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Thread: Magic 2015 crashes to desktop

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Magic 2015 crashes to desktop

    I recently purchased this new card game called Magic 2015 from Steam. The installation went fine but as soon as I try to launch this game then basically 2 windows opens with 'DotP 2015 splash' and 'Magic 2015'. But after few seconds the Magic 2005 will just blank out and crash to desktop and nothing happens afterwards. I have tried several times to launch this game but to no avail. I dont know where else to look since i have already done the reinstallation, graphics update, etc. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Magic 2015 crashes to desktop

    Even I was facing this similar issue where this game used to exit out after lunching it a few seconds. I then tried to get it to working by setting the launch options to Windowed mode. Just right click on the game.exe and go to Properties and then add -window, remember to have a space in between. It will let you to launch the game in window mode. After that go into the game and set the reolsution to fullscreen and then exit the game and relaunch it again to get it to working.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Magic 2015 crashes to desktop

    If I remember precisely then this problem also used to happen in the previous version of Magic 2014 game. This problem was happening with people who were using multiple monitor setups. On one monitor it was running properly without any issues. Also, if you have connected any game controller then also this problem used to happen. So try to avoid all this things first and then check if your game is able to do fine or not. If not then wait for the developers to release a working patch for this game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Magic 2015 crashes to desktop

    If the above solutions are not working for you then try to troubleshoot the game with this methods. First try to open the game in Windows 7 compatiblity mode and run it. If this is not working then restart your pc and then check. If still nothing, then navigate to the game folder and install DirectX manually from the same game folder and it will tell you to reboot your pc. Finally, use the below configuration in your config.cfg file by opening it:


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