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Thread: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I have noticed an issue with Naval War: Arctic Circle. I found that AA defenses are having limited amount of the missiles. I have also noticed that Phalanx as well as RAM are not utilized automatically in the game. I have noticed only single way to fire in the game by simply clicking on the incoming missiles. I let you know that I have already set autofire but still phalanx was not able to engage with the incoming missiles. So this particular thing is making C01S12 mission impossible to complete. Let me know if you are having any useful information to share over here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I do agree with you. I have noticed that Phalanx systems are not available on all of the ships by default in the game. we know that ship that was built in the year 1950 not had Anti-Aircraft guns. one will be able to make use of Phalanx and missile defense systems should be used automatically. you will notice many situation where it does not working as expected.
    I am expecting that Phalanx should fire irrespective of the weapons which are engaged when any missiles which are incoming. I recommend that you should play without having any air assets and see what results you are getting while playing.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    In this particular game I have noticed several scenario and I have found the same that phalanx did not seems to be engage even though the missiles are directed towards the another ships into the battle group. The ships which are firing are not able to engage phalanx even there are another missiles are fired into the air. It supposed to wait for missile and getting burn out before it supposed to be fires phalanx in case all the missiles are getting expanded. I let you know that I am not the naval weapons expert. However I can understand that Phalanx is supposed to be the last reserved weapon in the battle group. Until and unless all the weapons are into the range and it would start to target the incoming missiles with having phalanx by having coordinating between of them.

  4. #4
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    May 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    Second thing which I wanted to discuss over here. they are going to engage as per the weapons having maximum range rather than that of the intercepting the range. If you are having 5000kmh SAM which is having range of 10Km then it would engage when target is entered within 10Kms. In case the target is supposed to be 5000kmh anti-ship missile then you should intercept the same at 5Km. that means into the half of 5000kmh anti-ship missile. What would be the results in case SAM is fired into the target entered into the 20Km range. So it would grant an intercept of ~10km. this would give you an opportunity to get the shot on the original 10Km range.

    The behavior I have noticed in the game seems to be kind of diminished effectiveness for all the kind of the short range SAM and you have to point out the defenses system.
    I would recommend that the developer of the game should implement which would give the maximum range of the interception particularly against of the missiles. I don’t think so Aircrafts are not having that much capability to go faster and alter vector than that of the ASM. If they are going to apply the gun then it would become the tricky thing to do. as there are no definite bullet velocity currently. However it seems to be workable once it would be defined. It supposed to be 3000kmh and it should be reasonable for all kind of the gun system available. However Phalanx could be higher than that of it or they have extended the range little bit.

  5. #5
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    May 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    After going through the data files I have concluded that Phalanx fires are able to fire within one per second with having an accuracy of 70%. Hence the it would work if there are multiple ships are associated with the incoming missiles. In case you are having 4 ships with weapon system. you are going to have four firing after every single second together. Make sure that all of them are into the similar kind of the range. In case ships are positioned with the range offset then it would create point defense wall. It seems to be quite similar and how missiles are going to engaged into the real world.

  6. #6
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    May 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    Well I got the similar kind of the issue in the game. I was on Barents Escort mission into the NATO campaign. I have noticed that any of the air defenses were not able to engage with the targets. I tried couple of times so that I can figure out in case I am able to isolate the mission. If I managed to get defenses then it begins with the engagement of the incoming missiles.

    I need to target the incoming missiles which were evolved from the Sea Sparrows. I have noticed that it was passed with the targets. I have attempted to catch up the same with the incoming missiles. I have launched little buggers for the incoming Klubs and managed to get couple of hits. From 9 missiles third one hit on Fridtjof Nansen. Phalanx does not supposed to fire at all. I did not used SAM on Skjolds as they got engaged. single missile apiece was killing every single Skjold. As I need to launch them I was not able to get enough amount of the time to engaging with the incoming threats. I was not able to launch Klub and it simply entered into the engagement range. The Mistral was supposed to turning into the intercept.
    SAMS and point defenses are supposed to be more effective in the game. The Phalanx CIWS would need maximum effective range so that it can useful when any threat would cross it. in such manner a system should work. In such manner it would give an opportunity to fight. SAM will not be able to get tail chase rather than of the incoming missiles when they are supposed to originally going. I have also noticed the Sea Sparrows which was touching the fins with klub. In case Proximity detonator has been off then the klub should be eliminated on immediate basis. It would take four missiles to kill and it would go through heavily damage Fridtjof Nansen. I really love this particular game. only thing which I wanted that defense should start to work flawlessly.

