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Thread: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    I have been playing Mass Effect 3 for long time now and I have reached in later stages of this game. In previous stages, I had made many mistakes regarding the built of the character that I chose. After long play I released that certain decisions regarding the ability selection and development, evolution of character, role in the team and play style went wrong. It didn’t affect the game much, but I think that it would have made my game lot better. Now I have found a Geth Infiltrator and I have played some missions using him. I think that he is good for style of the game I play and I am planning to develop him and use it for most of the part of the remaining game. I found that Geth Infiltrator uses Shotguns more effectively than any other gun. I don’t want to repeat old mistake again and deprive Geth Infiltrator of the best abilities, weapons, game style, role and builds. Can someone help me with making a good development of my character? I prefer of having Shotgun Build for my Geth Infiltrator for which I need proper suggestions using which I can achieve my desired objective.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    As you said that you don’t want to repeat some old mistakes of improper build for your character. But with a Shotgun Build for Geth Infiltrator, you will again be providing a wrong build for your character. I suggest that you provide a Proximity Mine Build or Pure Glass Canon Build. These two builds are best for development and evolution of Geth Infiltrator. To make a Proximity Mine build, the distribution of the build points should be like,
    • Tactical Cloak: 4
    • Proximity Mine: 4
    • Damage: 5
    • Recharge Speed: 4
    • Damage or Radius (personal preference): 5
    • Hunter Mode: 4
    • Power Recharge: 5
    • Power Damage: 6
    • Networked AI: 4
    • Weapon Damage: 5
    • Power Damage & Force: 6
    • Advanced Hardware: 3

    This formation is best for Proximity Mine build. With such combination, you will have more six build points left to use. You can assign them to other factors like Speed, Vision and other extra attributes. As you get the build points as you progress in the game, I suggest that you concentrate those points on attributes like Tactical Cloak, Proximity Mine and Advanced Hardware. These attributes are good for providing Durability to your character during fights. But once you achieve a desired level of durability, you can also upgrade other attributes of your character. What I mean by this is that, once you find that enemies can’t do much damage to you, you can concentrate on upgrading other attributes in this build. You can again concentrate on specified attributes for durability once you find that enemies are powerful enough to damage you in existing amount of durability. As you said in your question that Geth Infiltrator works best with a Shotgun, it is right; I too feel the same way. If you want to use a shotgun, I suggest that you use Geth Plasma Shotgun, as it is meant for use of Geth class characters specially. Modify it using High Caliber Barrel and Spare Thermal Clip to get the best result out of it. I know that it has a very low damage compared to other shotguns, but with high accuracy, it increases your chances of survivability. If you want to make a Pure Glass Cannon Build for your Geth Infiltrator, then the build points that should be distributed in such way,
    • Tactical Cloak: 4
    • Damage: 5
    • Recharge Speed : 6
    • Proximity Mine: 4
    • Damage or Radius : 5
    • Damage Taken : 6
    • Hunter Mode : 4
    • Power Recharge : 5
    • Power Damage : 6
    • Networked AI: 4
    • Weapon Damage : 5
    • Power Damage and Force : 6
    • Advanced Hardware: 0

    This build focuses more on damaging the enemy rather than survivability. Concentrate the build points as you acquire on Weapon Damage, Power Damage and Force, Damage and Power Damage. When using this build, you won’t need to go under cover much or keep evading or hiding from enemies. Instead you can tackle them head-on and terminate them before they can do any damage to you. As the name suggests ‘Pure Glass’, this means that if in any case you start taking damage, then you will be killed in an instance as the attributes required for survivability will be set to very low values.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    If you are asking which abilities that you should properly upgrade for Geth Infiltrator’s proper and powerful evolution, then I recommend you to have Hunter Mode, Networked AI and Advanced Hardware emphasized. Hunter mode provides ones character with enhanced vision which provides details of Tech Armor and Fortification. It will show the units which are armored as mentioned. This will help you to have a specific unit of your team who is specialized to fight against such defense to be given preference for attack. In Hunter mode, your character can see enemies in red color and that too through walls and other obstacles. The main drawback of this Hunter mode is that it reduces the defense provided by the shield by 50% making Geth Infiltrator more vulnerable to enemy’s attacks. With default character, the highlighting of the enemies will have range of 20 meters. It will increase as game progresses and your character evolves. Hunter mode provides bonus values to damages done by weapon, power and melee attacks. It also provides accuracy bonus and movement speed bonus. On Evolution level 4 of Geth Infiltrator, the recharge speed of all powers will increase by 20% and accuracy of every weapon will increase by 15%. On evolution level 5, Power damage will be increased by 15%, this means when Hunter mode is activated, your powers will do more 15% effect. It will also increase attack rate by 15% for all weapons under active Hunter mode. On evolution level 6, your character will get enhanced vision which will increase the view distance by more 10 meters. It will also add speed and movement bonus by 10%. It will add more 10% to damage done by powers, melee and weapons.
