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Thread: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    I have completed Prototype 2 twice till now and I found it really exciting. While playing for the first time, I discovered all the mutations in the game and all possible moves and tricks for them. My favorite mutation is the Blade. On my second playthrough, I completed the whole game using the Blade except for the few times, where it was necessary to use other mutations. It’s like Blade is my favorite mutation. Everybody must have liked using a specific mutation available in the game. Can someone share their opinion why they like a specific mutation in Prototype 2?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    My favorite mutations are the devastators. There are three types of devastators in prototype and all of them do a good amount of damage to all the creatures that come in its range or effect. The first devastator is the Tendril Barrage Devastator. When this devastator is used, many hard tendrils come out of Alex’s and Heller’s body which pierces everything that comes in its way. It’s not just one or two tendrils, but lots of, like seventy to hundreds of them come out and spread in all directions. It can easily wipe out civilization in the range it works. All the minor soldiers, infected civilians and monsters are killed in the first strike. Bigger enemies like Hunters and Supersoldiers do not take much damage. Also the armored vehicles like tanks do not take much damage. You can also see Supreme Hunters using this power.

    Another one is a Groundspike Graveyard Devastator which is a power granted by claws. When used, Alex and Heller dig their claws in the ground and large spikes of their biomass come out of ground around them. A deadly circle of spikes is created around our character and anybody coming in its way will get pierced and thus damage. It is very effective and useful to destroy armored and hardened targets like tanks, building and heavy enemies like Super Soldiers. It is very useful when attacking an infected liar or a military base. It also can be used when the character is in air.

    Third type of devastator is the Critical Pain Devastator. It can be used only on single target but is very effective, especially against bigger enemies. When used, it fires a hard mass of tissues from Alex’s or Heller’s hand. Anything that comes between its line of attack gets crushed. It is one of the most effective attacks in this game. Even bosses take a good amount of damage from this attack. Bigger enemies like Super Soldier or Supreme Hunter can be killed in two such attacks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    Didn’t anyone try Biobomb, it is one good mutation only available to Heller. Heller can capture any civilian or human unit and infect him with his Biomass. Then he can throw him or place him in a place required. After some time, the subject infected with Biomass will explode to release a mass of tendrils from the body. This looks similar to Tendril Barrage Devastator; the only difference is that instead of just piercing, the tendrils pull the inflicted targets towards the center of the Biobomb. After sometime, a large explosion destroys everything that is pulled. It provides a good amount of damage and is useful to kill enemies that arrive in group.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    My favorite mutation is the Tendrils. They are of lot use as they are effective against the humans, infected creatures and the vehicles. Using this mutation one rip apart even the armored vehicles like the army van and tanks. It can also be used to control humans and creatures. This power is exclusive to Heller and he can string together multiple objects around him. Once attached to the humans or the infected creatures, Heller can control them with strings attached to them. You can move them around or even make them fight. If you don’t want to use them, you can just rip them and kill. It cannot be used to control Super Soldiers, hunters and Supreme Hunters. But it can stun them for some time.
    Another move available for tendrils is that of Black Hole. When used, it will attach the tendrils to all the possible objects in nearby area. It will attach itself to all human, infected and vehicles around it. Once attached, it will pull them towards the centre and crash them into each other creating a large explosion. It can be used in two types, fast attacks and normal attack. Fast attack will attach to the minimal objects and will cause a small amount of damage. As we know Hunters and Juggernauts cannot be killed in first or second strike, but you can stun them using this mutation. Once stunned, tendrils can be wrapped around their body and their body parts can be easily dismembered.
    This power is acquired by James Heller when he consumes Hydra, the big octopus hand like monster coming out of ground. It can be also used in air to destroy the helicopters. When in air, instead of hijacking, Heller can attack the helicopter leading to its explosion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    If asking about favorite mutation of mine in Prototype 2, then I’d say that it is Whipfist. It is a long range attacking power using which Heller can grab the targets that are at a distance. It looks like a long rope which has blades on its end and sides. Along with the grabbing ability, it can sweep a certain area. This sweeping will clear the humans and monsters in that area. Larger enemies will only receive damage and will not get killed. It can be used to sweep an area of 360 degrees. The grabbing ability is very useful when it comes to hijacking helicopters that are at a distance. When I am flying a helicopter and it comes under attack and sustains enough damage that it will explode. I get it near another helicopter and jump out of the current one. In mid-air, I grab another helicopter and hijack it. It is also useful when the target you want to consume is at distance. Just grab him and pull and then consume.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    My favorite mutation is the Claws. It is the basic offensive mutation developed by Alex Mercer by consuming Hunter. It looks like a three big pointed fingers with a similar thumb. It can be used to shred the weaker enemies like humans, military units and weaker monsters. It is not much effective against large enemies or armored ones. But if its abilities and powers are properly used, then it can inflict a good amount of damage to them too. Also on upgrading the claws, it can cause a large amount of damage. The main advantage of this mutation is that it allows full movements to the character with full speed.
    It has a dashing attack which when used; Heller quickly slides towards the target and pierces him with his claws. This can be used to damage even the large and armored enemies. This can also be used to cover a long distance quickly. It also has an power to release the Ground Spike Devastator which can cause a good amount of damage to the enemies nearby.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    Another great mutations available in this game is the Hammerfist. It is a great mutation that can be used against the armored and big enemies. When used, the hands of the character become bigger from forearms and give a look like they are made of stone. They become shaped like a hammer and provide good damaging attacks to the player. One can create shockwaves using this mutation. Using this mutation, one can jump in the air, and then use this attack. It will create a good effect and damage all the enemies that come in its range. It can be useful in destroying tanks and hunters in one strike. To successfully destroy a Tank or hunter in one strike, one will need to gain height before executing it. This altitude can be gained by jumping from high rises or helicopters. Another attack that this power provides is the Hammer toss. Using this power, one can destroy airborne enemies. When the airborne enemy is target, executing this attack will launch the character like rocket and smash the helicopter in pieces. It is a good way to toss Heller at long distances very quickly and also destroying anything that comes in its way. Another power it provides is that of Hammerfist Smackdown. This attack can be used to take down armored tanks and armored enemies in one strike. But when it is being used, Heller becomes prone to enemy’s attacks and will take more damage.

