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Thread: Windows Vista driver for MA-620 USB Infrared Adapter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    Windows Vista driver for MA-620 USB Infrared Adapter

    I had not luck in locating a appropriate driver for MA-620 Adapter. I am using Windows Vista on my system. It is a infrared adapter that allows me to use my nokia phones to backup my contact. I am using my dad's laptop which has Vista. While at home I use it on XP which works well. I cannot understand how to make this work. I just need a proper driver for the adapter that I had mentioned above.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

    re: Windows Vista driver for MA-620 USB Infrared Adapter

    If the vendor site still exit then you would be able to get drivers. Or else there is no way to find it. I also have a infrared adapter. It is very old, but still works well on XP. After upgrade it entirely failed. I had not kept the driver backup. And Windows Update also do nothing in it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Windows Vista driver for MA-620 USB Infrared Adapter

    Some website on the web are giving that driver for download. You can use that. I am not really sure whether it is going to work or not. But still you can try out the same. MA-620 USB Infrared is a very old product and I think the vendor also does not has any support for the same. The best thing you can do is try using Windows update first. Most of the time you will get drivers through that. But still if you won't get then you can try the download provided on popular download website. Test it out. If it works keep the drive safe with you. It can be used for future purpose also.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Windows Vista driver for MA-620 USB Infrared Adapter

    I have a simple solution which might work. I am using a driver updater software. I had purchased that for my old printer and webcam. After formatting both were not working. I tried to find drivers through Windows Update as well online, but did not found the same. So the last thing I did is installed this driver updater tool. This tool scanned my system and located the drivers. The name of this tool is DriverMax. Just test this out. A free version offer you two drivers update daily. You can try to install the infrared adapter through this. If this does not work then there is nothing you can do.

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