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Thread: Finding games on Steam is not easy as I was thinking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Finding games on Steam is not easy as I was thinking

    I had never used steam. Today I tested that by downloading a few game demos. I am costly trying to find the games which are free to play. But it looks there are mostly paid game. It gets more complicated to locate a specific games. And compare to that you can find that very easily on the web through Google. I am getting direct steam links on the same. But on pc it is complicated. So here I need a few tips that can help me to locate games fast on steam. I had tried looking around but cannot find any option for that. Also it does not save the history of games you had searched. So you have to find things back again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Finding games on Steam is not easy as I was thinking

    Steam is a game client. Most of the things that you are gong to see on Steam will be latest. There was a information that Steam is gong to tweak its UI and make it a lot more better option for gamers. So that they can find what they are looking for and that will be very easy also. It will have a option that is based on users selection. Which will help you to find the games that you are looking for. You dont have to re-look again and again in the huge game list. And this update will be offered to use soon. The current client is lot more better according to me. I am using steam for years and I had noticed a lot of improvements in it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Finding games on Steam is not easy as I was thinking

    Steam needs a makeover to meet the current standards. There are ample of things that are yet not easy to find on steam. Being a game client it can be some kind of game search engine. But things are very much limited on the same. There are few other clients that are easier but they are limited to a few set of games only. Here Steam has a much broader network than others. We can sit back to find what new things are going to added in the same. Right-now I am only using it as a launcher. It has list of all my games in it and I play my games through that. A kind of place to put all my games and locate them easily.

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