  7. #7
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    May 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    Well in the last mission of NATO I found couple of problem and I wanted to discuss with you all.
    First of all I have lost number of ships in the game as air defense were not working in the game. I wanted to talk about the Northern Landing Force and it would start with ESSM after having P-1000. There was maximum range of the ESSM. Once I have managed to get the RAM-Range there was starting of two RAM in the game. so far I lost three ships. They had used less number of rockets and most of the rockets missed the target as well in the game. RAM were not having the time to intercept as well as CIWS and it was not used at all in the game.
    When I tried to do the same manually then also I got the same kind of the problem. I was not able to order Aster for the missiles which are located far away. RAM for the middle CIWS/Minigun were on the near target.
    Every single weapon were supposed to fired one after the another . when I gave an order to the all three ships of mine to make use of CIWS. I was able to expect all the three CIWS was working on the same time for the different kind of the target. I don’t think so it is possible to zoom in for the selected every single missiles. pause-function having capacity to give an order or order list then it would attack three times in the game.

    As the missiles from the enemies are getting enter into the zone the ship would fire the rockets automatically for couple of missiles in the game. it can be used as right defense system. in the situation of mine it was started SM-2 or ESSM where the enemy was in the range of Aster-15 or RAM. The amount of the rockets cannot be predicted at all. it seems to be higher or could be really low. Many times wrong weapons are used. In case I am clicking on Sea Sparrow and ship of mine were not able to start and SM-2 was rocket.

    There are some middle range rockets such as RAM. Sea Sparrow and CIWS-Systems are having big issue. they are getting started and running the RAM. Though ship is down but they are not able to intercept at all. I am sure about the thing that weapons are getting started then it should be sent to the incoming missiles and should have time to intercept. It seems to be hard to control CIWS as it is having short range and you cannot use them as 1:1 time factor.
    There won’t be any if AI would work in logical manner. until and unless you are able to control the system manually. anti-aircraft/missile weapon on the ships are something like BOFORS. They are having enough amount of range so that we can make use of them manually. They are having shot:kill ratio of 1,2:1. Even they can work immediately in the game.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    Well I noticed that Visby-class corvett was not using 57mm gun. I wanted to shot down all the hostile into the range. Though it did shoot the missiles and they had managed to get into the half of the way. I have found that there was norwegian ship which was not able to shoot down your missiles which were targeted on the visby-class. I was also using AWACS aircraft in order to do the most of tracking targets and sending all the information in real time for all the units. This particular ship was getting info such as and it should be used on the radar. However one will not be able to expose if it is in the longer range. In case it is having 100% realistic view then we will be able to get how radar are supposed to targeted in the game.
    If we are having the logic loop then we will be able to check after every N second of gameplay. It would give you an idea about the weapons and targets which are in the range. I know that it seems to be really intensive. We need to make the thing more balance so that people who are playing the game would get less issue.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Ship air defenses are not working in Naval War: Arctic Circle

    I was playing HMS Diamond into the air-ops tutorial. I have waited for the eurofighter typhoon so that it can launch the amraam at the awacs. So I was able to target missiles by using aster30. It was available into the weapon range. Though it was not able to fire on amraam. We should allow us to engage into the typhoon. If I am not wrong most of the AA missiles are not having valid targets for interception. Could be possible that there could be an issue with the shooting of the missiles to shoot down the missiles of yours. there are some SAM missiles which can be targeted . the Standard missiles available in the game are also having anti-ship function. However AI of the game did not supposed to do well. I mean plane are trying to shoot rather than that of running away. I was trying to set maximum amount of ammo so that it can be used with phalanx and ram. However it would return to the default once I have deselected the unit. They are not able to fire by own. The unit should be targeting manually by using missiles as it supposed to be really easy to do.

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