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Thread: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

  1. #1
    Foreverkul Guest

    Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    I'm simply playing Counter Strike Source (not a very resource heavy game)
    when suddenly it goes to blue screen. This is the result

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS Version: 6.0.6001.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional information about the problem:
    BCCode: 1e
    BCP1: FFFFFFFFC0000005
    BCP2: FFFFF800026802DD
    BCP3: 0000000000000000
    BCP4: 00000000000000D0
    OS Version: 6_0_6001
    Service Pack: 1_0
    Product: 256_1

  2. #2
    Frenchy Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    Post the STOP error message that is on the Blue Screen (the one with a
    bunch of numbers and letters in brackets). It may also say on that Blue
    screen the name of the file or driver that caused the problem. In any
    case the stop error messages will let us look up the cause


  3. #3
    Foreverkul Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    I don't have much time to write it down because it automatically restarts
    when it finishes dumping and the dump only takes maybe 10 seconds. Its only
    happened twice so far.

  4. #4
    Frenchy Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    Read and write faster <smile>. Just kidding

    OK, open CONTROL PANEL, click ADVANCED SETTINGS to the left (say OK at UAC)

    You should be in the ADVANCED Tab on the new Systems Properties screen.
    Under STARTUP & RECOVERY at the bottom, click SETTINGS. Take the tick

    OK your way out of it. Now it will halt at the BSOD and you can take a
    week to write the stuff down and report here <grin>

    Hit the computer button to reboot to get out of BSOD.


  5. #5
    Foreverkul Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    Well, its now happened again. Twice in the same day (3 times overall)
    The difference though was that I was playing Team Fortress 2, so I'm
    guessing it has to do with the source engine.
    I didn't check the "automatic restart" thing yet since I hadnt recently
    viewed this page.

    I also though that these codes were the codes in the stop message:
    BCCode: 1e
    BCP1: FFFFFFFFC0000005
    BCP2: FFFFF800026802DD
    BCP3: 0000000000000000
    BCP4: 00000000000000D0

    No drivers were listed though, but it has only happened when using the
    source engine. It may also root form a recent steam update (July 16) or could
    it stem from fragmented disk space?

    (Steam update: )

  6. #6
    Frenchy Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    I would uninstall Steam for a start! Use Revo Uninstaller (it's free)
    to remove all traces of it. Yeh, the above codes give some of the
    picture but there will actually be a message in capitals on the BSOD
    showing a STOP message of what went wrong and also the name of the
    file/driver that caused it.

    What sound driver are you using? If Realtek, they have had a bunch of
    problems and are updating drivers every week or so, so make sure you
    have the latest.


  7. #7
    Shane Nokes Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    How does uninstalling Steam help him?

    Valve games require Steam to run.

    So your solution is to stop playing his games?

    Not a very good solution.

    Your other suggestions though so far are fine.

    We really do need more complete info from the stop.

    I would uninstall Steam for a start! Use Revo Uninstaller (it's free)
    to remove all traces of it. Yeh, the above codes give some of the
    picture but there will actually be a message in capitals on the BSOD
    showing a STOP message of what went wrong and also the name of the
    file/driver that caused it.

    What sound driver are you using? If Realtek, they have had a bunch of
    problems and are updating drivers every week or so, so make sure you
    have the latest.


  8. #8
    Foreverkul Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    So this time a few things were different, the game was running but it was
    Nothing was listed in the STOP except for the codes, which are actually
    slightly different:

    BCCode: 1e
    BCP1: FFFFFFFFC0000005
    BCP2: FFFFF800026B82DD
    BCP3: 0000000000000000
    BCP4: 00000000000000D0

    Previous Codes:
    BCCode: 1e
    BCP1: FFFFFFFFC0000005
    BCP2: FFFFF800026802DD
    BCP3: 0000000000000000
    BCP4: 00000000000000D0

    Its B8 instead of 80
    I'm not sure what it means though, is there somewhere where I can figure out
    what these codes indicate?

  9. #9
    Frenchy Guest

    Re: Sudden Blue Screen while playing CSS on Vista 64bit

    As I asked for originally, at the blue screen there should be a
    capitalised line, like these below (I think your 1E is a ?? error - see

    Following is a list of common blue screen errors and STOP codes:

    * IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (STOP 0x0000000A)
    * (STOP 0x0000C1F5)

    There probably will then be the name of the file/driver that caused that.

    Have you run MEMTEST (Google to get that program and let it run through
    8-10 tests.

    Do you have a read out of the temperatures in your system? Loys of free
    ones of those around and your MoBo may have a utility to see them.


    Googled stop 1E Vista BSOD

    BSOD - Stop 1E Error
    • Stop 0x1E messages typically occur after installing faulty drivers or
    system services, or they can indicate hardware problems, such as memory
    and IRQ conflicts. If a Stop message lists a driver by name, disable,
    remove, or roll it back to correct the problem. If disabling or removing
    applications and drivers resolves the issue, contact the hardware
    manufacturer about a possible update. Using updated software is
    especially important for multimedia applications, antivirus scanners,
    and CD mastering tools.

    • If the Stop message mentions the file Win32k.sys, the source of the
    error might be a third-party "remote control" program. If such software
    is installed, you might be able to disable it by starting the system in
    safe mode. If not, use Recovery Console to manually delete the system
    service file that is causing the problem.

    • Problems can result from system firmware incompatibilities. Many
    Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) issues can be resolved
    by updating to the latest firmware.

    • Other possible causes include insufficient disk space while installing
    applications or performing certain functions that require more memory.
    You can free up space by deleting unneeded files. Use Disk Cleanup to
    increase available disk space. From Recovery Console, remove temporary
    files (those with .tmp file extensions), Internet cache files,
    application backup files, and .tmp files generated by Chkdsk.exe or
    Autochk.exe. You can also choose to install additional applications to
    another hard disk with more free space or move data files, paging files,
    and so on.

    • The problem might be due to a memory leak caused by an application or
    service that is not releasing memory correctly. Poolmon (Poolmon.exe)
    helps you to isolate the components that are causing kernel memory
    leaks. For more information about troubleshooting memory leaks, see
    Microsoft Knowledgebase articles Q177415, "How to Use Poolmon to
    Troubleshoot Kernel Mode Memory Leaks," and Q298102, "Finding Pool Tags
    Used by Third Party Files Without Using the Debugger."

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