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Thread: Is there any open world or free roaming mode in Game of Thrones

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Is there any open world or free roaming mode in Game of Thrones

    I feel this would be the best game ever I just saw in the trailer on YouTube. That tells everything about the game, the graphic really looks awesome , the character that been used is actually real. Before buying this game I certainly need to know something, is the world in which we are playing in game is big or it is limited. , I mean something similar to Skyrim because if that is the case, it would be awesome. There should be some kind of free roam stuff in the game where you can explore all parts without restriction.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Is there any open world or free roaming mode in Game of Thrones

    That's looks interesting. I never saw the game in this context. I have played so many game but never went out of the path, the major concern for me was how to complete the game earlier that the other. The game is nice and I do not think there is such feature available.

  3. #3
    Nimos. Guest

    Re: Is there any open world or free roaming mode in Game of Thrones

    have seen a article on the web that mentioned that the game will be somewhat similar to the Dragon Age origins. The world might also be the same. I am really looking forward to play this game this weekend, yeah that when I am getting my order this week.

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