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Thread: Wireless Network Printing - Printer Communication Failure

  1. #1

    Wireless Network Printing - Printer Communication Failure

    Running Windows Vista Business 32 on a new Dell Latitude D820, network is
    structured around a Linksys WRT54G wireless router, Lexmark X9350 All-in-one
    (802.11G wireless communication).

    I've been able to get the printer/scanner working, but more often than not I
    get a alert window pop up stating "Printer Communication Stopped and the
    program was shut down". I shut down the laptop, cycle power on the Lexmark
    (and load factory defaults) and also cycle power on the wireless router.
    Sometimes this will get the printer communicating with the network and
    sometimes it does not. The technical support at lexmark is pathetic. They
    tell me it's my firewall settings. Why would the printer communicate and
    then mysteriously stop talking to the laptop. I've checked the communication
    between the printer and the wireless router after I get the communication
    failure poop up and it's still connected. Including the laptop there are two
    PC's on the network that never loose communications with the wireless router.
    So it looks like it maybe a OS or driver issue. Any suggestions are greatly

  2. #2
    Cari \(MS-MVP\) Guest

    Re: Wireless Network Printing - Printer Communication Failure

    Yes the firewall can definitely get 'in the way' of communication...... what
    firewal software are you using.

    I presume the Linksys wireless router is assigning the DHCP address
    correctly to both PC and printer?

    Are you using a cordless phone in the same household as the wireless-g
    network... if it's on the same frequency, this can also definitely cause
    communication problems... as can a microwave. You might want to also ask in
    the networking newsgroup, as this is a networking issue, rather than a
    printing one.

  3. #3

    Re: Wireless Network Printing - Printer Communication Failure


    Thanks for the info. Yes, I've got a cordless phone in my home. However,
    the wireless network is downstairs and about 100' + away from my office where
    the printer, router and laptop are located. That may seem strange, having
    all devices in one location less than 10' distance apart. I generally use my
    laptop upstairs, but troubleshooting this networking (specifically the
    printer) issue means I need to have all devices as close as possible.
    Microwave is not an issue either. I'm experiencing intermittent
    communications, so firewall settings are correct as I would not be able to
    have any communications if the settings were incorrect. I hope that Lexmark
    responds to my request, I sent them a detailed message related to the issue.
    I'm definitely leaning in the direction that this issue is related to the
    Lexmark X9350 driver. I'll post the solution when and if I get it resolved.
    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Toronto, Canada
    I have a similar problem - IBM Thinkpad running XP Prof. Linksys WRT54GS. Lexmark x9350.
    Thinkpad <-- Wireless ---> Linksys <---- Ethernet ---> X9350.

    I don't get error messages, but after a while lose all printer communications to printer. I can ping it & get into the Web admin page, so I know its still on the network. Interestingly, if I suspend my laptop & re-awaken, the connection is re-established. Rebooting the printer has no effect

    Downloaded latest drivers and firmware for Lexmark. Tech support was not very helpful.

    If anyone stumbles across a fix, please post.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Same Issue

    Hi There,

    I'm having the same issue. Lexmark has terrible technical support. It's very frustrating having to restart my laptop every time I want to print somthing with my Lexmark x9350. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this issue, please post.

    Thanks :)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Toronto, Canada

    Possible fix for Lexmark x9350 loosing Network Comms.

    So its been awhile - I have been travelling on business, but once back, the problem of having to reboot my client to regain connectivity to my Lexmark x9350 was quickly becoming a problem.

    I had the same problem, whether I was hard wired or wireless into the printer - I would print fine for about 10 min., the loose all communications to the printer - Interestingly enough, i could still access the web administration of the printer from my laptop - so pure network connectivity was not the problem.

    A quick browse through multiple forums did not yield any further results.

    Before you read any further, I should qualify, that I have left my laptop on overnight & back this morning & it is working (i.e. printing)!!!! Now while the symptoms don't seem present anymore - I cannot truly claim this is a fix, 'cause as we all know, trying to troubleshoot an intermittent problem is a challenge in itself - lets just say that at this point in time, the fix seems to work.

    I was focusing on fooling around on the client (Win XP pro (32bit)), & I noticed that if I killed lxcqcoms.exe process & tried to print after that it would start back printing. A google on lxcqcoms.exe final yielded this interesting piece:

    Not exactly 100% match - but seemed interesting - I figured applying the patch could not be buggering me any worse. A quick download / install / reboot - & here I am today.

    So, like I said, seems to work for me - if anyone else tries it & it works for them, please share with the group - have we found the holy grail? or does the quest continue?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I did a goggle search on this subject and I discovered this community. I've been experiencing this problem since receiving my Dell 966 Printer on 07/25/07
    which resulted in a replacement as a possible solution after 3 or 4 failed Support attempts. However, support finally got it right last night and I'm very happy.

    My Norton Internet Security Firewall settings for the required printer files were reset from AUTO to ALLOW and support also did the same to the printer spool file. He completed this task on my desktop VISTA machine and my XP laptop and they both worked like a charm. I was feeling pretty much the same about Support as some of the gentlemen replied earlier, but not quite anymore. Hopefully, non-Norton packages will allow you to make the same adjustments to get that printer wireless communication problem forever resolved.


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