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Thread: Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

    I am currently playing Prototype 2 on Xbox 360 and I have played for some hours. I found a Blackbox in the game. I don’t remember in which part I found, but I think I will collect all the collectibles in the game. Is there any benefit of collecting the collectible items, I mean, will it affects the character’s development or will it bring any change in story in some way? Can anybody tell me where can I find the collectibles? I am not a regular player; I play for around half an hour daily. I don’t want to spend much time on collecting collectibles. So can someone help me with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

    In Prototype 2, you can find around 82 collectibles in whole in game world. These 82 collectibles are divided into three types; Blackbox, Field Ops and Liars. Collection of these collectibles will upgrade the mutation and abilities of Heller. The city in Prototype is divided into three zones; Red Zone, Green Zone and Yellow Zone. Again theses zones consist of three areas. Each of these three areas consists of all these collectibles. The number of collectibles in each area will vary according to the time player needs to spend there. I know that the game is meant to be free to roam for the players, but developers have placed them such that one can find them while playing a mission.

    Blackboxes are the items that need to be recovered from a certain place. Field Ops are a group of enemy soldiers in a place who need to be eliminated as soon as detected. This is similar to the hidden gang operations available in Saints Row the Third. A Liar is an underground area which is highly contaminated. It will consist mostly of infected monsters. Unlike other two types of collectibles, this one has some missions to be completed before one can acquire it. Player will also be rewarded for completing or collecting a set of collectibles in certain area. Since the mutation and abilities of Heller have a lot of effect on this game, it is necessary to have these collectibles found and upgrade abilities and mutation of Heller.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

    I have found all the collectibles in the Yellow Zone and I can tell you where they are located. In Fairview, which is the northern part of the Yellow Zone, you will find four Blackboxes and four Field Ops. There are no Liars in this area. Collecting all the Bloackboxes and Field Ops will result in unlocking of locomotion mutation and new offensive mutation for Heller respectively. Even though I am providing you with the co-ordinates for Blackboxes, you will have to climb building and search as they are not at one level all together.
    Blackbox 1 will be found at co-ordinate of 145 x 1110, Blackbox 2 will be found at co-ordinate of 188 x 1040, Blackbox 3 will be found at co-ordinate of 353 x 1055 and Blackbox 4 will be found at co-ordinate of 351 x 998. Similarly, Field Ops 1 will be found at co-ordinate of 266 x 926, Field Ops 2 will be found at co-ordinate of 291 x 1086, Field Ops 3 will be found at co-ordinate of 399 x 983 and Field Ops 4 will be found at co-ordinate of 125 x 1052.
    In Oakhurst area, which is in southern direction that of Fairview, you will find only five blackboxes and no Field Ops and Liars. This area can be deceiving as it is larger than Fairview in size and has no Field Ops and Liars. Blackbox 5 will be found at co-ordinate of 464 x 1145, Blackbox 6 will be found at co-ordinate of 312 x 1191, Blackbox 7 will be found at co-ordinate of 224 x 1274, Blackbox 8 will be found at co-ordinate of 234 x 1346 and Blackbox 9 will be found at co-ordinate of 122 x 1229.
    In Linden Park, which is the southernmost part of the Yellow Zone, consists of four blackboxes, three field ops and one liar. Completing all the missions related to Liars in Linden Park will give Heller mutation ability called ‘Predator’. Blackbox 10 will be found at co-ordinate of 74 x 1460, Blackbox 11 will be found at co-ordinate of 158 x 1464, Blackbox 12 will be found at co-ordinate of 490 x 1399 and Blackbox 13 will be found at co-ordinate of 420 x 1286. Also, Field Ops 5 will be found at co-ordinate of 385 x 1511, Field Ops 6 will be found at co-ordinate of 425 x 1408 and Field Ops 7 will be found at co-ordinate of 41 x 1540. The only Liar in this area is at co-ordinate 406 x 1339.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

    In the Green Zone of Prototype 2, you will again find three areas, namely, Lincoln Meadows, Fulton and Salt Yard Plains. Lincoln Meadows is in the eastern side of the Green Zone. If you want to search for the collectibles in this area, I suggest you to begin with the Downtown part in this area. Finishing all the Field Ops in Lincoln Meadow will provide Heller with new Predator mutation, finding all the Blackboxes will unlock new locomotion mutation and destroying all the liars will give mutation that will improve Heller’s defenses.

