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Thread: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    I have been playing Spec Ops: The Line for long time now and I have completed the single player campaign once. I liked the single player campaign and it was awesome. The graphics were nice, the effects were nice. In short the overall single player campaign was nice. Now that I am well acquainted with the controls of the game and have got habituated to it, I am sure that I will be able to play the multiplayer mode of this game very well. I played few matches inline and fund that game was somewhat different from single player mode. I think that there were some things that shouldn’t have been present. For example, the target line for the grenades. What do other people who have played Spec Ops: The Line think about it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    Since the multiplayer mode of Spec Ops: The Line would be having thousands of players from all around the world, the developers should have provided more objects for customization of the characters.

    For example, more clothes for torso, more bottom part and more facial objects like head gears and masks. Now with so many players in the multiplayer mode, many times more than one player seems exactly same like the other one. This has lead to confusion many times as player from two teams tend to look same. The customization of the body of the character changes both torso and the bottom at the same time. Thus we only get few combinations of clothes of the characters and the headgear, face mask and shoes.

    Even the headgear, face mask and shoes are not noticed as clothes are. So I think that developers should provide more clothes that will help maintain variation in the looks of the players.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    Quote Originally Posted by Shae View Post
    So I think that developers should provide more clothes that will help maintain variation in the looks of the players.
    The developers have kept the customization of the character’s clothes limited because they wanted to maintain the realism of the game. If multiplayer mode of Spec Ops: The Line had various options to have the torso clothes of different color and bottom pants of different color, then most of the people would matching random clothes. Green camo pants with black camo shirt and all. This would have looked unrealistic and also funny. The theme of the game would have got spoiled by this. I think to solve this problem; developers should release a path with more skins to add more randomness to the looks of the characters.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    The best part of the multiplayer mode of Spec Ops: The Line is the perk system. You can have unique abilities like invisibility, healing, armor and so on for your team mates so that you can attack on the enemy much better. The management of these perks is better than other games that had such a system. The perk system in Spec Ops: The Line focuses on building a team rather than a super soldier character.

    In Call of Duty series too the perk system exists in multiplayer mode. But it focuses on the character of one’s player rather than teamwork. I liked the perk system of Spec Ops: The Line because of this and it really makes on think and make strategies. Talking about the clothing of the soldiers, the head gears and the masks of the players look very stupid and childish in Spec Ops: The Line. The masks look like gas masks or some welding masks. Instead the developers could have just given simple complete face masks and balaclavas with different colors and patterns would have been more practical.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    I found the buffs in Spec Ops: The Line very ineffective. The buffs are meant to be for use of the teams and not for an individual player. But here in Spec Ops: The Line, when the buffs are full and ready to use, the only person to know this is the specific player. If he sends a chat message to other team members, then only can they know that buff is ready to use and they should locate the player to get the advantage of the buff. I think that developers need to add some buff marker which will show to the team mates about the ready to use buff. So once they notice it, they will get along the player themselves and can use the buff together. So I think buff marker in multiplayer mode of Spec Ops: The Line is needed. Also the buffs need to be divided properly according to the classes in this game.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    One thing that I didn’t like about the multiplayer mode of the Spec Ops: The Line is that all the objects are unlocked from the start of the game itself. There is no restriction where we have to earn XP or to win certain amount of matches to unlock certain items in this game. I think that this shouldn’t have been done. Now a newbie joins the game and picks up the largest gun and starts running around the field shooting anything that moves. There should have been restriction for another reason, which is excitement. If we would need to earn XP or some achievement to unlock items, this would have encouraged the players to lay more to unlock the items. But now since everything is already unlocked, I think most of the players will get bored easily and stop playing Spec Ops: The Line multiplayer after some weeks itself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Multiplayer improvements in Spec Ops: The Line

    The line that shows the path of the grenade when we are about to throw it should be removed by the developers. It steals the whole fun as we know where the grenade will land. It would be good fun to assume the path of the grenade and miss it or hit the target. Also after providing the target line, I don’t think that it will guarantee kill. Enemy is not dumb to not realize that an active grenade is lying around. He will change his position and evade the explosion. Also in the quick fights, we tend to ignore these lines as we need to release the grenade and continue to use the gun. Also when travelling on zip line, the layer becomes a bullet sponge till he reaches the end. I think that there should have been some possibility that we could use one handed guns to shoot at the enemies when travelling on the zip line.

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