torrent my pc automatically restarts. then i stopped every torrent
    program imaginable then the restarts stopped happening REGULARLY.. now
    they happen randomly especially when i mess with drivers (usually during
    their installation), OR when i simply mess with system
    settings...arghhhh..i can't do anything to isolate the problem! needs to do something about their error reporting

  11. #11
    zanestein Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    Mine has started rebooting recently too.
    In my case, I suspect it is one of two things I did recently, but not
    sure which yet.

    I upgraded my RAM from 1 gig to 2 gigs.
    And I also bought a Linksys Router, installed the software, downloaded
    updates, bridged the connection to my DSL modem.

    I did those two things within 2 days of each other. I didn't notice
    any problems after installing the RAM....the computer has had 2
    unexpected shutdowns since I installed the Router. But I can't exclude
    the RAM as a possibility, at least not yet.

    Anyway, any suggestions on where to start looking on my Vista Home
    Premium system?
    Supposedly, the Linksys software was Vista compatible, but who knows?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    I have the same problem as Warhed...
    Unexpected restarts almost always happens when I put my computer to sleep. The only difference between me and Warhed is that I manually put my computer to sleep and it's not a power setting thing (to go to sleep after a certain period of time of inactivity).
    So I'm not sure if Bob's solution to Warhed can apply to me.
    Is there a solution to this troublesome matter?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    I have the same also,
    half way in the game, unexpected shut down...Blue screen...and have to restart again, the error promt below

    Problem caused by nProtect GameGuard (dump_wmimmc.sys)

    This problem was caused by nProtect GameGuard (dump_wmimmc.sys), which was created by Inca Internet Co. and is distributed in many different products.

    How to resolve this..your help is greatly appreciately

    Thanks you vvv much

  14. #14
    Rick Rogers Guest

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    Hmmm....."Problem caused by nProtect GameGuard"

    Seems to me the answer is pretty clear. Either remove the software or
    contact their software support for assistance in resolving a problem caused
    by their software.

  15. #15

    Re: unexpected shutdown

    The recommended method of removing nProtect GameGuard Personal 2007 is
    through the standard Control Panel feature. Go to Start Menu >> Control
    Panel >> Add/Remove Programs and select nProtect GameGuard Personal 2007.

    There may be cases where the uninstall file of the program was damaged and
    fails to remove the product. In such a case, please download this Removal
    Tool and execute it.

    Please contact us if you still have difficulties removing the product and we
    will assist you right away.

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