    You must also give emphasis to Networked AI of your character as it provides more damage and strength to your character’s attacks. It adds damage bonus to weapon damage, melee damage and power damage. More amount of damage is added to weapon from Geth Armory and Javelin. On evolution level 4, Geth Infiltrator gets more weapon damage of amount 7.5%. It also adds more 10% to Power damage and also adds more 20 units to total weight capacity of your character. On evolution level 5 for Geth Infiltrator, power damage will be increased by 15% and headshot damage will be increased by 20%. Evolution level 6 will provide a reduction of 25% in weight of Snipers and Assault Rifles that a Geth Infiltrator will carry. This will provide more space for carrying small weapons. It will also add 10% to weapon damage and total of 15% of weapon damage to weapons from Geth Armory. Advanced Hardware provides capabilities like health regeneration, increased capacity of shield and more melee damage. On evolution level 4, melee damage will be increased by 30% and durability will increase by 15%. Durability is related to health and shield improvement. On evolution level 5, Advanced Hardware will provide Martial artist which provides an increase in damage of melee attacks for 30 seconds after a kill is made with heavy melee attack. It also reduces the time required for regeneration of shield by 15%. On evolution level 6 of Geth Infiltrator, an ability called Power Synergy is unlocked. It provides 30% melee damage. It increases the power damage by 30% for 20 seconds after a kill is made using a heavy melee. It also adds health and shield bonus of 25%.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    Geth Infiltrators are small in size and have a good movement speed. To add to this they have a tactical cloak. Using these abilities, Geth Infiltrator can move around undetected and do stealth based attacks. I use it mostly to scan the map and the enemies that are present in an area. I suggest that you place him in such a part of the area where he can keep look on friendly units as well as on movements of enemy. He can heal friendly units and also provide shield. So you can use it as a defensive unit more than using him for attacking. I provide my Geth Infiltrator with a Sniper Rifle and place him in a corner or in a place where maximum fight area will be visible. He can snipe the enemies and provide a good support while other team mates can attack the enemy directly. When the team mates are under heavy attack and seem helpless, an evolved Geth Infiltrator can do a quick heavy attack to disperse the enemies and provide a chance for the team mates to rethink their strategy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    Geth Infiltrator has a good movement speed and vision range as compared to other classes. I suggest that you focus on upgrading these abilities rather than damage and survivability. I know that the health of the Geth Infiltrator is very low and to compensate for that, a shield has been provided. But when you use Hunter mode to enhance the attack of your character, it compromises 50% capabilities of your shield leaving you more vulnerable to enemy’s attack. If the Geth Infiltrator is used without shield, then enemies of other classes will easily kill it without giving any chance of survival. Geth Infiltrator can do rollbacks and hop sideways to evade the oncoming attacks of the enemy. I suggest you to practice these moves and use them instead of depending on your shield. Also when the shield goes down, you will need to play without it till it recharges. So instead of playing with shield as a default, why don’t you play using movement speed and activating shield when health is low or too many enemies are present in an area? When I played using a Geth Infiltrator, I carried a sniper around. As soon as I entered the fight zone, I would stealthily kill all the enemies that would come in my path first, then pick a good spot and snipe as many enemies possible before letting my team mates charge in. You can use Tactical Cloak to enhance the movement tactics to another level. There is no big issue of making your Geth Infiltrator in Shotgun build; it is just that if you have used Shotgun build on any other class, then it will not work with same efficiency on Geth Infiltrator. It will give you around 10% reduction in damage than it gives to human Infiltrator. If you are so adamant on having a Shotgun build for your Geth Infiltrator, then let me tell you that you will have to emphasize on Cryo abilities rather than Advanced Hardware or Networked AI. When a maxed up Cyro is combined with Geth weapons, especially Shotgun with damage bonuses increased, it becomes a great weapon for target wakening. A single attack of this combination can effectively deprive target from using many attacking or defensive functions it posses. It also provides a good target switching and cooldown management.