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Thread: Display Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding -- FIX

  1. #1
    cp Guest

    Display Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding -- FIX

    After a few days of nightmarish attempts to fix this; including buying a new, higher wattage power supply; adding another case fan and trying out different nvidia driver schemes I've finally found something that looks promising:

    I jettisoned the nvidia drivers and installed the omega version. (<>)

    I'm on Vista 64-bit. Looks like I wasted some cash getting parts maybe I didn't need but at least I appear to be back in business.

  2. #2
    ProfQ Guest
    Well done! As Anthony Robbins says, "Repetition is the mother of skill".

    This might help

  3. #3
    undisclosed Guest
    Okay so I've been having the same problem for a while now. Some games
    are now almost unplayable due to this error.

    I've been through this thread with a fine tooth comb, and tried EVERY
    possible solution.
    - Tried the rename the nvlddmkm.sy_ through dos, as an administrator
    Didnt work.
    - Tried the Omega Drivers idea
    Didn't work.
    - Tried the latest Beta drivers from nVidia. They even say they
    improve Dragon Age: Origins, which as ONLY just come out.
    Didnt work.

    Anyone got any other solutions?

    This is REALLY pissing me off now. Like I said, some games, Half Life 2
    for example, are totaly unplayable.

    This is obviously a VERY common problem. I'm amazed nVidia havn't
    sorted it yet.

    FYI my system is as follows.

    P4 1.33 Quad Core.
    8 gig RAM
    Gforce 9800 GT 512MB card.
    Vista Home Premuin 64 bit. Running SP1

    Like I said, any other ideas would be GREATLY apriciated.

    Sorry I should have said. After I posted this, and saw that I was STILL
    running SP1, I updated to SP2.

    But however, it doesnt seem to make any differance.

    I'm noticing more and more games crashing. Yet ones that are REALLY
    graphically heavy like CoD 4 are fine.

    It's weird.

    Games I'm having problems with are: -

    The Witcher
    Half Life 2
    Lord of the Rings Online.

    But most others, inc like I said, CoD 4, and also Bioshock, which are
    pretty intense graphics wise, run just fine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: Display Driver nvlddmkm stopped responding -- FIX

    I beg to differ my friend that games that are heavily graphic seem to work fine, that is not the case for me, i'm sick of this problem, and it only occurs when i'm playing assassin's creed 2 which is one of the most heavily graphic games around, i need some help to fix this! plz help!

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