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Thread: Vista defrag SUCKS

  1. #1
    Spaz Guest

    Vista defrag SUCKS

    It's slow, it gives no options, it gives no analysis before defrag, it gives
    no progress bars, it gives no results, it gives no statistics.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    You don't need to know all that! You're just the User.

    All you need to know is Diskeeper 2007 for Vista

  3. #3
    Travis King Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    Spaz wrote:
    > It's slow, it gives no options, it gives no analysis before defrag, it
    > gives no progress bars, it gives no results, it gives no statistics.
    > I'M PISSED!

    It was like that in the betas also, and a lot of people disliked it back
    then. MS never changed it. Supposedly, the reasoning behind that is
    because Vista defragments your HD in the background automatically, so
    there's supposedly no need for all that information. Do I honestly
    agree with that, no, but that's supposedly it.

  4. #4
    Ken Gardner Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    "Spaz" wrote:

    > It's slow, it gives no options, it gives no analysis before defrag, it
    > gives no progress bars, it gives no results, it gives no statistics.

    > I'M PISSED!

    Vista's new memory management features (ReadyFetch and Ready) have
    essentially rendered fragmentation non-existent as a performance issue.
    Even so, Vista still automatically defrags your drives for you on whatever
    schedule you set. You can still do it manually as well.

    If you really want to speed up performance, don't waste your money on a
    defragger. Buy more RAM, or even a flash drive that works with ReadyBoost.
    And let Vista do what little defragmentation still needs to be done.


  5. #5
    Jonathan Schwartz 2 Guest

    RE: Vista defrag SUCKS


    Near the top of Vista's Disk Defragmenter Window there is a question: "How
    does Disk Defragmenter help?" After right clicking, have you reviewed the
    information in the new pop up Window?

    Also, there are six additional Options available 1) Run on a schedule 2)
    Modify schedule 3) Defragment now 4) After performing Defragmentation, click
    Close 5) Or, Simply Cancel the Defragmentation process

    Certainly you are aware, the more defragmented your HDD, the longer Defrag
    requires (specifically after first Installing any OS including Vista).

    Considering the above, and the below response from Ken Gartner, what more do
    you desire? Vista is very technologically advanced, and Vista is not XP.

    Ken Gartner's knowledged filled statements:
    "Vista's new memory management features (ReadyFetch and Ready) have
    essentially rendered fragmentation non-existent as a performance issue.
    Even so, Vista still automatically defrags your drives for you on whatever
    schedule you set. You can still do it manually as well."

    "If you really want to speed up performance, don't waste your money on a
    defragger. Buy more RAM, or even a flash drive that works with ReadyBoost.
    And let Vista do what little defragmentation still needs to be done."

    Windows Vista
    Become Part of The Legacy!

    "Spaz" wrote:

    > It's slow, it gives no options, it gives no analysis before defrag, it gives
    > no progress bars, it gives no results, it gives no statistics.
    > I'M PISSED!

  6. #6
    the wharf rat Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    In article <>,
    <> wrote:
    >No I'm not. As long as there's disk space, the drive writes in the same order
    >for the last file it writes, as the 1st one. Deleting, just frees up
    >1 track on a drive might hold parts of several programs or data. And repeat
    >that on ALL tracks of the drives.

    Ummmm, what happens when there's no block of free space large
    enough to hold your new file?

    >Defragging would ONLY be a good idea if the entire file or data could be placed
    >on 1 sector.

    Actually, you dont' care about sectors. What kills you is
    crossing a cylinder so you have to move the heads.

    Remember writing programs with seek()'s to make the drives walk
    across the floor?

    >Then there's the head banging created by bypassing the drives OS on how it

    "The drive's OS" ?

  7. #7 Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    On Mon, 5 May 2008 16:05:55 +0000 (UTC), (the wharf rat) wrote:

    >In article <>,
    > <> wrote:
    >>No I'm not. As long as there's disk space, the drive writes in the sameorder
    >>for the last file it writes, as the 1st one. Deleting, just frees up
    >>1 track on a drive might hold parts of several programs or data. And repeat
    >>that on ALL tracks of the drives.

    > Ummmm, what happens when there's no block of free space large
    >enough to hold your new file?

    You get a larger HD. Is that really that hard to figure out ?

    >>Defragging would ONLY be a good idea if the entire file or data could be placed
    >>on 1 sector.

    > Actually, you dont' care about sectors. What kills you is
    >crossing a cylinder so you have to move the heads.

    Cylinder ? Drives haven't used cylinders for more than 20 years.

    >Remember writing programs with seek()'s to make the drives walk
    >across the floor?
    >>Then there's the head banging created by bypassing the drives OS on howit

    > "The drive's OS" ?

    You may want to call it a controller. Yes the drives OS. Did you really think
    all the stuff to manage a HD was left up to the software's OS ?
    more pix @

  8. #8
    Chris Game Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    On Sun, 04 May 2008 19:24:08 -0400, wrote:

    >>> As you can see there's absolutely no sector after sector writing
    >>> action. 1st sector of a program is written 180 degrees opposite
    >>> of the 2nd. You have a program that's sector sequential on a
    >>> platter, it should take slightly more than twice as long to
    >>> read...

    >>Gosh, I wonder if the disk manufacturers know this!

    > What's that got to do with defrag software ?

    The disk manufacturer has a controller between the hard disk and the
    OS driver - it takes care of bad sectors and the kind of
    optimisation in read/write operations you mention. The idea of
    physical sectors that you describe is out of date (by about ten

    If you thought you were saying something new, you were wrong.

