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Thread: Fifa 13 vs. PES 2013

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Fifa 13 vs. PES 2013

    It’s the time of the year when football fans all over the world start their debates again. But this time it’s not about proving who is superior between Real Madrid and Barcelona or Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi. Every football fan whichever team or club he or she may support, whichever country one comes from, one question comes out for sure; Which video game is better FIFA 13 or Pro Evolution Soccer 2013?

    I have been playing football games from long time now and I have seen how they have evolved. From a basic gameplay with minimal graphics to realistic graphics with a complete life like actions, both the games have come a long way in terms of development. Last year after playing FIFA 12 and PES 2012, I’ll say that PES 2012 was the clear winner. FIFA 12 might have good graphics and animations, but PES 2012 provided a game that would give a true football experience. Again this year there will be same comparisons among these two games. One might have some great things that other will miss out. But let’s not jump to these attributes directly. I have written this article that will help us understand difference, good and better among FIFA 13 and PES 2013.

    If one thing that I had noticed in FIFA 12 that I didn’t like was the player’s intelligence. Last year we saw how the defensive techniques in FIFA 12 had many new changes. For example, defensive control got more detailed with various new features and actions were introduced. I personally liked how the containment feature was added to the game. Though it made the gameplay realistic, I think that speed of the game would slow down which made this game somewhat boring. Also because of this feature, tackling opponent’s player became complex and difficult. Overall, I can say that changes made in FIFA 12 resulted in loss of the pace of the game. But as compared to this PES 2012 had maintained the pace of the game right and also has retained the excitement of the game.

    This year in FIFA 13, there have been many changes. The developers have seen to it that they maintain the gameplay to resemble the real game as well as keep it entertained. It is obvious that when you try to replicate the action of 90 minutes in just six to ten minutes, there will be some major differences. But after playing FIFA 13 for some time, I can say that EA sports have brought back the actual fun in the game back. The pace of the game has been made proper to entertain the player as well as retain realism in the game. As compared to this, in PES 2013, the game has maintained its gameplay as fine as before. The pace of the game, flow and all the action has been maintained. But this time Konami has made PES 2013 more like an arcade game than a sports game. But when it comes to gameplay, PES 2013 is a winner for sure.

    Both PES 2013 and FIFA 13 have been designed to retain the realism of the real game. Where FIFA 13 have attended the maximum level of realism, I think that PES 2013 realism somewhat. What makes the FIFA 13 so realistic is the level of physics that have applied on this game. The collisions and the contact between two bodies have been well defined. The way ball comes in contact with player’s feet and the way players react to various actions and reactions is awesome. This same realism has been continued in FIFA 13. As compared to this PES 2013 doesn’t have the high end realism. Though the collisions and the actions are not realistic, they are good for a football game. IF you are a type of person who finds excitement in the main game rather than animations, the PES 2013 will certainly satisfy you.

    Though FIFA 13 provides a good level of realism in it, sometimes you might find it irritating. For example, when a player collides and falls on the ground, he takes a long time to get on the feet and start playing again. It looks great in real game as there are 90 minutes and a player out of action for 20 seconds doesn’t make big difference. But in a game of eight to ten minutes, a player out of action for ten seconds is a big deal. But if PES 2013 is seen, then not so high end realism actually helps. The players don’t stay on the ground for long time after falling. Also collisions seem practical. If you are hit by great force you fall down or else you are just pushed back to return in action again. I think this low realism in PES 2013 helps to maintain the pace of the game.

    One great thing that I think in PES 2013 is that the crowd and extra people in the game react more realistically in PES 2013 as compared to FIFA 13. Every team has the supporting crowd depending on its popularity and success. If you are playing career mode and you play as some underdog team in PES 2013, for example, Norwich City. Then you will notice less crowded stadium and less cheering. As compared to it, Liverpool F.C. will have full crowd and full fledge cheering. When you play as a single player in Football Life mode and you run besides the ground’s edge, you will see the coach signaling you or moving his hands as if he is suggesting you something. After scoring the goal when the team members huddle together to celebrate, you can see cameramen running around you with cameras capturing the celebration from every angle. I think this feature is missing in FIFA 13.

    Graphics is one of the main factors that decide the gamer’s choice. If you are kind of a person who thinks that games with high end graphics are best, then FIFA 13 is for you. Both PES 2013 and FIFA 13 have great graphics, but if compared among each other than you will find that FIFA 13 has best graphics. The players in FIFA 13 look same as they look in the real life. You can actually recognize every player from their features. Every feature of the player has been maintained in FIFA 13. The nose of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, fish eyes of Mesut Ozil, Joleon Lescott’s forehead and Mario Balotelli’s hair style. Joke’s apart, but FIFA 13 has the realistic graphics that makes it much superior over PES 2013.

    Even PES 2013 has good graphics, you can recognize the players from their features. But if taken a close look, players in PES 2013 don’t look as they look in real. Just take a look at the picture of Wayne Rooney from FIFA 13 and PES 2013. You will see how much difference is there in the facial details of the players. This goes same for every other players. One thing that is not so good about the player graphics of PES 2013 is that eyes of the players don’t look alive; this gives a look of zombie to them. Also the jaw keeps hanging in weird position without many movements. If there are any wrinkles or maybe dents or bumps on the skin of the player, they have been flatly textured without any depth to it. Also minor details like the cheeks of the players or jaws are not detailed. I was playing PES 2013 using Liverpool F.C. and let me tell you that Luiz Suarez looked like he has been eating for a week without any exercise. His cheeks look puffed as compared to him in real life.

