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Thread: Vista won't shut down

  1. #1
    Dave Guest

    Vista won't shut down

    We have an ongoing problem with a new Vista machine. When selecting the shut
    down option to turn it off. it gives the spiral, says chuttign down and stays
    in that loop. I figure it is some background program running in infinite loop
    that Vista is waiting to end. but not sure how to fault issolate in the GUI.

  2. #2
    canixs Guest

    Re: Vista won't shut down

    it will eventually shut down, if some process does not responding the
    shutdown command. Vista is very gernerous in giving them sometimes to try
    finishing whatever that process try to do and will kill it when the time
    limit is reached. My laptop had a stubborn CTHelper.exe process which never
    wanted to shut down. and it took me at least 3 to 5mins at every shutdown.
    Now I am afraid to shutdown my laptop unless I have to. Normally I just put
    it into sleepmode.

  3. #3
    Kerry Brown Guest

    Re: Vista won't shut down

    Look in the event logs for the application that is causing the problem. The
    event logs can be accessed by running eventvwr.msc. Another good
    troubleshooting starting place is the Reliability and Performance Monitor.
    Start typing it in the Start search box. When you see it in the list run it.


  4. #4
    Dave Guest

    Re: Vista won't shut down

    Thanks, I'll try that.

    FYI: we tried letting it shut down overnight but in the morning it was still
    thinking about it.

  5. #5
    imnd_neel Guest

    RE: Vista won't shut down

    I have a similar problem, and this problem is occurring about 50 days after i
    purchased it. When I shut it down, it shows "Logging Off" for ever. Then I
    have to shut it down manually. When it starts, I have to choose from safe
    mode, safe mode with networking etc.

  6. #6
    Dave Guest

    RE: Vista won't shut down

    We eventually reinstalled everything removed the access to the network drive
    and networking to other computers as well as the desk top screen and speakers
    and that either solved the problem or my wife gave up complaining. eitherway
    we never were able to truly fix the problem.

  7. #7 Guest

    Re: Vista won't shut down

    I am having the same problem. I've had my HP Pavilion laptop for a few
    months. It has been fine up to now (except that startup is taking
    longer and longer) but yesterday, or the day before, when I tried to
    shut down, the spinning thing remained on screen and it wouldn't shut
    down. After about 10 minutes or so, I just pressed the power switch to
    turn it off. When I turned it back on, it asked if I wanted to boot in
    safe mode -- I just chose to boot up in normal mode.

    The next time I tried to shut down, the same thing happened. I left
    the room for about 10 minutes with the shutting down spinner on the
    screen -- when I came back, the screen was black but showing the white
    meter thing at the bottom of the screen. Then it said Welcome to
    Windows. I pressed Ctrl-Alt-Del, and it gave me the logoff/shutdown/
    restart options. When I selected shutdown, it went into the shutdown
    loop again and I just had to press the power button to shut it down.

    The only thing I have changed is that I installed and reinstalled a
    wireless router. The first time I installed the router, I had no
    problems with shutdown. The router was working fine at first but then
    I started having problems connecting to the Internet. Anyway, to cut a
    long story short, I had to reinstall/reconfigure the router a few
    times. However, I think I had shut down successfully once since the
    last install/configure.

    Has anybody found a solution to this problem yet?

  8. #8 Guest

    Re: Vista won't shut down

    Well, last night, miraculously, it shut down fine all by itself. I
    didn't change anything -- I just looked at the Reliability and
    Performance monitor, as was suggested. I didn't know what to do with
    what I was looking at, so didn't do anything.

    I was even able to connect to my wireless router without having to
    manually connect and go through several cycles of powering off the
    router and modem, powering back on, and restarting my computer, etc.

    I just hope it continues to behave itself.

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