    Chris Game

    "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called
    research, would it?" -- Albert Einstein

  9. #9
    the wharf rat Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    In article <>,
    <> wrote:
    >> Ummmm, what happens when there's no block of free space large
    >>enough to hold your new file?

    >You get a larger HD. Is that really that hard to figure out ?

    Wouldn't it be easier to write fragments of the file to whatever
    blocks were available?

    >Cylinder ? Drives haven't used cylinders for more than 20 years.

    "Cylinder" refers to the physical blocks within the same radius of
    the spindle. All those blocks can be accessed without moving the head.

    >You may want to call it a controller. Yes the drives OS. Did you really think
    >all the stuff to manage a HD was left up to the software's OS ?

    Most is, on a typical IDE system. That's one of the ways SCSI
    is (and for the most part continues to be) better for stressful applications.
    All the drive's firmware does is startup, calibration, and shutdown. A
    drive that maintains a bad block list and goes into low power mode for
    lengthy cache reads is a genius as far as these things go.

  10. #10
    Canuck57 Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    "the wharf rat" <> wrote in message
    > In article <8nsTj.115732$Cj7.82648@pd7urf2no>,
    > Canuck57 <> wrote:
    >>The real issue with defrag is unsophisticated design and ways exist to
    >>eliminate it's need. Write a record, write a block mentality. Very
    >>but very fragmented. Linux/UNIX isn't this way. It always posts writes
    >>marks blocks as "dirty" which means it needs a write. So if say 5
    >>are writing, 4 with 1 block and one writes 30 blocks of data, the writes
    >>will be 1:1:30 in 3 steps when the OS decides to write. In MS-Windows it
    >>might be 10:1:10:1:10 fragmenting the crap out of things in 5 slower

    > I don't understand this.

    Don't worry, most people don't. Including MS file system developers. Takes
    some hard core no BS development experience that not many have.

    But it is also why I wonder what the hell makes Vista so slow on disk

  11. #11
    whenwillmydefragend Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    I've been running defrag on my system for 24 hours straight and it is
    still going. When i go into the defragment option for my drive it
    indicates it is still defragging. Is that normal?

    I have 1 TB drive with 500 gigs free, a lot of large files.

    I upgraded to vista 2 days ago, and before i upgraded I defragged the
    drive in XP.

    Honestly I think it is more convenient for a user like myself to defrag
    once in a while and just let it go overnight. However the vista defrag
    is so much slower and with no indication it seems that I will never have
    a defragmented drive.... pretty disappointing.

    Why is it taking so long to defrag now? the fact that it doesn't give
    me an idea of how long it will take is unnerving.

    It is funny the MVPs on this site downplay the importance of
    defragmentation. "just buy more ram" -- yeah for the bloatware that is
    called vista.

    I like my computer to boot fast and defragging helps that. The first
    time programs run they aren't cached so a defragmented hard drive is
    very important. I play a lot of games which load large files off the
    hard drive and when changing maps and levels these files are read from
    disk the first time. It does make a difference. As they say time is
    money and I don't like wasting time with slow disk access.

    I would rather dedicate all my system resources to the apps I'm running
    and not do a defrag in the background. I would rather leave my computer
    on overnight to run a defrag like I did with XP instead of wasting cpu
    cycles on it during the day when I need those cycles for my apps.

    Not to mention again that under xp in 10 hrs my system would be
    defragged. With vista it seems to be neverending.

  12. #12
    Steve Thackery Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    > I would rather dedicate all my system resources to the apps I'm running
    > and not do a defrag in the background.

    It doesn't do that. It pauses while you are using your computer, running
    only during idle time.

    You are worrying about nothing. The low-level background defragging in
    Vista is as designed, and it works perfectly well. The whole idea is that
    nobody needs to care or even think about fragmentation any more. It just
    sorts itself out.

    I guarantee that if you just lighten up, leave it alone and get on with
    actually using your computer, it will all be perfectly fine.

    If you really do want to mess about fixing an imaginary problem, then there
    are plenty of free and paid-for defrag apps on the market.

    Bearing that in mind, this is a complete non-issue.


  13. #13
    Gordon Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    "Drew Tognola" <> wrote in message
    > whenwillmydefragend,
    > I use 'Smart Defrag'. It's fast and I set a weekly schedule.

    Why? NTFS is a FAR better file manager than FAT. Unless you are literally
    accessing THOUSANDS of files a day, there is no need to defrag NTFS more
    than about once a month - just a waste of system resources..

  14. #14
    Poutnik Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    In article <ORPqRfzUJHA.1360@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl>, says...>
    > Why? NTFS is a FAR better file manager than FAT. .........

    it depends.

    I repeatedly seen one frequently modified 3 MB datafile
    divided in dozens of fragments few hours after being defragmented.

  15. #15
    FBonWin7x32 Guest

    Re: Vista defrag SUCKS

    Black Vista version wrote:
    >> You are worrying about nothing. The low-level background defragging
    >> in Vista is as designed, and it works perfectly well.

    > that’s it... you are retarded! a frikin retarded ms fanboy!
    >> I guarantee that if you just lighten up, leave it alone and get on
    >> with actually using your computer, it will all be perfectly fine.

    > hey bozo... this depends on how you use the pc.... on mine the stupid
    > automated defrag cant handle my file traffic mean all of that google jockeying you do at the help desk?
    Don't you use a db?
    You keep on proving just how stupid and incompetent you are!...LOL!

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