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Thread: Network Error: You lost your connection to the network in DiRT Showdown

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Network Error: You lost your connection to the network in DiRT Showdown

    When I am trying to submit/ view a challenge in DiRT Showdown then I am getting an error message saying "Network Error: You lost your connection to the network" I know that the error is saying that there is something wrong with the internet connection in my case but I will like to inform you that it’s not. I have inspected the internet connection and it is appearing to be working fine but I am still not able to submit/ view a challenge. I am not able to enjoy with my friends as well, is there anyone who has faced the same and has an idea about fixing this issue. I have searched for the same but I have few people having this issue and there has not been an official response on this issue. If anyone has a fix or a workaround for this issue then please share it here, it will be highly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Network Error: You lost your connection to the network in DiRT Showdown

    Hey friend I am going through the same, I have just downloaded and installed the game but like you when I am trying to check out or submit a challenge then I am getting the same error message. I have been looking after a solution for the same in some other forums and I have come across some people who have mentioned that they have been able to solve out the issue by putting their system in DMZ mode and by uninstalling and reinstalling the game but I have tried out the same and it is just not making any difference in my case.

    Have you come across any other solution than this?? If anyone has an update on this issue then let me know as well. Thanks in advance.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Network Error: You lost your connection to the network in DiRT Showdown

    If you both are sure that there is no issue with the internet connection in your case then you can check out the below things and see if they are helping you to fix it out or not.

    • You might have check-marked "Remember Me." Option while logging in. when you do so your email address, password are stored along with a cookie so when you log-in next time you don’t have to enter the same but sometimes there is a need to clear them. So first Un-check "Remember Me” and delete your email address and password and after that retenr them and try checking out the challenge and see if you are still getting the same error message or not.
    • If yes then you can try again later after some time there are possibilities that the issue might be temporary and so, you should also run the game as admin.
    • If that does not make any difference then you can try adjusting the firewall. As far as I am aware the McAfee, ZoneAlarm are the popular providers so if you are having the same then go in to the Windows task bar> double-click on the firewall icon and check out the firewall list of permitting/blocking Internet applications, if your game is not in the list then you can Click on “Add a Program to the List” and then point your game and add the same to the permitting list. When you are done with the same then close the firewall and try running the game and check out if you are having the same issue or not. If in case you are running 2 firewall then try disabling the secondary firewall and configure the first one in the above method.
    • If you still face the same issue then try resetting the browser. If you are using Internet Explorer then click on Tools> Internet Options> Delete button under Browsing History> Un-check everything leaving Temporary Internet Files checked> Delete. Now you will get a Delete Browser Window History window so don’t interrupt the same and let it complete it process and get closed. When then resetting is done then make sure that you are rebooting the machine. If you are using Firefox then click on tools> Clear Recent History>check-mark all the items> reset Firefox.
    • If the issue continues then try uninstalling and reinstalling the game from the Windows Control Panel.

    If at all you are still having the same issue after trying and checking out all this then better contact the game support and address them the issue that you are facing with the solutions that you have tried so far and see what they have to say about the same.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: Network Error: You lost your connection to the network in DiRT Showdown

    I think that I can be of some help to you both here, actually I was facing the same issue while submitting a challenge or checking out a challenge. I had checked out for the same like you all and had not got much help, I had also contacted the game support as well and I am still waiting for their response but when trying to troubleshoot this game I just bridged the wireless along with the wired network connection in my case and it appeared to be solving out the issue. I am not getting the same error message again, I don’t know how it might be making difference but it has actually helped me out.

    So if any of you is having a wireless as well as wired network connection environment then you can try out the same and see if the issue is getting solved in your case or not. Best of luck.

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