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Thread: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    Hello friends I am a big fan of Bejeweled Blitz as I am playing this game from the day it was been launched on Facebook. But now from few days I am facing very bad problem as this games lags a lot now a days. I have also sent a mail to the developers about this problem and yes one more thing I am not going to use Google Chrome as I am basically a follower of Mozilla Firefox only. So I do you Mozilla Firefox, I have also tried to play this game via Internet Explorer but there also I found the same problem as there also it was lagging. I am not able to understand what can I do now to solve this problem I don’t want to leave this game as I almost play this game an hour or two daily as I love it and even I and my friend has a change kind of thing who will have the best score and all so I need to get the solution about my problem as soon as possible. So guys please help me out. I know there are many users who are using Google Chrome also are facing this kind of problem. And I am using Windows Vista but I have also tried on Windows 7 there also I am facing the same problem.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    Can I beat the common dead horse and challenge to inquire when the game is going to be permanent fixed? The lag is really ridiculous and I am not able to play it properly! I know there would be many users who will try and give some solutions like cleaning the cache, then clean the history and also need to clean the cookies than need to restart the machine. But let me tell you that also I have done I have cleaned all the cookies, history, Cache and all this possible and restarted the web browser but yet I am not able to play as it was in the start as still my game is lagging a lot and because of which I am not able to play this game and now I am thinking to leave this game as no use to play such kind of game which lags too much. By the way let me tell you I am using Mozilla Firefox 3.6 with this I have updates java to 1.6.0_23, and only that much I have also updates my Adobe flash to 10.2.159, And even my Windows XP Service pack 3 is up-to-date. And as the above user have also mentioned I am also not going to download Google chrome and play on that as I have seen many users who are using Google Chrome and then also they are facing this kind of problems. And after reading all the posts of the users who are sing all the different web browsers have the same problem so now I think that it is not the problem of any browser or any computer or any issue at users end as basically it a problem from the developers end. And I think they should solve this problem as soon as possible or many uses will leave this game and never come back to play any game from this developers. I think the developers should work on this and give a update about this game so that all the user can update this and play the game lag free henceforth. I really love this game as I said before and I don’t want to leave this game but if this problem is not solved and it continuous with this kind of problem I think I would also have to leave this game as already many users have left.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    I am also facing this kind of problem with my game to and I am also using Mozilla Firefox as you’ll, I also had mailed to the developers and I got a reply which I would like to share with everyone over here. They said that they know the lag is really frustrating the players but they are still working on this problem as they said that this problem is not for everyone so they are not able to get hold of the problem. They told that they asked many players who they know and all those players do not have any kind of lag issue so they are really confused about this kind of problem. And they also told that they are looking in to this problem and will solve it as soon as possible, so that they do not loss any players. They also said that as Facebook has done many changes they have to match up with those changes and they are doing that only so that they can match up with the changes made by Facebook. And they also said if possible let us know what the issue is and which browser you are facing this kind of issues. So that they can do some research on that and give a better update.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    I think this is not a Facebook problem either as they are just blaming that as Facebook have changed many things this kind of problem is happening as if it was a Facebook problem then why it is happening with this game only and why not with any other games as I do play many Zynga games also and I am not getting any kind of problem with those game. I think popcap developers are not that good as Zynga Developers as if Zynga developers can solve all the queries why the popcap developers can’t solve it. I am really angry with this kind of replies from the developers as I have noticed if any users get any kind of problem and if they ask the developers about their problem they just reply one thing please sent us the details about your computer like which browser you using which version of that browser after that they will ask to give your account details on Facebook and they will tell you to just clean the cookies and cache and if still you are facing this kind of problem they will tell you to switch to other Brower or they will sent you a reply that they are working on this issue and will reply back as soon as the issue is been solved. This is the real big problem with the almost all the Facebook games.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    Yes you are right I totally agree with you that this issue will not get solved quickly. As I had also written to the developers of popcap and I too got the same replies as you have mentioned I think someone should start a Facebook page where they can give some kind of alternative of different games like any alternative of Bejeweled Blitz and if this is successful then only the developers would take all the issues seriously as they will be losing their users and shifting to other games. By the way I would say thanks to the Bejeweled Blitz developers as they have created a good game but I think now its time to move on as they are not taking this all issues seriously.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Lag in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook

    I just posted to Bejeweled Blitz, Please re-post if you find this happening to you. Help with the LAGGING OF THIS GAME. You get on a roll and the game has to lag to catch up to your move. Loosing time not being able to get scores of any value. This has been going on now for quite a while. I have tried to bed patient, however when I look at time while lagging is happening and I lose anywhere from 20 to 30 second, that really cuts into getting a descent score. I just have to share my concerns.

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