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Thread: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

  1. #1
    Bruce Wilkinson Guest

    Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    I have a Cingular 8125 cell phone, PDA that used to sync fine under Windows
    XP and ActiveSync. Now, on Vista, when I open the Sync Center, it doesn't
    detect the phone, even though the phone detects the laptop.

    Can anyone help?


  2. #2
    Jane C Guest

    Re: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    Have you downloaded and installed the Windows Mobile Device Center?



  3. #3
    Ken Zhao [MSFT] Guest

    RE: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    Hello Bruce,

    Thank you for using newsgroup!

    Based on my knowledge, you may use Windows Mobile Device Center to set up
    new partnerships, synchronize content and manage music, pictures and video
    with Windows Mobile powered devices (Windows Mobile 2003 or later). The
    Windows Mobile Device Center is only supported on Windows Vista. For more
    information about usage and driver, please refer to he following links:

    Windows Mobile Device Center 6 for Windows Vista

    Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center Driver for Windows Vista (x86)

    If you have any questions, I suggest you post your question on the
    Microsoft public newsgroups (Microsoft.public.mobility) where other users
    may have already experienced this issue. You can find this newsgroup by
    connecting your news reader to For more
    information, please refer to the following link:

    Q171164 OLEXP: How to Configure Outlook Express for Internet

    Hope that helps!

    Thanks & Regards,

  4. #4
    Bruce Wilkinson Guest

    Re: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    I have a Cingular 8125 cell phone, PDA that used to sync fine under Windows
    XP and ActiveSync. Now, on Vista, when I open the Sync Center, it doesn't
    detect the phone, even though the phone detects the laptop.

    Can anyone give me an idea of what might be wrong?


  5. #5
    R. McCarty Guest

    Re: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    You need Windows Mobile Device Center, which replaces Active

    32-Bit download found here:

  6. #6
    Ken Zhao [MSFT] Guest

    Re: Sync Center won't sync to Windows Mobile PDA/cell phone

    Thanks for your information sharing.

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