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Thread: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

  1. #1
    sraconsultingman Guest

    Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    I am testing out Vista Ultimate and everything runs fine except that the
    photo screen saver will not preview and immediately responds with an error
    message saying, "Photos Screen Saver has stopped working. A problem caused
    the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and
    notify you if a solution is available." My Pictures has over 10,000 files
    but worked fine in XP Professional. Any ideas Microsoft?

  2. #2
    garylane Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    Same problem on vista home premium. Worked fine yesterday until I
    installed several new programs and fiddled with power management. Tried
    to reverse but cannot get it going again. Ideas?:rolleyes:

  3. #3
    cantrelld Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    I received exactly the same message about my quilt design software.
    Worked fine for the first few days, then would not work. Had received
    several automatic windows updates in that time and tried to use
    recovery manager to return to previous settings, but that did not work
    either. Any ideas?

  4. #4
    Mike Abrams Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    I have had the same problem.

    It happened once.... I did somehting then it worked.. now it stops also.. are some things I noticed.

    1) If you change it to CLASSIC mode instead of Random or any other mode it
    WILL WORK.. however the Power Management to shut down the monitor doe snot
    kick in.

    2) If you point it to a directory WITHOUT video it will work (I have the
    codecs for all my videos.. It DID used to plkay the cideos in the screen
    saver fine).

    3) I looked at the error repor tit generated in Problems Reports and
    solutions. It seems to point to a problem with the file This
    is in the Windows>System 32 directory and has something to do with Indeo. I
    actually purchased the Indeo driver pack which works fine to play older Indeo
    encoded videos (Ligos).

    Anyway.. I hope they cna figure this out.. since these files play fine
    everywhere else, they should play in the photo screen saver also.

    Anyone else have this issu eplease let me know.. I really liked that saver!
    Just like you guys I dont know what caused it. I can play any other videos
    without a problem even in Windows Gallery>Media Player....

    Can you test those 2 items see if you have the same results.

    I hope MS has a fix for this... It

  5. #5
    stanislavf Guest
    I have the exact same problem. I can easily replicate the issue as having to
    do with AVI/videos by pointing the photo screensaver to a directory with only
    AVIs and it will hang instantly.

    It did work earlier. One suspects it has something to do with codecs and/or
    other video software, as I have installed a few of these in the past couple
    of weeks and that is when it stopped working. (e.g. Media Player Classic, a
    GNU open source product). Other upgrades include real networks updates and
    other such products.

    AVIs play fine in various media players.

    I made sure the AVI association is with Windows Media Player, to no avail.

    I am sure that like most people, what is so frustrating is this worked fine
    initially...and now it does not.

    I am having the same problem as everyone else just described...
    Can someone help me

    Remove any video files from the folder you are using for the Photos Screen

  6. #6
    Mike Abrams Guest
    I found if you just use photos and make it look in just a folder with photos,
    it will not crash.. BUT it doe snot work.. if I set screen saver for 2 mins
    for instance.. it just keeps going.

    There is obviously a lot of issues with the photo screeen saver.... As it
    DID work very wekk at 1st and now it is affectred by codecs and other things.

    Is there a way to sort of reinstall it?

    Or somehow get it working

  7. #7
    jaswave Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    I didn't try to set up the photo screen saver until I had already put a
    lot of stuff on the hard drive, but the first time I tried to use it I
    got the error message that it wasn't working. I hope this and some of
    the other problems I've encountered since purchasing my first computer
    with "Vista" will be fixed in the upcoming service pack.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Another Vista Ultimate user, disgusted (not at having the problem but at Microsoft's ignoring it). Still having same problem, worked at first then stopped. Seems to be a common problem. Microsoft must be flooded with photo screensaver stop errors by now (unless the error message is lying, which is quite possible). If past experience is any guide, they will ignore it until someone in the mainstream news media writes an article about it, then will scurry to fix it. Good luck all. Anyone finds the fix, please let us know. We know it's something to do with video codecs.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Photo Screensaver not working in Vista ( A Fix! )

    The problem is vista's incompatible, and poor handling of older video codecs.

    The fix is:-

    1. Go through all codec related installs and remove them ALL.
    2. Reboot.
    3. Setup Photo screensaver anyway you wish.

    It should be working perfectly now. Tested on my system after trying a myriad of other sugestions from many people to no avail.

    Suggestion is to make sure all codec install packs are totaly VISTA compatible.

    There are Vista codec packs out there.

    Best of luck!

