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Thread: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    I am planning to buy Prototype 2 for playing on this weekend and I am really looking forward to play it. I was watching the trailer for this game and at the end it was mentioned that we will get Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack along with it. I wanted to know what this Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available have. Has anyone tried it out who can tell me about it?

  2. #2
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    I have tried out Excessive Force DLC pack from Prototype 2. I haven’t played much of the game, but tried out few powers and extra features that this DLC pack provides. One of my favorite weapons that come from it is the Viral Infector Grenade Launcher. It looks and works like the normal grenade launcher available in this game. It can be best used in crowded area which has uninfected people in it. One shot from the Viral Infector Grenade Launcher and there comes a blast. Any uninfected person which comes in the radius if the blast from Viral Infector Grenade Launcher will turn into infected zombie. The effects for this weapon is good, after the blast, a pool of blood flow appears from the bodies of the people and they turn into zombies.

  3. #3
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    May 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    You will find some great skins in the Excessive Force DLC pack like one is the armored James Heller. In this skin, the body of Heller will be covered in big black armor like thing which will be pulsating red colored light from the gaps. The red colored light will be emerging from some infected material coming out from Heller’s body. Another skin that you will find from this DLC pack is the Agile Armor Alex Mercer where the main character will look like the black armored Alex Mercer, but more cruel and deadly looking. The black armor as we saw in Prototype will be same, but will have protruding red infected material from it. I have to still explore the third skin that is available in the Excessive Force DLC pack.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    The third skin provided in the Excessive Force DLC pack is the best one available out of all three in this pack. It is the most scary looking and most authentic skin to play the game with. The skin is named as Zombie Mercer. In this skin, the face of Alex Mercer is shown as that of the Zombie. The skull is partly coming out of the torn skin and flesh. The teeth are pointed and eyes are blood filled red. The clothes are still somewhat intact, but you can see rib cage coming out of the body with pieces of flesh sticking to it. Also other parts like hands and legs don’t have skin on them and we can see flesh inside.

    One force multiplier power that I used in Excessive Force DLC pack is the Medus’s Wrath. On using it, our character starts emitting Green Beams from its eyes or mouth. When this green beam hits the human target, he starts melting and dies. It is also good for destroying the vehicles in vicinity. Good for crowd control. I think that it is an upgraded version of Avada Kedavra spell.

  5. #5
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    May 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    You will also find that in Excessive Force DLC pack, you will find some force multiplier powers like Shockwave. Using the Shockwave will send anything that comes in its radius flying up to some height and then drop it down with a bang. Anything from infected people to vehicles will go flying up to some height and fall down. This force multiplier power is good for use if many Blackwatch troops surround the character. Another force multiplier power found in the Excessive Force DLC pack is the Chaos creator. On activating this force multiplier power, the whole city in Prototype 2 will go into a maddening frenzy. Everybody starts beating and killing any other person coming in front of them. All you will see is chaos and terror and nothing. The chaos reaches height when Blackwatch troops start randomly firing at anyone who comes in their sight. Armored tanks too join this frenzy.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    The Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack from Prototype 2 consists of three force multiplier powers, three skins and one weapon. I have tried some force multiplier powers like Warp Vortex. When this power is used, James Heller makes some hand movement like smashing some heavy object on ground. Where James Heller points on the ground, a whirlpool of some kind of energy starts and sucks in the objects near it. It will suck in Blackwatch troops, vehicles and other objects around it. It will keep churning the objects for some time and then suddenly stop to throw everything in the whirlpool in random directions. Another force multiplier power is the Anti Gravity Field where James Heller creates a field which loses gravity. Objects that aren’t attacked to anything, like cars, soldiers and humans will fly up in the air and then start exploding. Good in combination with shockwave. It comes in use to fight large horde of enemies.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    You will also find another good force multiplier power in the Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack of Prototype 2. With this power activated, the glide time of James Heller will increase by a good amount.

    You can easily glide over long distances and cover big distances over short time. It is just an extended version of default glide power.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    I think the skins available in Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack from Prototype 2 are better than that available in Excessive Force DLC pack. The skins are meant for James Heller to look like James Heller. The first skin that I tried out was the Heller Test Subject. In this skin, Heller appears shirtless and has infected red thing coming out of his body, nothing much unique about this skin.

    Another skin that you will find in the Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack is that of infected Heller. This skin is similar to Agile Armor Alex Mercer in terms of look. The only difference is that it has Heller’s face on it. The looks are almost same.

  9. #9
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    May 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    My personal favorite skin for James Heller is the Infantry Heller which is available in Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack. I tads a military type of clothes to Heller which makes him look awesome. It reminds me of Arnold Schwarzenegger from Terminator 2 carrying a heavy machine gun with rotating barrels. You have chains of bullets all across the body with armored army costume. I have been playing this game completely by using this skin.

    You will also find Thermobaric Boom-Stick in the Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack of Prototype 2. This weapon gives the ultimate super power that can be used to destroy almost anything in the city. It looks like a rocket launcher and attacks too like one. But instead of rocket, a fiery thing comes out of it. One touching the ground or target, a huge explosion like that of an atom bomb is seen. The radius is very large and it completely destroys anything that comes under the radius.

  10. #10
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Prototype 2's Excessive Force and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack available

    I have used both the DLC packs available for Prototype 2, that is Excessive Force DLC pack and Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack and I think that Excessive Force DLC pack has better skins and Force Multiplier Powers. The weapon from Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack is the best. But I think that an old Prototype fan will choose to play this game using the skins related to Alex Mercer rather than that of James Heller. Also the skins provided for Alex Mercer look more awesome than that for James Heller. So according to me its Excessive Force DLC pack win over Colossal Mayhem DLC Pack. I think that developers should have saved the force multiplier powers to be introduced in next Prototype game as default powers for the character in it.

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