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Thread: Is crysis 3 an open world game like far cry 2 & 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Is crysis 3 an open world game like far cry 2 & 3

    Is crysis 3 an open world game like farcry 2 & 3 or still it follows the same fashion of linear game pattern where we have to just follow single way and shoot anything that comes in our way?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Is crysis 3 an open world game like far cry 2 & 3

    Yes, Crysis 3 game is actually open world environment like Far Cry 2 and 3 version. You are given a gameplay where you need to find some places where a distance is calculated and once you reach there then the checkpoints automatically gets saved.

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