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Thread: PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

    There is some issue with Call of Duty Advance Warfare in my pc. I am having a AMD based system and when I am trying to play Call of Duty Advance Warfare on the same the pc just shutdown on its own. At frist I thought it is some power issue. So I ignored the same. But this happened once again when I try playing the game. When I start playing game within few hours the pc just shutdown and it does not respond. I want some help here to find a solution for the same. I had tried looking around but I cannot find any option. How to find which thing is causing this problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

    It looks like some kind of overheating issue to me. The best thing you can do is add a temperature monitoring software on your pc. It will guide you for the constant temperature and then through that you can find what is the problem. Many processors will shutdown on its own if temperature crosses a limit. The pc will not perform well. You have to check the fan rpm also. If that is low then there are chances that the cpu fan is also not responding properly. You have to replace that and it might start working. That will help the cpu to remain cooler.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

    Most probably it is a heating problem. When turn on your pc just go in the bios and go under Pc health section. See the current cpu temperature there. Leave the pc aside for few hours. If the temperate is rising at a constant rate then it means that this system is having a fan issue. Replacing heat sink will help you but for some time. For better usage, you have to buy fan and thermal paste both. Get a good one. There are different type of paste. Cheaper one dry out faster. If possible get a bit bigger fan. For gaming processor has to work more. And this generate more heat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

    You can also test out your system without games. Like just turn it on and use some other applications. But don't play games. If the pc turns off on its own still then it means the issue can be with the psu. You have to replace that or you can verify first by checking out all internal connections. See the cables if they are proper or not. Disconnect them and add it back. And then test back. All things can be done once you find that the cpu temperature is not the problem. For psu related problem you have to replace it or else your hardware can face issue.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: PC Shutdown when I play Call of Duty Advance Warfare

    Heating can be one reason but it can be easily figured through many applications. You can find them on the web. If that is the problem then as mentioned above the psu might not be able to perform properly while gaming. I hope you are having a good psu in your system. In old system this kind of issue occur. I was having a old dell pc in which I had added a graphic card and after that I started getting the issue. Later on I upgraded to a new graphic card and things are fine. It is working really well.

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