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Thread: Steam fallout 3 freezes in windows 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Steam fallout 3 freezes in windows 8

    Steam fallout 3 is one of my favorite game and I have played it on windows 7 for a long time. Recently I have installed fallout 3 in one of my windows 8 system and its freezing like hell. My system is quite capable of running the game. I have updated my graphic card driver to the latest and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game as well but not avail. it still keeps freezing while playing. Is there anyone who is able to play fallout 3 on windows 8 without any such issue????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Steam fallout 3 freezes in windows 8

    Since you have already tried updating your graphic card driver and reinstalling the game I will suggest you to run the game on lowest possible setting and cross check if it runs fine after that. Also close other program running in background while playing the game. You can open task manager and close unwanted applications and unknown non Microsoft services that might be running.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Re: Steam fallout 3 freezes in windows 8

    I have tried running the game on every possible setting that I could have but it still keeps on freezing. Freezing is quite random, it occurs after every 5 to 10 minutes and pisses me off. I have tried playing the game on lower resolution and have tried changing in game settings as well. My friends are having fallout 3 still installed in their windows 7 system and they don’t have any issue there, It seems as if fallout 3 is not compatible with windows 8. While looking after a fix for this, I came across other similar threads. So this issue is not specific in my case, there are many others who have complained about the same thing. However, I haven’t found a solution yet. Isn’t there a solution that I can try for running this game without any issue in windows 8???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Steam fallout 3 freezes in windows 8

    The only solution I have come across is running the game in compatibility mode. If you don’t mind, then you can try running the game with windows vista service pack 3 compatibility mode.

    • Right click on game shortcut
    • Select properties and select compatibility
    • Now click on compatibility tab, check “Run this program in compatibility mode”, select “windows vista service pack 3” in drop down box, click on apply, click on ok and restart the game.

    Let me know if fallout 3 runs fine in compatibility mode. Most of the people have mentioned it works, so I guess it should help you out as well.

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