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Thread: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    I wanted to discuss something interesting regarding SFxT. When I went to local store I found that game was listed for $39.96 and it was rollback price. When I asked over there , clerk told me that it was not a sale rather new price. If this a universal price drop actually then game has dropped price to 33% within a month. I am suspecting that due to DLC issue the developer of the game supposed to do having something to share. Could be possible that sales of this particular game is not expected. Let me know if you are having any interesting comments to share about the price drop of this particular game.

  2. #2
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    Aug 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    The thing which you have mentioned over here is simply normal with today worlds game. when I went to some of the gaming websites where huge price drop occur for video games. the game prices are getting drop so quickly irrespective of release date. However I have decided that I am not going to purchase the game as the developers did not handled DLC part of the game properly. I was looking to see DLC colors and they are going to release it at later date for free. after observing the entire thing I have concluded that Price dropping has become standard thing irrespective of whether game was successful at the time of launch. I don’t think so there is no implication rather it is all about how video game industry supposed to working.

  3. #3
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    Jul 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    I think in this particular situation I am wondering that here supply and Demand can be applied. The price of game would remain at $60 until and unless people are supposed to purchase them at price only. If folk does not purchasing at that price then stores simply drops the price to desired value so that people can purchase it. Stores need to make room rather than sitting on the bunch of the copies. As far as this particular game is concerned the priced drop by 20bucks so I don’t think so this particular game is not able to do well in the game. another reason could be that there are number of issues are associated with the game and due that issues the developers need to drop actual price.
    Could be possible that oversaturation situation occurred in the market. many of the gamers are having much time to practice UMvC, AE, KoF13, MK9, and SCV at competent level. Many people are saying that they wanted to play lots of games but they are not having enough time to do so.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    Well I got several issues with the game such as lag , net code and most of the matches were happening into yellow range. Also I got sound issue but I used to mute sound and continued with playing. When I installed Xbox 360 version of the game I noticed that there was load issue happening with the game. when I played online matches I got several times timed out situation. this particular game is something like running with tag combo. As far as the thing price drop is concerned that implies that game is not selling well at all. the price drop of 20 dollars does not seems to be a good indication for the game. you will be able to purchase the game at cheaper rate which are selling well but it wont be possible at market price. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 seems to be most popular tournament games currently. This is selling really less so it does not mean that game is getting failed if it is not able to do well in terms of sales.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    The thing which you have mentioned above happens when the developer of the game simply ignores feedbacks. UMVC3 was released as vanilla marvel, pandora/gems. If the developer of the game has listened all the feedback provided by the gamers than I think the entire issue can be avoided by them. in fact it does not make any sense to blame developer rather we should blame management of developer team. They had provided very less resourced to develop the game. so that developers need to use same model as well as gaming engine. I was really shocked that developer game did not invested more amount of time as well as efforts in this particular game. even though it was having lots of potential.

    I know that the developer of the game will be able to resolved most of issues with the game without having much trouble. however they could have made better product for us. I noticed that throws were weaker just because of hitbox issues. However rather than fixing hitboxes they used all the times as well as efforts to fix all the issues associated with hitboxes. Now developers has decided that one should fix tagging, rolls and recoverable health. Though there are people who are saying that timer is working fine rather people who are playing it should learn the thing properly. I can understand that there should be lots of bug issue with the game as they have done very less testing of the game. netcode should be best thing developers ever made. They have not provided any kind of option which will let you know about the amount of input lag needed. Also there is sound issue associated with the game.

    So far I am having great time with the game even though there are lots of issues associated with the game. I am going tpo continue to play as developer of the game should work on the same and release the patch after fixing all the issue. I am doubting that the developer of the game releasing such a crap game as they will be able to sell improved version at the rate of better price.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    I was having lots of hope of SFxT but after releasing I was really disappointed like anything. I could not figure out how you can say how game will do in the market. I have noticed that people are complaining about Gems. It is impossible to throw out the entire system on game developed. SFxT should be played on gems and they have alerted the main input just because to give fan input into the game. it does not seems to be sensible at all.There are gamers who are saying that Pandora mode, Cross Assault, Alpha Counters seems to be underpowered just because of feedback provided by the user. They have not provide X-Factor mode a and hence they removed the same from game. I do agree that one should follow feedbacks of friends. If DLC was not provided on the disc and it was provided with content. most of people would like to see content as free so that they developers need to use cost effective rout. So feedback given by the user seems to be meaningless as it won’t be cost effective for the developer of the game. There should be some kind of system which could work efficiently with the game. another mistake that they have done in the game was assist gems. It seems to be stupid thing I have ever seen my life. If you wanted to maximize your character then simply make use of Power gem. So I am not able to figure out how it can work in a situation. alpha counters seems to be ‘stupid comeback mechanic’ I did not touch that part at all. we know that this particular things is already available from past many games.

  7. #7
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    Aug 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    The lowering down of price is happening just because of game and revival of fighting games. hence this particular trend is seems to dying. When SF4 was released it took huge time and the developers made it really exciting thing. this particular game was played by the people who never used to play fighting game at all.
    In today world lots of fighting games are getting released so probably sales is getting lower down for all those games. now people are able to learn about the learning curve of the fighting game and what amount of effort they would require to put so that they can enjoy the game. if you are playing shooter genre of video game then you should need to be one kill and even if you are worst player you will be enjoy a lot. As far as a fighting game is concerned is you will not be able to enjoy until and unless you are winning. So there is no point to blame on fighting game itself. According to me nature of game is supposed to attracting most of people.

    I am not able to figure out how much one can enjoy a fighting game. it is not about how early you are able to learn about all the small details of it. there are people who liked Starcraft 2 even though it was having high learning curve. However people used to purchase the game as they loved to play single player mode of the game. also it has lots of content with that mode as well. as far as SFxT is concerned the developer of the game did not put any serious efforts regarding single player mode. I am not able to figure out why they are not interested to do something regarding single player mode. I know that to write a story for a single player mode seems to be difficult thing to do but after releasing of SF4 they had loose lots of momentum so I am sure about the thing that it would definitely hurt after longer period of the time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    I completely loose interest from this particular game as they revealed the information about 12 character DLC. For PS3 version of game they had mentioned 5 exclusive characters. The Xbox version of game is really bad. I am not interested into cross assault and I got bored feeling while playing tournaments. I did not found anything about in terms of gameplay. I loved to play slow, defensive footsie game.
    I think price drop of game happened because of oversaturation in market . they are losing lots of hardcore sales base. Since no hard core player will not drop price by 40-60 dollars. I am wondering that competitive community is going to purchase this particular game. evey players are simply purchasing game as it get released because it is available for low price. I am wondering that it should be a best fighting if they had developed it properly. there are some things which did not worked properly.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: What is your opinion regarding price drop of Street Fighter X Tekken?

    I am happy with the game but people are not purchasing the game just because of DLC is not available on disk. There is nothing to happy if they are having catastrophic sales. The developer of the game should sit and look on the recent failures. They have no option left, they have to listen all the gamers what they are supposed to say. The gamers don’t want to play games which are unfinished and feel with bugs. The gamers are not going to tolerate the same at all. I don’t think so we are going to get much DLC for this particular game they would need to invest lots of money to do the same. I think the developer of the game are not interested to spend their time to figure out the marketing failure. If they do the same then we could get better games in future. They should step up their game in order to win half of the gamers.

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