    The main disadvantage of this mutation is that it restricts the movement speed of the character. Also the jumps do not take much height. This attack can also be used to stun the big enemies. When used against the Super Soldier, he will quickly go in the blocking stance from which he won’t get much damage. When punched with hammerfist, a weaker target like human can be horizontally knocked back which will cause damage to any other that comes in its way. Enemies with high movement speed won’t come under its attack as it is slow and also reduces the character’s speed. I mostly use it to surprise attack my enemy. Suppose a group of enemies are standing in one place, then I find a good heighted point around them and take jump above them. In mid air, I use the Hammer Fist Elbow. Once knocked on the ground, shockwaves kill everybody in the range.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Favorite mutation in Prototype 2

    My favorite mutations for Heller are the Offensive and locomotion mutations. The Darwinism is an offensive mutation that provides 10% more damage to the military units. Death From Above can provide 10% more damage when using Aerial attacks. Devastatingly Beautiful increases the range by 25% for Devastator types of attack while Good Little Soldier provides 10% more damage to attacks done when using military vehicles like helicopter and war tanks. Heller's Angels provides 50% more damage when one uses Brawler pack and Melee Expect provides 10% more damage from melee attacks. Revenge Boost helps to throw the infected humans with 10% more force. Anybody else coming in its way will get the damage too. Rocket Arm increases the damage done to the enemies by thrown object by 10% and Strike Force increases melee damage by 10% to all kind of enemy units.
    Cheetah mutation makes Heller four times faster than he is at the basic level and Extra Dashing provides two Air dashes to Heller. Dashing increases the range of Air Dash by 25% while God Speed increases the Heller’s existing speed by 50%. Jet Propulsion extends the time till which Heller guides by 25% and Jumpy increases height and length of jump by 25%.

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