    In Lincoln Meadows, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 1 is 876 x 1156, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 2 is 845 x 1203, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 3 is 870 x 1326, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 4 is 966 x 1414 and Co-ordinates for Blackbox 5 is 910 x 1464. The Co-ordinates of Field Ops 1 is 846 x 1159, Co-ordinates of Field Ops 2 is 883 x 1526, Co-ordinates of Field Ops 3 is 721 x 1522 and Co-ordinates of Field Ops 4 is 932 x 1273. You will also find two Liars in this area. One is located at co-ordinates 834 x 1181 and 842 x 1485.
    The Salt Yard Plains has four blackboxes and no Field Ops and Liars. You can travel to Salt Yard Plains using the airbridge from yellow Zone. This is one place where I had difficulty in finding the blackboxes. They are well hidden in this area and might take some time to be found out. On finding all the collectibles from salt yard plains, you will unlock new offensive mutation for Heller. Co-ordinates for Blackbox 6 is 690 x 1572, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 7 is 695 x 1495, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 8 is 750 x 1541 and Co-ordinates for Blackbox 9 is 672 x 1639.
    Fulton is an area in the northern part of the Green Zone. Finding all the collectibles from this area will give Heller new Predator mutation. On finishing all the Field Ops in this area, Heller will get new locomotion mutation and destroying all the Liars will give new Power Specialist mutation. Co-ordinates for Blackbox 1 is 876 x 1156, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 10 is 652 x 1358, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 11 is 725 x 1261, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 12 is 666 x 1220, Co-ordinates for Blackbox 13 is 739 x 1142 and Co-ordinates for Blackbox 14 is 760 x 1417. Similarly, co-ordinates for Field Ops 1 is 744 x 1163, co-ordinates for Field Ops 2 is 728 x 1426, co-ordinates for Field Ops 3 is 612 x 1312 and co-ordinates for Field Ops 4 is 705 x 1305. The Liars in this area can be found in the centre part of the area. The co-ordinates for these Liars are, 702 x 1278 and 720 x 1331.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Listing and co-ordinates of collectibles in Prototype 2

    The Red Zone in the game is most dangerous area as it is highly infected. You will find all kind of threats in this zone. The threats will range from infected creatures to Soldiers. They all will try to rip you in pieces as soon as you come in their sight. Also you will see many fights between infected creatures and soldiers often in this area. You will have difficulty finding the hidden collectibles as the area is wide and there are many of them. Another reason is that you will be difficult to find silent spaces in Red Zone so that you can concentrate on searching hidden collectibles. You might be constantly under attack which will stop you from searching collectibles.
    The Red Zone is divided in four areas namely; Downtown, Chinatown, midtown and Times Square. I will start with location of collectibles in Downtown. Downtown is the southern part of the Red Zone and have only five Field Ops and no Blackboxes and Liars. Co-ordinates for Field Ops 1 is 587 x 663, co-ordinates for Field Ops 2 is 533 x 771, co-ordinates for Field Ops 3 is 637 x 819, co-ordinates for Field Ops 4 is 538 x 914 and co-ordinates for Field Ops 5 is 764 x 666.
    Chinatown is an area in Red Zone which has four Blackboxes and four field Ops. It has no infected Liars. All the Blackboxes are placed on the terrace of the buildings in that area. Collecting the collectibles in this area will give an defensive mutation. Co-ordinates for Blackbox 1 is 457 x 536, co-ordinates for Blackbox 2 is 634 x 510, co-ordinates for Blackbox 3 is 724 x 460 and co-ordinates for Blackbox 4 is 730 x 534.
    Co-ordinates for Field Ops 6 is 459 x 426, co-ordinates for Field Ops 7 is 618 x 438, co-ordinates for Field Ops 8 is 750 x 425 and co-ordinates for Field Ops 9 is 573 x 559.
    Midtown is another area in Red Zone which has collectibles scattered around it. It has six Blackbox, four Field Ops and two Liars. Destroying the Liars will reward you with new locomotion mutation. Collecting all collectibles will reward you with new offensive mutation. To start with Blackboxes, co-ordinates of Blackbox 5 is 448 x 197, co-ordinates of Blackbox 6 is 601 x 230, co-ordinates of Blackbox 7 is 748 x 216, co-ordinates of Blackbox 8 is 687 x 325, co-ordinates of Blackbox 9 is 563 x 268, and co-ordinates of Blackbox 10 is 456 x 328.
    Co-ordinates of Field Ops 10 are 762 x 268, co-ordinates of Field Ops 11 are 609 x 259, co-ordinates of Field Ops 12 are 409 x 233 and co-ordinates of Field Ops 13 are 287 x 254. The co-ordinates of two Infected Liars in Midtown are 644 x 225 and 374 x 217.
    the Last and the most difficult area of the Red Zone is the Times Square. It will be crawling with big infected creatures that will be difficult to beat. This area consists of seven Blackbox and two Infected Liars. This area doesn’t have any Field Ops. The co-ordinates of Blackbox 11 is 719 x 67, co-ordinates of Blackbox 12 is 679 x 103, co-ordinates of Blackbox 13 is 628 x 130, co-ordinates of Blackbox 14 is 557 x 123, co-ordinates of Blackbox 15 is 534 x 84, co-ordinates of Blackbox 16 is 469 x 93 and co-ordinates of Blackbox 17 is 417 x 91.
    Co-ordinates for the two Infected Liars in Times Square is 568 x 130 and 661 x110.

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