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Thread: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    I recently played Sins of a Solar Empire and now I watched the trailer of Endless Space. After watching the trailer, I feel that both the games are same and maybe from one series itself. Both are sci-fi games based on futuristic space wars. I don’t think that after playing Sins of a Solar Empire, I will play Endless Space as I think that it will again have same concept and same gameplay as the Sins of a Solar Empire. Still I’d like to know about Endless Space just to find if they have put anything new in it. So can anyone compare these two games for me?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    The first major difference between the two games is that Endless Space is a turn based strategy game while Sins of a Solar Empire is Real time strategy game. If two things, that is empire building and combat is compared, then Sins of a Solar Empire has equal focus on both the factors. While in Endless Space, though empire building is detailed and is also important, but the combat is largely focused in Endless Space. As compared to Sins of a Solar Empire, Endless Space is far more complicated. To add to this complexity, this game lacks the proper description about the items that are found in this game. Many times it happens that you are researching and you don’t get any notifications about your on-going activities. It becomes irritating at moment. But in Sins of a Solar Empire, everything is properly sorted and organized.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    Sins of a Solar Empire is a game designed properly for every language. All the texts and the audios in every language are done properly. But in Endless Space, this whole thing seems messed up. The game is actually made in French and then modified for other languages. I played Endless Space in English language and the text and the audio was kind on improper. It seems that many texts have been missing in English. One thing that is good about Endless Space over Sins of a Solar Empire is that Endless Space manages the hardware resources properly. As we progress in Sins of a Solar Empire, the game becomes so large that to maintain the record of everything, the game needs to consume large amount of RAM and becomes heavy on the PC. But this problem has been taken care of in Endless Space.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    The construction of empire is very simple in Endless Space as compared to Sins of a Solar Empire. The only part that is complex in Endless Space is that of developing the technologies. After two hours of playing Endless Space, I actually understood how to develop technologies. The two hours is just of the game, if the time required to Google the proper solution is added, then this whole thing will go up to three hours. But one thing if all the problems regarding the conversion of game from French to English or missing of some text, the whole game is awesome and doesn’t give any other problem. This is why I am playing Endless Space with so interest.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    The AI is very badly made in Endless Space as compared to Sins of a Solar Empire. Even on the Easy difficulty level you will find that the AI is very difficult to beat. The main reason for this problem according to me is that AI spawns its units very quickly without giving much time for the human players to develop. Also till you can develop your empire fully, AI will have completely developed with almost every technology and upgrade possible. Till then I will still be at half the level at which AI is. This makes me feel that AI is always overpowering the human player and thus this added difficulty makes the game very much difficult to play. Again on this, the Horatios and the Pirates are next to impossible to beat. A developer of Endless Space needs to manage the AI properly and balance them according to the difficulty.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    In Sins of a Solar Empire you can actually decide what every unit in the battle has to do. You can order an unit to attack only on one enemy and other to attack on some other building. So in short, in Sins of a Solar Empire you get a good control over the units using which you can fight the battle as you want. But as compared to it, in Endless Space, the battle is automated. You just have to choose action in form of cards which the units themselves do it. You choose the attack card, your units start attacking the enemy without changing their own positions or anything by their own. You ask them to defend and then go on defending. We can even skip the battles in Endless Space. I think that this is one of the biggest differences between Endless Space and Sins of a Solar Empire.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Comparison between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space

    Actually if you see, then it can be said that Endless Space has added an new dimension to turn based strategy games. You can explore the map, expand the empire in new location, capture more planets and expand the empire, fight against the opposing forces, manage the empire, upgrade the empire and the battle ships and many more activities. So this is the depth that was needed in strategy games and Endless Space has provided it. Sins of a Solar Empire were just like any other strategy game. The only thing common between Sins of a Solar Empire and Endless Space is the theme, that is sci-fi and space fights.

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