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Thread: How to play Dying Light in 60FPS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    How to play Dying Light in 60FPS?

    I am having a AMD FX-6300 CPU, a Radeon R9 280X graphics card along with 8GB DDr3 RAM. After installing Dying Light on my pc I found out that there is a continuous fps drop in the game. When I am inside the safe zone building then I am getting a frame rate of 30-40 but when I am outside hunting the zombies and completing quest then it drops to 20fps. This is really pathetic since my computer build is enough to get atleast 60fps. So does anyone know what all things can I do to play this game at 60fps atleast? Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: How to play Dying Light in 60FPS?

    One of the developer said that players should make a Dxdiag file of their machine and sent it together with their logs files to them. To create a Dxdiag file, you just have to type dxdiag in Search and then press Enter. After that copy the whole file into a notepad. Simlarly, for copying Logs file you need to go to My Documents\dyinglight\out\logs\ and copy it and then send it to this email -

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: How to play Dying Light in 60FPS?

    I am guessing that the problem you are facing is because of your processor. I was also using the same CPU of FX-6300 and whenever there is any FPS drops then my CPU utilization goes up to 40-60%. After that I upgraded my CPU to Intel Core i5-4690K Haswell and now I am not facing any issues with this game. So, I think that you will need to set the affinity of 4 cores utilization atleast for this game and see if that it works for you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: How to play Dying Light in 60FPS?

    I am thinking that the graphics settings are more graphics card intensive rather than CPU. Some other things like distance, reflections and shadows utilize CPU. So, it seems that the AMD FX-6300 probably might be not enough to keep up with the base of this game, even if you do have a good graphics card. So, this CPU wony be strong enough to support this kind of game and hence you are getting low FPS. You can try to turn down your resolution and settings a bit and see if that works.

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