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Thread: serena bug in Elder Scrolls Dawnguard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    serena bug in Elder Scrolls Dawnguard

    Is it just me or anybody else faced any bug in the Dawnguard DLC ? Like other even i am not facing any lags or freeze but yeah, i came through few bugs in the game, specially with Serena. For example, Serena is getting her health damaged every now and than with no reason, but the surprising part is that she is not getting dead. She dint even dead while falling in to Lava and completely sunk. Well, thats good thing for me as she is my companion but why her health is getting lower with no reason ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: serena bug in Elder Scrolls Dawnguard

    Exactly. it seems like all the bugs in the DLC are related with the serena itself. Even i am stuck at a point, and am not able to move ahead in the game. It is because my companion, obviously Serea, is actually required to clear the main quest in the cave. But she is trapped inside the cave, i dont know how and she is just not able to come out from there.

    Now the problem is she have to finish the quest and she is trapped. Am stuck at that particular point. Tried restarting the game thrice but no success. What can be done now ? Dint Bethesda noticed this ? what are they doing to fix it ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: serena bug in Elder Scrolls Dawnguard

    Well guys, i think we have no other option than to wait for the patch. Even i faced few strange things with this DLC, specially with Serena. In my game she was stuck in a Cave while looking for a quest. Dont know why and how she was just unable to come out of the cave and hence i was unable to clear the quest. Similar, i think, the damaging problem is also a bug. Hope Bethesda releases a patch soon to fix serena related issues in Dawnguard.

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