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    If you are going for Shotgun build for Geth Infiltrator, then I suggest you to avoid the Networked AI upgrades. All they add is damage. It may seem great in the beginning levels but on harder levels, it will seem useless. Plus in adding damage to your character, you will waste the points that can be used to add defense to your character. Level 6 evolution of Networked AI is useless as it just increases amount of damage done in headshot. It does not guarantee you headshot and you yourself have to get the headshot. Also if you can get headshots, then you will obviously kill many enemies in one hit on head. This ability of 20% extra headshot damage will only be needed for boss fights. So this is why I recommend you to stay away from Networked AI. Also the last rank of Tactical Cloak is similar to the second last one, the difference is unnoticeable. Instead use the build point that you won’t use on last upgrade of Tactical Cloak on Proximity Mine. If the last Tactical Cloak upgrade is avoided, it will give you six points to spare which can be used to add more defense to your character.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    Geth Infiltrator is very weak and fragile. Even a minor attack from enemy can give him a lot of damage. Even if you use Pure Glass Cannon Build, you will need to protect yourself from oncoming damage. Even if this build provides a good amount of damage that can eliminate enemies in one strike, when a large horde of enemies appear it won’t be much of use. You will come under attack and be damaged. This time, taking cover behind the solid walls and props will be the best survival tactic that you can use. While attacking, if you need to reload without getting under cover and breaking the link of attack, you can use Tactical Cloak. When under cloak, your character can reload as well as you can change your position. AI is not dumb to not attack when you break your attack. At such times, AI will first attack in the place where you were previously positioned before realizing you have changed your position. If you are running low on ammo and the enemy which you are targeting has low health and you know that some more bullets would have let you kill it. Then at such moments do not hesitate to use Hunter modeas it will provide extra damage. Using it, you can kill the enemy in fewer amounts of bullets. If you are surrounded by many enemies that you won’t be able to face, I suggest that you should run away from that place using Tactical Cloak. If you are planning to do a cloaked attack on your enemy, then first scan the area with your hunter mode vision and mark the important and stronger enemies that you need to attack. Once done, let the power recharge before going in cloak mode, never use the Hunter Mode when in cloak mode, as it will decrease the power in large amount. When you find a horde of enemy consisting of different types of classes combined and then using Geth Infiltrator eliminate the enemies that you can easily beat. For example, Geth Infiltrator can beat Phantoms easily. You will need to research which classes of enemies are easier to beat and which you find difficult. Once done, you can support team in defeating the remaining ones. Mass Effect 3 doesn’t need you to show heroism all the time. Sometimes you will need to let other team members take front foot while you support them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Geth Infiltrator’s Shotgun Build in Mass Effect 3

    Turrets are the best friend for characters of Geth class. The shield regeneration ability of the Turret can be greatly beneficial for fighting using Geth Infiltrator. If the fight area consists of any such turret, then you should rush towards it and use it as soon as you can. Depending on the class of the enemies, you can clear all of them or at least cause major damage to whole of the horde making it easier for your team to take on them. Geth Infiltrator without the turret can be useless against Ravager and Pyro. But with turret, you can easily break their armor and eliminate them. Banshees, Brutes, Atlases and Primes are few other classes of enemies that are difficult for the Geth Infiltrator to beat. But they can be easily beaten by use of turret and appropriate team work. If you want to set up a best damage bonus you can get using a Geth Infiltrator, then I suggest you to use combination of Proximity Build and fully upgraded Tactical Cloak.

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