    I'm not disabled, I'm ENHANCED!
    1 Carbonfibre Leg, titanium fittings, Engergy return system.
    2 Titanium Shoulder plate

  10. #10
    zachd [MSFT] Guest
    That's probably accidentally misleading. When a bad codec corrupts memory,
    there's not really a great way to handle that. Usually the best you can do
    is to run it in special execution contexts so that it only crashes itself,
    but that still doesn't fix anything since it would still be broken. =\

    I am having problems as well. I have Window's Vista Home Edition. I've saved
    many pictures from the net and the screensaver was working fine till a couple
    days ago. Now it doesn't come up with my pictures. Instead its a black screen
    with "no picture" in the file. I opened my picture file and there are
    pictures there. Any ideas??

  11. #11
    venusian Guest
    I have loaded the service pack as soon as I had my new computer with Vista.
    The screen saver worked for a few days, then it suddenly did not. No error
    messages. My screen continues to show whatever is on dispaly, e.g., desktop,

    same problem here, no error message, it just stays on my desktop background
    and never goes to my screensaver, may the Gods be with someone smarter than
    me who can help us!

  12. #12
    NaweG Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    OK, this is driving me crazy. I've looked at this thread and others both
    on here and elsewhere. To avoid all the "known issues", I've created a
    directory on an internal drive that has no subdirectories, no videos, no
    shortcuts, and no animated GIFs. Even if I choose "classic" instead of
    "random", it will go for a while, and then go to the error message.

    I've done all the upgrades and I have SP2 installed. Given that this
    used to work just fine in XP, I have to wonder how it could be screwed
    up now?

    If there isn't a solution, can anyone recommend a similar third party
    program out there that works? I tried Google's Photo Screensaver, but
    you have to manually start it each time.

    Given that all the other screensavers work just fine, I have a hard
    time believing this is anything other than a buggy module...

  13. #13
    NaweG Guest
    After a lot more investigation, it seems that the problem ties into two
    sets of drivers that your machine will run just fine without - except
    when it doesn't :)

    First are the Intel Chipset or Inf drivers. Second are the Realtek
    Audio drivers. I sort of understand the chipset ones since those replace
    the default/generic drivers with ones that are tuned (i.e. work better)
    for the specific support chips being used. I'm not sure I'm at all clear
    on why the Realtek ones make a difference, but adding them in FINALLY
    made my Photo Screensaver stable. Which makes me suspect that the Photo
    Screensaver is a bit of a canary in the mineshaft for system stability

    Just to try and help save some folks some hair pulling like I've been
    through the last few days...

    What error message do you get and what other screensavers work fine, oh and
    what version of Vista are you running ?

  14. #14
    NaweG Guest

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working

    Well, I guess I spoke too soon, after running for quite some time just
    fine, the ugly error reared it's head again. So back to do some more
    digging, and I found a group of messages that referenced the PD4 file
    that the screensaver creates as it's database of photos to slideshow.
    Supposedly deleting that fixes the problem. And in fact it does... for a
    while. Evidently whatever is causing that file to have problems/get
    corrupted is still happening from time to time. Once it happens, I only
    need to let the screensaver run for a bit to get that message. But once
    I delete the file again, it can go for several hours.

    Since someone asked, I'm running Vista 64 Ultimate on a core i7 3.2 Ghz
    with 12 gigs of DDR 3 RAM. All of the other windows screensavers run
    just fine... which in some ways is actually more aggrevating :)

    I have close to 16000 photos (yeah, I'm a part time photographer) in
    the directory that I've been pointing it to, but I get the same problem
    from my test directory that only has about 1000 photos.

    So, any suggestions that I haven't already tried? :D

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Photos Screen Saver has stopped working



    After downloading Picassa, go to the the "Tools" menu and then select "Configure Screensaver." They let you designate which folder(s) to get the photos, along with several options on how you want the photos to display (pan and zoom, wipes, cross fade, circle, rectangle, checkered, etc.) Really cool!

    Google's Photo Screensaver comes up in the list of screensavers in the Windows screen saver configuration tool.

    When the screen saver starts, the Google logo is the first "photo" to show up, but to be honest, they deserve the 10 seconds of credit so, let it be. After that, then your photos from your designated folder begin to show.

    It's awesome and super simple to setup. AND IT'S ALL FREE!!!! Google is awesome.

    SCREW Microsoft!!!
    Last edited by myusername; 28-12-2010 at 07:37 AM.

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