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Thread: Can we create customized units in Gettysburg: Armored Warfare?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Can we create customized units in Gettysburg: Armored Warfare?

    I am really sorry if I am asking this question really late but the thing is that I haven’t got the game yet. The problems is with the stocks, wherever I went demanding for this game and all I got to hear is out of stock. I will check it out in some of the online stores from where I can buy this game or not? so I will be checking that out soon. Hopefully I should get this game there soon. Anyways now coming to the main question, recently I read in a review about this game that we can create customized units In the game, is that true? So that means we will be able to assign different rifles or the weapons for the different squad right? Like if I assign Springfields for one of the unit, I can assign Whitworths for the another right? What do you all think about the same? so if that turns out to be true then I will be preparing some of the squads which excel in all of them one would be a sharp shooter squad, while the other would be a armor squad and one would be a Arial squad. So like these I will be busy preparing all such squads for the game. That’s what I want to do. Anyways I want to hear it from you. Can we create such kind of customized units in the game? Please do reply over here. I am waiting for the response from your side.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Can we create customized units in Gettysburg: Armored Warfare?

    If you have read in any particular review then what is the need to ask over here as well. You can’t tell that review guy is bluffing out there. You have the option of upgrading the units as per squad basis. You have the freedom of assigning the individuals whatever you want to depending upon the squads strength and the resilience. However the only thing that you cant change in the game is the players avatar hopefully there should be some patch or update on this game to get this feature enabled. I hope I have answered out all of your queries out here. Anything else that you need to know about the game then please do feel free to ask here. we will answer it out for you.

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