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Thread: "xxx" is not set up to establish a connection on port "world wide web service (HTTP)" with this computer.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    "xxx" is not set up to establish a connection on port "world wide web service (HTTP)" with this computer.

    So, this has been going on for quite some time now. Can't connect to, or, to get updates for anything (i really need mcafee updated). It just tells me ""download.mcafee/" is not set up to establish a connection on port "world wide web service (HTTP)" with this computer.". How do i fix this?

    I've read up on other forums for solutions, nothing helps.
    Yes, i have had Norton on my computer.
    Yes, i got rid of it with the removal tool.
    Yes, i have got rid of McAfee with the removal tool as well (until i fix this problem).
    Yes, i'm on an HP G60 Laptop with a wireless connection that has no problem connecting to anything else.

    Please help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    RE: "xxx" is not set up to establish a connection on port "world wide

    Hello NicholasGrin.

    This is not a huge problem, infact it is a common issue because many such wireless internet connections usually are neither strong enough nor reliable enough to update your computer. Hence what you need to do in order to fix the problem is unplug (remove) then connect to the internet directly via a cable or ADSL
    modem. Now open your IE browser and type the following address

    Now select CUSTOM option and scan. Just install any and every Critical Security Updates you see in th updates list. If a Root Certificates update is listed in the Optional Software updates category on the left-hand side of the scan results window, install it to take full advantage of IE's enhanced security. Hope it helps.

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