    Other graphics like that of the stadium, ground and audience is great in both the games. Though the audience and the stadium are not seen in most of the game, it plays a vital role. I think when it comes to the graphics of the environment, PES 2013 wins for sure. The audience seems much better in PES 2013 than in FIFA 13. But with lower quality graphics in PES 2013 has its own advantage over FIFA 13. You can run FIFA 13 on a PC with video memory of 512 MB, but you will have to compromise on the graphic quality by reducing the resolution and detailing to maintain the framerate. But you can PES 2013 on a PC with video memory of 512 MB at more graphical details and also enjoy it at good framerate.

    When it comes to artificial intelligence, I think PES 2013 is the clear winner. In FIFA 13 the AI controlled players would play linearly without any dynamic decisions. For example, an attacking player would do nothing but just attack and attack throughout the game. He would show not even a slightest hint of playing in a defensive manner. But as compared to this, PES 2013 would have its AI controlled players to think. When playing against Manchester United, I found Wayne Rooney providing support to the defense many times. You will find unevenness in the playing style of AI in PES 2013 which makes it more exciting and challenging.

    I played against Liverpool F.C. in both the games, let me tell you my experience. In FIFA 13, Luiz Suarez scored goal while Glen Johnson and Martin Skrtel defended in back of the field. Seldom did the defenders come forward to attack and neither did the attacking players provide any support to the defenders when under attack. But in PES 2013, this linearity was not seen. I was attacking when Glen Johnson tackled me to take the ball away from me. My expectations were that he would pass it to Stewart Downing or maybe to another defender. But then there was sudden sprint and he himself sweeped the right field to pass it directly to Steven Gerrard who converted it into a shot.

    Another thing that I noticed in PES 2013 was that the AI never misses a chance to attack while in FIFA 13 AI will miss half the chances of scoring the goal or successful crosses. I haven’t played the games on higher difficulty, but on the semi-pro difficulty, PES 2013 provides more fun than FIFA 13. In PES 2013, you just move the goal keeper out of the penalty box and the player will try to score from the half line itself. But in FIFA 13, you take the goal keeper outside the penalty box and the player will fail to score even from the penalty box. In other words, FIFA 13 just toys with the gamer giving a false illusion of victory or loss. But PES 2013 changes itself according to the gamer providing an intense challenge and fun.

    Other details about these games include the sounds. The sounds of PES 2013 are more advanced than FIFA 13. The cheering of the crowd is more dynamic in PES 2013 than in FIFA 13. But when it comes to music in the menus, FIFA 13 has much better music. Since both are sports based games, we cannot expect much from the commentary. It becomes repetitive after some games. But as compared to FIFA 13, PES 2013 has a boring commentary without anything interesting about it. The detailing of the sounds in PES 2013 is much better than that in FIFA 13. You can hear small screams or instructions from the players. Also the noise of the ball hitting the crossbars of the goal is great.

    The presentation of the games and the menus is much advanced and beautiful in FIFA 13 as compared to PES 2013. The selection of the teams in PES 2013 is kept simple. While in FIFA 13, the team selection appears on a 3D ball which gives a beautiful look. Also the blur when we change the team looks great. But as we know, higher the detailing in a game, more resources will it demand. So this means, if you are running the game on a PC with lower version or older graphic cards, you can expect lags in FIFA 13’s menu. This problem will not be seen in the simple menu of PES 2013.

    FIFA 13 has much better licenses of the teams as compared to PES 2013. You will find official teams from many leagues in FIFA 13 as compared to PES 2013. In FIFA 13, even the nPower League 1, nPower league 2, Serie B and other lesser known leagues from various countries have been licensed. But in PES 2013, only few leagues are licensed. This is not new, even the previous game had the same problem. Even the Barclay’s Premier League is not licensed. Excpet for one or two teams, other teams have completely different names. Meryside Red is Liverpool F.C.; London Blues is Chelsea and so on. But the names of the players, their playing styles, facial features and some other details are maintained. Also there is option to edit the name and logos of the teams, but again it is a tedious work. Also there are less licensed stadiums in PES 2013 as compared to FIFA 13. You can create replica of your favorite EPL team’s home ground using stadium creator which provides loads of options to modify or create a new stadium.

    IF you are playing PES 2013, then I am sure that most of the people will get bored after playing three to four seasons of the manager mode or any other mode. But FIFA 13 will last in the gamers’ PC for a longer time. The main reason is that in FIFA 13, new players are introduced from time to time. For example, if a player retires at the end of season in PES 2013, he will respawn in next season with reduced age, but the stats, name and looks will remain same. This is the trick used by Konami to maintain the number of players in league or game. But in FIFA 13, even the junior players and new players have unique identity. So if one player retires, junior player with new identity enters the team or game world.

    There are few things that everybody must be waiting in both the games. Here are some details about few new features that I have discovered in both the games.
    • New celebrations are made available in both the games. Some celebrations in PES 2013 tend to make the players dance on the field which actually is awesome.
    • Mario Balotelli’s epic celebration during Euro 2012 has been introduced FIFA 13. Though he doesn’t take off his jersey, the same pose is maintained.
    • The physics in FIFA 13 is great and awesome. But I hope these physics don’t start giving bugs like Andy Carroll’s kiss in FIFA 12.
    • Both the games will have many new faces in them. Obviously, new players come out every season.
    • Official stadiums for La Liga will be provided as DLC in PES 2013.
    • The Ultimate Team game mode in FIFA 13 is also interesting. Though I haven’t played it yet, but its starting was quite interesting.
    • Best news of all is that India is included in the national teams in FIFA 13.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Fifa 13 vs. PES 2013

    It is difficult to choose between FIFA 13 and PES 2013, but I think I will try both the games. I like to play the manager mode in the football based games and thus I will be going for it. I was disappointed by the manager mode of FIFA 12, but I hope in FIFA 13, it must be great. I know that both the games have their ups and downs, but both the games are worth playing.

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