I'm running Vista 64 Home (SP1) Premium on a homebuilt machine
w/8GB (4 X 2GB modules). Windows is reporting 8 GB of Installed
Physical Memory but is reporting only 4 GB of Total Physical Memory.
I first noticed this when, after installing a game, the game system
specs said 3092 MB of RAM.
I have checked the BIOS and it recognizes 8 GB. Memory Remapping
is Enabled. Under Memory Remapping is "PCI MMIO Allocation:
4GB to 3328 MB" (?)
MSConfig Boot Options shows Max Memory is not checked and no
value in the box below. I tried enabling it and using 8192 as the value,
but it made no difference.
DxDiag shows 8 GB installed RAM.
Any ideas on how I can get windows to make available all 8 GB of RAM?
(Motherboard is ASUS Maximus II Extreme w/Intel Q9550 processor running
at Q9650 clock speed, memory running at 1127 MHz)