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Thread: Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

    Hello, friends I am a big fan of Bejeweled Blitz and I really love this game. But there are certain things which are really needed to be improved or changed. As everyone knows that this game is full of fun but alongside there are also lot of bugs existing in this game. Not sure about you people but there are certain things that I would like to modify and change in this game. I want to make this game a complete bug free fun package.
    First of all speaking about the x2 multiplier I would like to really get this thing into this game. There is a real requirement of a x2 multiplier in this game where the cat’s eye come up at the end during the last 15-20 seconds. Even if the developer has made it possible for the cat’s eye to make multiple destruction at a time, it has not really impressed the user with it. However it takes longer time for the completion of the task and thus the requirement of x2 multiplier comes in picture.

    Also I have noticed that the game players are never being able to cross the score of 250000 even after using a rare gem. If I am not mistaken the gems were especially designed for improving the score but the case is completely different, none of the game find the rare gem helpful and beneficial which is quite annoying. What about your opinion my friends? Do you feel the same? I really want to know how many of you all think same as me with respect to the modification and improvement of this game. i wanted to make this game a real success in gaming world and therefore wanted to overcome all its negativities and take it to a higher level. And for doing so I need your help. Have your comments and view regarding this games much needed features and improvement so that the developer looking into the things and come up with the best one possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

    I do agree with you my friend. This game is a real gem and somehow needed to be focused in all aspects. There are only certain things that are to be improving and once they are highlighted everything is done. Especially the rare gem feature, it really doesn’t seems to be of any use while playing as I never found this thing improving my score the best way possible. I have always noticed that the boards that uses rare gems and boosts have proved to be more difficult as compared to the board that come up with no rare gems and boosts. Even after using a cat’s eye and rare gem the score never seems to be increasing. Score never looks satisfying even after having such advantages, the developers really need to look into these advanced features and make them more advanced and beneficial to the users using it.

    The most important thing to be noted is that always money is not everything, the developer know that the user will always pay for the coins and therefore they keep on doing something that somehow reduces your coins and leave you only with one option to get it purchased. I am also a regular player of this game and I am playing it from the time it came into the gaming world. The main idea of the developer is to make the gamer feel like a looser by making him loose as much as coins possible, this results in purchase of more coins by the gamer without even thinking about the money they invest on it. This could be the main strategy of the developers to extract much and more amount of money from their users and then improve the game as much as possible. this is a better idea but somehow its not good for the person playing it because he is one who is paying for it unnecessarily.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

    You must be right with your opinion that the games with the utilization of rare gems and boosts are more difficult than the games without them. But certainly in my case its completely different and opposite. You won’t believe in my case I generally prefer to play almost all the games without using a rare gem and boosts. I never go for these features and advantages because I already know that they are going to be of no use so therefore I never waste my time in utilizing them. Even without them my score range touches more than 800k.

    99% of the time I touch 300k without the usage of the boosts which I don’t even bother, I simply prefer to reset the game if I score such less score in my opinion. More than 50% of times I hit 400k score which is also a regular score for me, I get this score normally when I am lucky enough to get an appropriate board. And on multiple occasion if I really give more time attention in playing then probably I could easily reach upto 500k that too every day. 600k has been touched by me just once in a week or a month whereas 700k, yeah I remember I touched this level thrice last year. Expecting to cross 800k by the end of this year and I am sure I am going to cross it with no problem and also without using boosts.

    If even you are a playing of my kind and level then definitely even you must be having this kind of achievements and targets set with your game. Nothing is special, the entire player do the same. Players like me would be having similar scoring range like mine with obviously some minor changes. A real gamer always plays with a true spirit no matter what comes on the way and how much the game show you with some unusual behavior.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

    I come in your category; even I prefer to play this game without boosts or rare gems. I have been playing this game since last year and until now I have achieved almost all range scores that you have mentioned above. But now what I have planned is to get my hands on the game with boosts and rare gems. I would prefer to do this only on rare days. Except for the first one month of my initial game play i have never scored below the range of 300k, in fact I don’t even go below the range of 400k. Only on rare case I dropped within that range. Almost all the time except for those rare cases my score range is always beyond 500k.

    The only problem I have with the rare gems and boosts and other advanced feature is that sometimes what happened is this advanced features somehow manages to create a long chain of gems destruction and just during the time period of the destruction process multipliers keeps on falling one after the other without any stopping, this things stops me from doing anything. I am not even made to have a single click during this process which completely takes out the entire interest of mine from the game. no more fun lefts in the game taking out the real affect and skill that are involved in it. And just because of this reason I never prefer to use the boosts and rare gems while playing this game. I want to show up my skill and I know I won’t be able to do so if I use these advanced technology. I am not against such thing, its only that I do not prefer them that’s it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Things i would like to improve in Bejeweled Blitz

    Thanks for having this thread here. I think this is the best place to let the developer know about the multiple issue encountered by the users within this game. There are other threads but they deal with only some specified issue leaving user with multiple issue and complaints without any option but to stay away from that thread.

    I am having several troubles with this game and I serious want to get certain things improve in it. The most noticeable one is the lag I am facing in it. The game is proving to be much difficult to play; sometimes it becomes too slow and freezes. Also I have noticed that the gems react too slowly even if they are moved or shifted to other block. They tend to move to the intended place with fraction of second delayed.

    Many a time I have noticed the gems responding completely in a wrong manner. I mean to say that if you try to move the gem to the upward direction instead of doing the same as ordered they either get to the side or take the cursor inside the gem and then if you click you might find that its moving around even before the gem has been moved actually. I am not sure but their chances that this thing has something to do with the IDK. I am very much shocked to see the amount of boards that end up having some bad moves or complete bad board itself. It happens so frequently that you could even find out easily when the board is going to be bad even before it actually goes worst at times. I have never seen such no moves issue any of the other related games. this shouldn’t happen that too so frequently. The develops have all the right to add any sort of difficulty or impossibilities to the game but that should be only till certain extend and should not be in such a way that the user is not at being able to get rid of it and at certain point it becomes almost impossible to break out the possibility. Time limit game should not come up with such things, if No move is just a bug then I think it should be sorted out as soon as possible and if not then definitely the developers should remove it from the game, it isn’t a good idea at all.

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