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Thread: Vista blue screen - can't read blue screen

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Vista blue screen - can't read blue screen

    My system just crashed with bluescreen. It is not starting at all. When I turn it on, it remains on desktop for few minutes and then crashes. I am here using Windows Vista Ultimate edition. Things were working fine here. But it started crashing after some updates were installed on my pc. Last night when I turned off my pc it showed me a message on the screen that do not turn off your pc unitl windows install all updates. I left the pc as it is and in morning when I turned it on for checking emails it crashed.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    Re: Vista blue screen - can't read blue screen

    Might be some kind of issue with Vista. You can simply run a repair setup here to fix the problem you are facing. For that simply boot your system with Vista disc. Then on the installation screen click on Repair your pc. Here you will be having two choices. First you can run Startup Repair and second you can run System Restore. Startup repair will fix the files which are damaged on boot and System restore will simply restore your older settings back. Just try both the things and then what output you are getting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Re: Vista blue screen - can't read blue screen

    The most common problem that lies with this kind of issue is defective ram. There is one tool that can help you to find out ram errors. You can download and Memtest. It is a bootable tool. You have to burn the iso file properly on a disc and then run a memory test process. If there is any error it will show the same on the screen which simply means time has come to buy new ram sticks. So just run memtest and post what output you are getting.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    You can use Vista disc here to run a repair setup. That is another great way of fixing problem you are facing. Just insert the DVD in your system and run a repair setup. I am sure that will be simply more helpful to you to fix the issue. Another thing you can do is just boot your system in safe mode. Go in Event Viewer and there check for the error description. Post complete information here. That will be enough to deal with the problem you are facing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    According to me startup repair can fix the issue. But first boot in safe mode. If your system works stable then there is no hardware fault. The problem lies with some incompatible update which has screwed your system. Backup your data first then the next thing you have to do is run a complete windows installation back. That will be one of the best way to fix the issue. With clean installation your system will be back on track and next time while performing update do not add everything. It is better if you update manually leaving those which are not proper.

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